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1、Unit 1 Where did you go on vacationSection B(2c-Self Check)总分:36分 时间:15分钟.单项选择。(本题包括5小题,每题2分,共10分)1Did _ go on vacation with you last weekend?Yes, my mother went to the beach with me. Asomeone BanyoneCnothing Danything2I was _ tired that I fell asleep as soon as I lay on the bed.AsoBsuchCquiteDtoo3.

2、 It kept _ all day. How terrible!Arain Bto rain Craining Drained4. Dont forget _ the door when you leave. Aclose Bclosing Cclosed Dto close5. _It was wonderful. I saw many places of interest.AWhat did you think your trip?BHow did you feel about the trip?CDid you think the trip was great?DWhat did yo

3、u feel like the trip?.根据对话情景,从方框中选择恰当的选项补全对话。(本题包括5小题,每题2分,共10分)A: Hey, Jeff! Did you go to the sports club yesterday?B: No, I didnt.A: Then where did you go?B: (6) _A: Who did you go there with?B: (7) _A: How long did you stay there?B: Three hours.A: (8) _B: Sure! We watched a movie about robots (机

4、器人). And we played games with some real robots.A: Really?Lucky you.B: (9) _A: Sure. I am very interested in them.B: (10) _A: Thats a good idea.A.My cousin, Emma.BWhy not go there this afternoon?CI went to Bridge Museum.DYes. Are you interested in robots, too?EDid you have a fun time there?.根据短文内容,从方

5、框中选择恰当的单词填空,有的需要变换形式,每词限填一次。(本题包括8小题,每题2分,共16分)keep, few, try, hen, wonder, stop, wonderful, runMr. Elephant works in a library. Today there were (11) _ animals in the animal library. At the end of the day, a (12) _ walked into the library. She said to Mr. Elephant, “Buck.”Mr. Elephant thought it wa

6、s very cute. He said, “Oh, youre (13) _. Do you want (14) _ a book?” So he gave her a book and she (15) _ away.The next day the same hen came back to the library.She (16) _ saying, “Buck, buck.”“You read the first book I gave you and now you want two more books. What a smart hen you are!” And he gav

7、e the hen two more books.Two days later, the hen went back to the library and said, “Buck, buck, buck.” Mr. Elephant really (17) _ what the hen did with the books.He gave the hen three books this time. Then he walked after her. The hen (18) _ by the pond (池塘). She gave the books to a frog (青蛙) and the frog said, “Read them. Read them.”参考答案.1.B2.A点拨:本题考查so.that, such.that结构。so后接形容词或副词,或many, much, few, little所修饰的名词;such后接名词词组。从题中的tired可知用so。故选A。3C4.D5.B.6.C7.A8.E9.D10.B.11.few12.hen13.wonderful14.to try15.ran16kept17.wondered18.stopped3



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