二年级下册英语课件-unit4 time lesson2人教新起点

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《二年级下册英语课件-unit4 time lesson2人教新起点》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《二年级下册英语课件-unit4 time lesson2人教新起点(20页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit4 Time,Whats this?,?,Its a clock.,clock,/,Time for song,歌曲时间,Time for numbers,数数时间,nine,nine,three,three,four,four,five,five,seven,seven,two,two,zero,zero,one,one,eight,A Game,6,9,1,3,0,5,7,4,8,2,快速抢答,11,13,14,50,12,30,15,Whats missing,What can the clock show us? 钟表的作用?,time 时间,/ai:/,A: What tim

2、e is it? B: Its ,Its playtime. Lets _.,What time is it?,Its . .,Its playtime. Lets _.,Its _.,What time is it?,Its playtime. Lets _.,Its _.,What time is it?,Use your clock and ask your friends with “What time is it?” “Its . oclock.”,Pair Work,Groupwork.,A: What time is it? B: Its _. C: Its playtime. Lets _.,3:00,2:00,5:00,6:00,4:00,1:00,Time for story,故事时间,What time is it?,Its 2:50.,Its playtime.,Lets play football.,Time is money.一寸光阴一寸金。,珍惜时间。,Homework 1. 把时间用英语说给爸爸妈妈听。 2. 预习下一课。,hank you !,


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