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1、Section Other Parts of the Module原文呈现The Meaning of CarnivalCarnival today is an international, multicultural experience. But how did it become so? To understand what carnival is all about, we need to look at the history of America and the meeting of two cultures European and African.The arrival of

2、Europeans in America, and the opening of huge farms and plantations to grow cotton, fruit and vegetables, meant there was an immediate need for people to work on them. This marked the beginning of the slave trade. For more than two hundred years, until the beginning of the 19th century, when the tra

3、de was finally stopped, millions of people were taken by force from their homes in Africa and transported to the New World to work as slaves. Six million were taken to the Caribbean islands where there were British and French landowners.读文清障multicultural/mltikltrl/adj.多元文化的;跨文化的experience n. 作“体验,经历

4、”讲时,是可数名词;作“经验”讲时,是不可数名词。动词不定式短语 To understand . 作目的状语。 what carnival is all about 为宾语从句。plantation/plnteIn/n.农庄;庄园an immediate need 急需The arrival .on them.中,主语是 the arrival . and the opening ., 谓语是 meant, 宾语是 there be 结构,注意 there 前省略了引导宾语从句的 that。mark/mk/vt.标志(着)trade/treId/n.贸易be taken by force 被强

5、行带走,注意其前 when 引导的非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词 the 19th century。transport/trnspt/vt.运输;运送where .为定语从句,修饰 the Caribbean islands。landowner/lndn/n.地主;土地拥有者狂欢节的意义第12段译文今天的狂欢节是一个国际性的、多元文化的节日。但是它是怎么变成这样的呢?为了了解狂欢节的全部意义所在,我们需要看一看美国的历史以及两种文化的混合欧洲文化和非洲文化。欧洲人到了美洲,开辟了栽种棉花、水果和蔬菜的大农场与大种植园,这意味着急需干活的人手。这标志着奴隶贸易的开始。200多年以来,成千上万的人被

6、迫离开非洲老家,被运送到新大陆做奴隶,直到19世纪初期,奴隶贸易最终被禁止。600万人被带到加勒比海的岛屿去,那里有英国和法国的地主。Naturally, the Europeans also imported their own festivals. So the slaves were forced to watch as their masters celebrated carnival with food, drink, and masked dances. In Trinidad, the slaves began to hold their own carnival celebra

7、tions: they painted their faces white, imitating their masters and making fun of them. But at the same time they were continuing their own African traditions such as walking round a village wearing masks and singing a custom which they thought would bring good luck.naturally adv.自然地,常作评注性状语。import/I

8、mpt/vt.引进;进口be forced to dobe forced into doing被迫做master/mst/n.主人Trinidad/trInIdd/特立尼达岛paint . white 把涂白make fun of 取笑现在分词短语 imitating . and making . 作伴随状语。at the same time 同时continue . tradition(s) 保留传统which they thought would bring good luck 为定语从句,修饰 a custom。其中 they thought 为插入语。bring good luck 带

9、来好运第3段译文自然地,欧洲人也带去了他们自己的节日。所以当奴隶主用食物、饮料、戴面具的舞蹈来庆祝狂欢节时,奴隶们被迫观看。在特立尼达岛,奴隶们开始举行他们自己的狂欢节庆祝活动:他们把脸涂白,模仿他们的主人来取笑他们。但是同时他们一直保留着他们自己的非洲传统例如戴着面具边绕村庄走边唱歌一种他们认为会带来好运的传统。When the slave trade was abolished in 1838 the former slaves took over the carnival. It became more colourful and more exciting than it had be

10、en before. Magnificent costumes were made and musical bands created. Carnival became a celebration of freedom.With the passing of time, the white inhabitants of the island began to take part in the carnival, too and they were welcomed by their former slaves. Carnival became a way to unite different

11、communities, as people forgot their everyday problems and enjoyed themselves eating, drinking, and dancing. Today, visitors from all over the world come to this small state in the Caribbean to join in the fun. Carnival has become a celebration of life itself.abolish/blI/vt.废除take over 承袭,接管,接任more c

12、olourful .为比较状语从句,由 than 引导。magnificent/mgnIfIsnt/adj.华丽的;富丽堂皇的celebration/selbreIn/n.庆典;庆祝in celebration of 庆祝,祝贺freedom/fridm/n.自由be welcomed by 受欢迎动词不定式 to unite different communities 作后置定语,修饰 way。unite/junaIt/vt.联合community n人群,团体as people forgot their everyday . and dancing 为原因状语从句,而 eating, dr

13、inking, and dancing 是现在分词作伴随状语。join in 加入,参加第45段译文当奴隶贸易在1838年被废除时,原先的奴隶们把狂欢节保留了下来。它变得比以前更加丰富多彩和令人兴奋。人们制作了华丽的服装并创立了乐队。狂欢节成为了对自由的庆祝。,随着时间的推移,岛上的白人居民也开始加入到狂欢节中他们受到了他们先前的奴隶们的欢迎。狂欢节成为了团结不同人群的一种方式,因为人们忘记了他们平时的种种问题,在吃、喝和跳舞中享受着快乐。今天,来自世界各地的游客来到加勒比海的这个小州体验快乐。狂欢节已经成为一种对生活本身的庆祝。Step 1Read the text and answer t

14、he following questions.1Carnival today is an international, multicultural experience. What is carnival all about? Please list at least 3 items to show what it is. (no more than 15 words)A_celebration_of_freedom,_a_way_to_unite_different_communities,_a_celebration_of_life.2Whats the main idea of Para

15、graph 3?(no more than 5 words)The_origin_of_carnival.3What were people like at carnivals?(no more than 15 words)They_forgot_their_everyday_problems_and_enjoyed_themselves_eating,_drinking,_and_dancing.Step 2Choose the best answers according to the text.1Which of the following about carnival today is RIGHT?AIt is celebrated only in Venice.BIt has a long history more than 10 years.CAfter carnival people will celebrate the New Year.DIt is an international and multicultural experience.2Where


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