新标准视听说一listening in

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1、,Listening in,1. A) Work in pairs. Look at the factfile and discuss what you know about the Ivy League.,Passage 1,Factfile on the Ivy League Number of institutions: _ Sporting importance: _ Academic importance: _ Social importance: _ Location: _ Origin of name: _ Oldest institution: _ Largest number

2、 of undergraduates: _ Acceptance rate: _ Famous alumni: _,Listening in,B) Give presentation to the whole class about Ivy League. C) Now listen to Passage 1 and note down answers. D) Check the answer.,Number of institutions: Sporting importance: university sports teams compete against each other Acad

3、emic importance: near or at the top of the US colleges and university rankings Social importance: social elitism, mostly rich, intellectual, white students Location: the US (north-east),Origin of name: Roman IV (meaning four) or ivy plants growing on walls Oldest institution: Harvard, founded in 163

4、6 Largest number of undergraduates: Cornell, about 13,000 Acceptance rate: 7% to 20% Famous alumni: George Bush, John F Kennedy and many others,8,Listening in,2. Listen to Passage 1 again and choose the best way to complete the sentences.,Listening and Understanding,1. The Ivy League refers to the e

5、ight schools which are considered to be _. (a) famous for sport (b) difficult to get into (c) socially elite (d) famous for academic excellence,Listening in,3. The professor thinks the name Ivy League comes from _. (a) the Roman numeral IV for four, meaning the four original schools (b) the plant wh

6、ich is a symbol of old age (c) a sports journalist (d) the plant which often covers old buildings,2. They are among the top universities in the world for _. (a) research (b) financial resources (c) sporting talent (d) their age,Listening and Understanding,Listening in,5. In recent years, Ivy League

7、schools have accepted a wider range of students because _. (a) they needed professional sportsmen (b) they were unsuccessful at research (c) they were thought to be too socially elite (d) it wasnt possible to be both world-famous for research and top class in sport,4. The fewest undergraduates are a

8、t _. (a) Brown (b) Harvard (c) Princeton (d) Dartmouth,Listening and Understanding,3. Work in pairs and check your answers to Activities 1 and 2.,Listening in,Developing Critical Thinking,1 Would you like to study at an Ivy League university? Why / Why not? 2 What features of Ivy League universities

9、 would you like to see in your university?,4. A) The whole class form two large groups: group A and group B. B) Each student in group A needs to interview at least three students from group B about the following two questions. C) Each groups send one student to report the results of their interview.

10、,Listening in,Example answer,For question 1: I would like to study at an Ivy League university because I could study in a good environment and an Ivy League degree would be highly regarded in China. I would not like to study at an Ivy League university because they are elitist and their fees are exp

11、ensive and scholarships are competitive.,Listening in,For question 2 Teachers: Our teachers are good, but it would be nice to learn from the best. Facilities: I would like to see such library facilities, resources and sports and leisure facilities, if our university had the money for them. Reputatio

12、n: Our universities are getting better reputations in the world, but Ivy League colleges have the highest reputations. I would like our university to have such fame too, because it would be an honour and it would help us to get good jobs later. International students and staff: It makes a stimulatin

13、g learning environment and we could probably learn more about foreign cultures from foreign students and staff.,Example answer,Listening in,Passage 2,5. Prediction activity: Read the paragraphs individually and number the paragraphs in the correct order., When he finishes his studies at Princeton, h

14、e accepts a job at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The story ends when he goes on to win the Nobel Prize in Economics. Five years later, he meets Alicia, a student who he falls in love with and eventually marries. Nash believes that hes been asked to work by William Parcher for the US Departm

15、ent of Defense on breaking Soviet codes. A Beautiful Mind is a film about John Forbes Nash, the mathematician who won the Nobel Prize. Hes given this painful treatment which affects his relationship with his wife and his intellectual skills. So he stops the medicine. The story begins in the early years of Nashs life as a graduate student.,Now listen to Passage 2 and check your answers. ,Listening in,Passage 2,Answers,When he finishes his studies at Princeton, he accepts a


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