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1、第二十五届湖北省翻译大赛第二十五届湖北省翻译大赛 专业英语专业英语 B 组组笔译初赛试题笔译初赛试题(模拟模拟卷)卷) 选手姓名:选手姓名:_ 参赛参赛证证号:号:_ 请将所有答案全部填写在请将所有答案全部填写在答题纸答题纸上。上。 I. Chinese-English Phrase Translation Directions: Each of the underlined Chinese phrases below is followed by four possible English translations marked A, B, C and D respectively. Tic

2、k off the best choice and write the corresponding letter in the answer sheet. (10 points in total, 1 point each) 1. 对于商家来说,网络提供了更多的客户和更大的市场空间,网上购物可在更 大的范围内以更高的效率优化资源配置。 A. resource distribution B. resource arrangement C. resource allocation D. resource matching 2. “剩女”这个词通常用来指那些在二十八九岁,甚至更大年龄仍未结婚的女 性

3、。 A. left women B. left-behind women C. leftover women D. abandoned women 3. 记得事先询问是否有着装要求,相当一部分剧院会要求正式着装,以示对艺 术家的尊敬。 A. dress code B. dress requirement C. dress demand D. dress instruction 4. 长江经济带覆盖九个省和两个直辖市,涉及约五分之一的中国国土。 A. Yangtze River Economic Zone B. Yangtze River Economic Belt C. Yangtze Riv

4、er Economic District D. Yangtze River Economic Region 5. 根据北京市人力资源和社会保障局新出台的法规,北京市政府将防暑降温补 贴的数额增加了一倍。 A. high temperature allowance B. heatstroke prevention fund C. high temperature subsidy D. heatstroke prevention payment 6. 北京市政府已拨出特别款项和土地用于在城西建造 12 幢复式住宅。 A. duplex house B. compound villa C. comp

5、ound terrace D. duplex apartment 7. 科学是老老实实的学问,来不得半点虚假,需要付出艰巨的劳动。 A. honest and sincere B. conscientious and dedicated C. honest and factual D. serious and earnest 8. 新闻机构欲在华派遣常驻记者,应首先在华设立常驻机构。新闻机构应以书 面形式,直接向外交部新闻司提出申请。 A. resident correspondent B. resident newsman C. resident reporter D. resident p

6、ress 9. 在各级各部门和学校的关爱下,目前全县留守困境儿童的辍学率已呈现出负 增长的良好势头。 A. dropout rate B. escape rate C. give up rate D. quitting-school rate 10. 今天,农副产品家族中的成员正随着农产品精深加工业的快速发展,被赋予 了新的内涵,身价倍增。 A. intensive processing of agriculture products. B. deep processing of farm products. C. enhanced processing of agriculture prod

7、ucts. D. fine processing of farm products. II. English-Chinese Phrase Translation Directions: Each of the underlined English phrases below is followed by four possible Chinese translations marked A, B, C and D respectively. Tick off the best choice and write the corresponding letter in the answer sh

8、eet. (10 points in total, 1 point each) 1. Hes just a nodding acquaintance. I dont know where he lives. A. 点头之交 B. 知心密友 C. 萍水相逢 D. 同窗好友 2. My mother worked around the clock to support the family. She felt so exhausted. A. 钟点工 B. 熬夜 C. 日以继夜 D. 兢兢业业 3. We will focus on bringing in advanced technology,

9、 modern managerial expertise and qualified specialists. A. 管理学家 B. 管理人才 C. 专家学者 D. 管理经验 4. Tourism has become the pillar industry in the Three Gorges area. A. 龙头产业 B. 支柱产业 C. 主导产业 D. 核心产业 5. A compensation package often includes a base salary, an annual bonus and some other rewards and benefits. A.

10、补偿方案 B. 一揽子计划 C. 福利报酬 D. 薪酬总额 6. With non-native English speakers in the majority worldwide, its Anglophones who may need to up their game. A. 改变游戏规则 B. 提高游戏难度 C. 加强沟通能力 D. 升级游戏等级 7. Ingrid and other loyal friends spent long hours burning the midnight oil with her when it came to the final typing. A

11、. 夜以继日 B. 昼夜荒废 C. 挑灯夜战 D. 油尽灯枯 8. The 21-year-old university student who stabbed a young mother to death to cover up a hit-and-run accident was executed on Tuesday morning A. 肇事逃逸 B. 打了就跑 C. 畏罪潜逃 D. 闯祸逃逸 9. The law of the place where the court hearing the case is located shall apply to claims for da

12、mages arising from collision of ships on the high seas. A. 公海 B. 外海 C. 深海 D. 海平面 10. This study demonstrates that corporal punishment does not teach children how to behave or improve their learning. A. 过多惩罚 B. 体罚 C. 严厉惩罚 D. 罚款 III. Reading Comprehension Directions: Each of the following passages is

13、followed by five questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one you think is the best answer and write the corresponding letter in the answer sheet. (20 points in total, 2 points each). Passage 1 Young childrens creativity seems to ou

14、tstrip that of even the most imaginative adults. “How does the ability to come up with unusual ideas change as we grow older? Does it begin to flag in adolescence? Before then?” To investigate these questions, scientists conducted several experiments. They began with a group of participants of vario

15、us ages: 4 and 5-year-old preschoolers; 6 to 11-year-olds; 12 to 14-year-old teenagers and adults. They presented the participants with two scenarios. One was involving a physical machine with a kind of game of blocks, where different combinations of blocks would decide whether the machine would lig

16、ht up or not. Another scenario was social: a story about Sally, who approached a skateboard, and Josie, who avoided a scooter. The usual explanation maybe: Sally was braver than Josie. A more unusual, though equally valid explanation was that something about the situation was importantmaybe the skateboard was safer than the scooter. When it came to explaining the physical machine, the pattern was straightforward. The


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