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1、案 首学科名称文秘英语学习情境1.1 Knowing Career授课班级授课地点授课日期 年 月 日/第 周/第 节授课时数2授课内容Job Interview/resume/application letter教学目标知识目标1.掌握求职、面试流程和英文求职信常用表达和习惯用语;2.掌握英文求职简历格式、构成要素和英文求职信的写法;3.掌握面试过程中常用的英文表达,能用英语流利回答面试问题。能力目标1.能读懂招聘广告;2.能制作英文简历,书写求职信;3.应对英文招聘面试。素质目标1.培养学生诚实、自信的职业修养;2.通过情境模拟练习,培养学生的文明礼仪,增强学生的职业素养。教学重点1. T

2、he format and content of application letter and resume.2. Words, expression and sentence patterns used in the job interview.2. Basic knowledge and common sense about job interview. 教学难点1. To read and write the job ads.2. Improved skills in communication.3. Know how to prepare for the job interview.教

3、学准备1多媒体设备;2相关图片、资料;3. 网络资源教学方法与手段课堂讲授、多媒体教学、案例教学、讨论教学课后总结Knowing CareerWarm-up activity Matching Are you really preparing for the hunting? What kind of preparation should you do before you start your job interview? Listed below are some things you need to get ready or familiar before your job interv

4、iew. Try to match 71. certificate a.求职简历2. job vacancy b.求职信3. prospective employer c.毕业文凭4. job duties d.证书5. requirements for applicants e.职位空缺6. major competitor f.招聘广告7. major market g.潜在招聘方8. want ad h.应聘条件9. diploma i.应聘表10. cover letter j.工作职责11. application form k.主要市场12. reasons for hiring

5、l.主要竞争公司13. corporate culture m.招聘原因 14. curriculum vitae n.企业文化15. telephone screening o.电话筛选16. shortlist p.最后候选人名单Key to answers: 1. d 2.e 3.g 4.j 5.h 6.l 7.k 8.f 9.c 10.b 11.i 12.m 13.n 14.a 15.o 16.pII. Introduction to the topic Questions for students to discuss:1. What do you want to do after

6、graduation?2. What should an employee do to hunt a job?3. Have you ever experienced hunting a part-time job?III. Knowledge-absorbingTask 1: Five Steps to Hunt a JobQuestions: In order to hunt a job, what should you do?Step 1 Career planning and management1. Career planning & management2. Job hunting

7、3. Strategizing4. Resume & cover letter writing5. InterviewingStep 2 Job huntingStep 3 StrategizingStep 4 Resume and Cover letter writingStep 5 InterviewingTask 2: Read and translate the Want adsWant ads (招聘广告)English Teacher Responsibility:-Conduct English teaching according to British education sy

8、stem.Requirements:-University degree and above in English major or normal English. -Eager to learn and open-minded with creativity. -With deep understanding and respect for different cultures.(Warmly welcome the fresh graduates to apply for this position.)Marketing AssistantResponsibility:-Responsib

9、le for the local management of marketing and sales activities according to the instruction from the head office. -Collect related information to the head office.Requirements:-College degree and above with good English (speaking and writing). -Develop relationship with local media and customers. -Wit

10、h basic idea of sales and marketing, related experience is preferred. -Working experience in the international organization is a must. -Good communication and presentation skills.Practice (练习)Directions: The following is an advertisement of Pepsi Co. China Co. Ltd, please translate according to the

11、information given in Chinese.百事可乐(中国)有限公司是一家独资企业。由于我们在中国的业务不断扩大,现聘请精明能干的人士来应聘一下职位: 涉外秘书l 需商务英语、国际贸易、文秘专业的大学本科毕业生l 英语四级以上,英语口语表达、文书写作能力强l 有1-3年的助理或者文秘的相关经验,在合资企业工作者优先 Task 3: Learn to write CV or resume and Cover letter(重点)Teachers should provide the sample of CV and Cover letter in English.英文简历写法 1.

12、 标题: Curriculum Vitae / Resume2. 简历的内容: 按年代排序 1) Personal Information/Data: Name, address (present/permanent), postal code, date/place of birth, sex (male/female), nationality, marital status (single/married/ divorced), health condition (excellent) 2) Education Background: B. A, B. E, B.S, MBA, 3) J

13、ob Objective 4) Work experience 5) Qualification 3. Samples: ResumeName:_ Address: _ Date of birth: _ Sex: _Marital Status: _Job Objective: Seek a job as a computer programmerEducation Background: Graduated from the Computer Department, Rizhao Polytechnic in 1998 with excellent marks.Foreign language: Studied English for 9 years. Im excellent at reading and good at written translation. Besides, I can communicate orally in English quite fluently. I like swimming very much and sometimes I enjoy go



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