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1、Unit 7 May I have some grapes?,义务教育教科书英语(广州版) 三年级下册 Module 4 Fruits,Period 1,广州市小学英语中心组,指导:市教研室 赵淑红 制作:龙洞小学 张瑞培 审核:市教研室 赵淑红,1)会读、会听、会说、会写本课的水果单词,会认读水果单词的单复数形式 2)能理解、认读本课句型:Do we have .?及其回答;May I have a/an/some.?及回答,并会在情景中正确运用。,Learning goals,Do you like apples? Yes, I do. I do too. One for me and o

2、ne for you.,通过小诗让学生重温口语教材学过的水果单词。没学过口语的跟老师朗读。,Do you like oranges? Yes, I do. I do too. One for me and one for you.,Do you like bananas? Yes, I do. I do too. One for me and one for you.,Lets chant,1) 教师用自带水果呈现an apple, an orange, a banana, a pear, some grapes 2) 教师用大小声或藏图找图(某同学闭眼,教师在其他同学注视下将某水果图片藏于教

3、室某处。闭眼同学睁眼找图片,其他同学反复说该水果单词,用声音大小为该同学导航。如该同学在朝着藏图片的地方前进,其他同学说水果单词的声音越来越大,否则声音变小)。目的是大量操练水果单词。 3) 也可以同学两两玩猜拳游戏:准备一套水果图片,划拳,边划边说, 如:apple, apple, you are mine. 谁赢了图片就归谁。图片多者获胜。目的也是大量操练水果单词。(2、3两项的游戏可以只选一项进行,也可以两项都做,视学生情况而定。),Lets guess,a banana,a pear,an apple,a grape,an orange,Guessing game: what frui

4、t is it?,an apple,some apples,学习四种水果单词,老师先用实物呈现,并教学生读 同时用PPT呈现单词、图片及其复数形式。,Lets learn,an orange,some oranges,a banana,some bananas,Lets learn,some pears,Lets learn,Lets read and find,a banana,some bananas,引导学生关注水果的复数形式,初步单复数的不同.,_grape,some,a,_ grapes,Lets read and find,a banana,some bananas,a pear,

5、some pears,an apple,some apples,a grape,some grapes,an orange,some oranges,引导学生关注水果的复数形式,初步单复数的不同.,s m b n n s,n ppl,s m gr p s,n r nge,Lets fill,e,a,e,a,o,a,o,e,a,e,o,a,a,a,a,a p r,e,a,Lets sing,What is this?,What is this? Its a pear. What is that? Its an apple. What are those? They are grapes. The

6、y are grapes. They are good for you.,a pear,an apple,some grapes,学唱课文歌曲。,Sharp eyes!,快速呈现一些水果,让学生记住里面的水果,并回答问题,Lets play a game,Do we have _?,No, we dont. / Yes, we do.,Do we have bananas?,Do we have bananas?,No, we dont.,But we have some apples.,Do we have apples?,Do we have apples?,No, we dont.,Bu

7、t we have some grapes.,Do we have grapes?,Do we have grapes?,Yes,we do.,May I have some bananas?,Sorry, we dont have.,Yes/OK. Here you are.,老师用水果篮,设置一个水果分享会的情景,请学生一起分享水果,从而呈现和操练句型,形式为:师生、生生分别多次练习。,Lets talk,Lets sum up,a banana,a pear,an apple,a grape,an orange,some bananas,some pears,some apples,so

8、me grapes,some oranges,Do you have ?,Yes,we do./No,we dont.,May I have a/an?,B:Yes/OK. Here you are.,Brain storm,What fruit do you know?,fruit,Lets talk,A:Do you have ?,B:Yes,we do.,A:May I have a/an?,B:Yes/OK. Here you are.,学生用带回来的水果,在小组里用以下句型分享水果,先是师生示范,然后是小组交流,最后是抽取学生上讲台表演。,Lets creat,完成课本的练习,并根据课前完成的水果创作画,模仿练习范例介绍自己的水果创作画.,1、Read and fill,2、Show your designing,yellow,oranges,pear,green,bananas,


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