四年级英语上册 unit2 it’s a circle教案 (新版)湘少版

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1、Unit2 Its a circle 课题Unit 2 Its a circle.上课时间年 月 日教学计划3 课时教学目标1. Be able to understand and say the new words:square, circle, line, dot very freely and correctly.2. Be able to chant.3.Be able to recognize the shapes and make things with shapes.教学重点难点Key points: 描述含三角形的物体形状及其数量。Different points: 描述含三角

2、形的物体形状及其数量。课时按排Period I Part A Part BPeriod II Part CPeriod III Part D Part E 课前准备Word cards, tape, recorder, CAI教学活动过程Period 1教学目标:1、能掌握新单词,听懂、会说单词square, circle, line, dot;2、能辨别含圆,正方形的物体及数量;3、能听懂、会说本课对话。教学重点及难点重点:描述含正方形,圆的物体形状及其数量。教学准备:不同形状的几何图形剪纸若干、单词图片、教学挂图、教学磁带等。教学步骤:Step 1 Warming up1、师生问候。T:

3、Good morning, boys and girls. Ss: Good morning, Miss A.T: Nice to see you again.2、唱英语歌曲“Greetings”。Step 2 Presentation and drill游戏-Magic eyes教师将卡片快速闪过,学生说出卡片上的单词,卡片闪过的速度逐渐加快。分组进行比赛。T: Whats that?S: Its circle.T: Whats that?S: Its a .1、在游戏的过程中板书句型“Whats that? Its a .”以及新单词circle,并带读。然后让学得快的同学当“小老师”,展

4、示图片,并用“Whats that?”提问。2、 出示一些形状的卡片,让学生们快速辨认。T: Whats that?S: It a square.T: Whats that?S: Its a circle.T: Whats that?S: Its a line.T: Whats that?S: Its a dot帮助学生回答。板书单词,并带读。让学生集体,分组、单个练读单词。3、把各种形状的彩色纸板放入一个纸盒中。然后从中拿出一张。T:Whats that?S: Its a square.T: Guess, how many squares are there?S1: .S2: .T: Let

5、s count together?4、听课文A部分录音,跟读。5、听录音,复述所听内容。Step 3 Practice分组练习课文A部分,然后分角色表演。游戏-Making friends教师板书单词square, circle, line, dot,学生在单词下贴上相应的图片。Step 4 Consolidation1、创设情景自由会话。情景:启发学生从周边熟悉的环境中寻找含有正方形的物体,并说出它们的数量。2、评价。3、练习。4、家庭作业。1)找找家里含有三角形的物品,描述给父母听。2)听磁带,读课文。板书设计 Unit 2Its a circle.Whats that?Its a cir

6、cle/square/line/dot.How many are there?There are 1/2/3/4教学反思教学活动过程Period 2教学目标:1、能认读单词square, circle, line, dot;2、能运用“There are.”描述的数量;3、能听懂、会说本课对话;4、能描述由各种不同的形状构成的物体。教学重点及难点:重点:熟练运用“Whats that? Its a .”描述物体的形状。难点:理解现在进行时态。教学准备:若干形状各异的白纸、教学磁带等。教学步骤:Step 1 Warming up1、师生问候。2、复习已学的形状和数量。游戏-Lets count!

7、教师将形状各异的白纸摆放在讲台上,学生数出每种形状的数量。数得又快又准的为胜。T:How many squares are there? Lets count.Step 2 Presentation and drill1、用课文A部分的句型呈现并操练square, circle.出示一个square。3、听课文B、C部分录音,跟读。 Step 3 Practice1、分组进行课文C部分活动。请完成得好的一组上台表演。2、课文D部分。1)阅读故事,回答问题。T: Whats Dino doing?S1: He is drawing?T: Whats he drawing?.2)进一步理解故事内容

8、。3)分角色有感情地朗读。Step 4 Consolidation1、创设情景自由会话。情景:让学生简单地画出自己的房间,然后与同伴谈论各种不同形状及其数量。2、评价。3、练习。4、家庭作业。板书设计 Unit 2 Whats that?Its a 教学反思教学活动过程Period 3Teaching aims:1 Be able to understand and say the new words very freely and correctly.2 Be able to chant.3Be able to recognize the shapes and make things wit

9、h shapes.The difficult and important points: The pronunciation of square.Teaching tools:Tape, computer.Teaching method:Task teaching method, Audio-linguistic method.Teaching steps:Step 1 Warming up1.Greetings.T: Hello, boys and girls.Ss: Hello,.Step 2 Presentation and drill1.Show the pictures.(把学生利用

10、图形办的手抄报展示出来)T: Boys and girls, therere so many pictures in my hand. How many shapes can you see? Now who can say?S1: I can see two tsquares and a small circle.T: Good! Can you describe it?S1: Yes. There are . There is a.Part E ,write the answers and check the answers.2. Ask some students to come to

11、the front and draw their pictures on the blackboard.Step 3 PracticePart G:Design some pictures in groups, then draw it on the blackboard. Ask some students to describe it. (在猜谜的基础上,引导学生观察身边事物。) T: Boys and girls, look around our classroom, you will see many shapes: the door is a rectangleThere are some shapes around us, can you find them?(学生谈论教室中各种物品的形状,包括国旗、文具及其他各种小物品等。)3.Part F. Chant. 课文F部分:解释说明各句含义,并详细讲解P的发音。自由练习朗读。有节奏地诵读。板书设计Unit 2 Its a circle.There are .There is.教学反思7



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