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1、1、一、两天 a day or two = one or two days2、有能力做某事 be able to do = be capable of doing 3、即将做某事 be about to do 4、去国外,出国 go abroad 5、缺席,不在 be absent from6、吸引的注意力 absorb/ draw/ attract ones attention 7、全神贯注 be absorbed in (doing) 8、取得(接近)的方法( 权利等) get/ have access to 9、碰上车祸 meet with accidents 10、实现目标 accom

2、plish/ achieve ones purpose/ goal 11、作出(满意的) 解释 account for 12、指责某人某事 accuse sb of sth 13、习惯于 be accustomed/used to doing 14、担当;充当 act as 15、积极参加 take an active part in 16、总计达 add up to 17、增加 add to 18、把(话) 讲给;把( 信)写给 address- to 19、允许入内,被录取进入学校 be admitted into/ in school 20、利用 take advantage of 21

3、、听取某人的忠 take/ follow ones advice 22、害怕做某事 be afraid of doing 23、由于害怕而不敢做某事 be afraid to do 24、毕竟,终究 after all 25、反对,不赞成 be against= disapprove of 26、倚窗而立 lean against the window27、同意;(气候,食物等)适合 agree with 28、悦耳;听起来舒服 be agreeable to ones ear 29、去(来) 帮助某人 go/ come to ones aid 30、急救 first aid 31、目的在于做

4、某事 aim at doing sth 32、活着的人 a man alive 33、一路上,一直 all the way 34、始终;一直 all the time 35、总计 in all 36、允许做某事 allow doing sth 37、和相处很好,进展很好 get on/ along well with 38、一大笔钱 a large amount/ sum of money 339、对感到心烦 be annoyed 40、互相 one another 41、另外三米 another three metres 42、渴望; be anxious for 43、为担心 be anx

5、ious about 44、根本不,决不,一点也不 anything but 45、为某事向某人道歉 apologize to sb for sth = make an apology to sb for sth 46、从外表判断 judge by/ from ones appearance 47、食欲不振 lose ones appetite 48、求职 apply for a job = ask for a job 49、感谢你在的好意 appreciate ones kindness in doing sth 50、赞成做某事 approve of doing sth 51、和某人就某事

6、争辩 argue with sb about sth 52、带领(某人)参观( 某处) show - around -53、安排某人做某事 arrange for sb to do 54、安排 make arrangements 55、因为某事而拘捕某人 arrest sb for sth 56、艺术品 a work of art 57、假笑 an artificial smile 58、就我所知 as far as I know 59、只要,假如,如果 as long as 60、感到惭愧 be ashamed of 61、探问某人的身体状况; ask after ones health 6

7、2、查问;打听 ask about 63、睡得很熟 be fast/ sound asleep 64、在这方面 in this way/ respect/ aspect 65、布置某人做某事 assign sb to do sth 66、把与联想在一起 be associated with 67、向保证,使某人确信某事 assure sb of sth 68、企图逃跑 attempt to eacape 69、上学 attend school = go to school 70、注意 pay attention to ( doing) = concentrate on (doing) sth

8、71、对的态度/看 attitude toward(s)/ to 72、人数多(少)的听众、观众 a large (small) audience of 73、平均,平均来说 on average 74、使某人醒着 keep/ stay awake 75、授予某人某物 award sb sth = award sth to sb 76、意识到 be aware of = be conscious of 77、回顾 look back to/ on 78、对是有害的;不好 be bad/ harmful to = do good/ harm to 79、自然平衡 the balance of n

9、ature 80、禁止某人做某事 ban sb from doing sth = forbid sb to do 81、刚就 hardly/ barely/ scarcely/ rarely - when- 82、在基础上 on the basis of 83、不能忍受某人做某事 cant bear sb/ ones doing sth 84、牢记 bear in mind 85、好久以前 long before 86、不久以后 before long 87、讨钱 beg for money 88、恳求某人做某事 beg sb to do sth 89、由开始 begin with 90、首先

10、 to begin with 91、表现好 behave well 92、规矩点! Behave yourself! 93、信不信由你 believe it or not 94、相信上帝 believe in God 95、受益,获益 benefit from 96、付帐 pay a bill 97、毫不 not a bit 98、非常 not a little 999、应负责,该受责备 be to blame for 100、把归咎于 blame - on1. 血型 blood type/ group 2. 爆炸 blow up 3. 吹走 blow off 4. 烦得要死 be bored

11、 to death 5 . 天生是诗人/贫穷 be born a poet/poor 6. 动动脑筋 use your brains 7. 脑力工作者 a brain worker 8. 分校 a branch school 9. 打破纪录 break a record 10. 脱离,摆脱 break away from 11. 闯入 break in/ into 12. 发生故障,破坏 break down 13. 爆发 break out 14. 消防队 a fire brigade 15.光明的前途 a bright future 16. 抚养,教养 bring up 17. 实况转播

12、a live broadcast/ broadcast live 18. 撞在门上 bump against the door 19. 撞;巧遇 bump into = meet with = come across = run into 20. 一串葡萄 a bunch of grapes 21. 哈哈大笑起来;忽然大笑起来 burst into laughter = burst out laughing 22. 忙于做某事 be busy (in) doing sth 23. 五块钱买了 buy - for five yuan 24. 按小时计 by the hour 25. 用这种方法

13、by this means = in this way 26. 访问(某人的家) call at = drop in at 27. 要求,号召;拜访某人 call on = drop in on 28. 保持镇静 keep/ stay calm 29.能的 be capable of (doing) 30. 照顾;喜欢,想要(用干一般疑问句和否定句 care for 31. 执行(计划,命令;贯彻 carry out 32.进行 carry on 33. 无论如何 in any case / any way/ in any circumstance 34. (连词 假使=if;免得,以免 =l

14、est in case 34. 用现金付款 pay in cash 35. 引起某人注意 catch ones eyes 36. 抓住某人的手臂 catch sb by the arm 37. 懂某人的意思 catch ones meaning 38. 追着:赶上 catch up with 39. 发觉某人正在做,当场撞见某人在- catch sb doing 40. 因果 cause and effect 41. 教育事业 the cause of education 42. 使做某事 cause sb to do 43. 给某人带来;使某人 cause sb sth44. 碰运气 tak

15、e ones chance 45. 英吉利海峡 the English Channel 46. 要价 charge for 47. 控告某人- charge - with- 48. 免费 free of charge 49. 主管;负责 be in charge of 50. 骗某人钱 cheat sb of money 51. 登记办理住宿手续;办理登机手续 check in 52. 寄存;向旅馆结帐退房;查证属实 check out 53. 使高兴起来;使振作起来 cheer up 54. 付支票 pay by cheque/ check55. 总工程师 a chief engineer

16、56. 在圣诞节 at Christmas 57. 在圣诞节前夕 On Christmas Eve 58. 人类的文明 the civilization of mankind 59. 认领这本书 claim the book 60. 自称是;声称是 claim to be 61. 拍拍人的背脊 clap/ pat sb on/against the back62. 头等;第一流 the first class 63. 把弄清楚解答;放晴;整理 clear up 64. 在海岸上;沿岸 on the coast 64、集邮 collect stamps 66. 募集(捐款);征收 collect money 67. 一大批 a large collection of 68. 共计;苏醒 come to 69. 英语很好 have a good command of English 70. 关于评论 comment o


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