2019届牛津译林版必修3高中英语 Unit2 Language Project教学设计2

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1、.单元:Unit 2 Language板块:Project课堂设计指导思想: 如果Welcome是一个单元的序曲,Project则是单元的尾声。就像一首动听感人的乐曲,需要每个章节都有恰到好处的表现一样,单元的处理也要采取各种适当的方式来进行演绎。 Project的设计通常有两部分构成:一篇阅读文本和学生的合作项目,要处理得得当,真正操作起来是有很高的要求的,这种要求体现在:学生方面,需要投入大量的时间、精力以及超出语言学习本身的各种社会交往、协调、工作能力;老师方面,则要有统筹、策划和全盘掌控、指导的能力。在很多学校,由于受到时间的限制或是应试的影响,Project往往予以忽略,或者干脆作为

2、Reading来教,这与Project设计的本源初衷是相违背的,对于学生终身发展也是错过了很好的锻炼机会。所以Project还是要还其本来面目,当然我们不能否认从中国国情的实际出发,我们在具体操作上应该因时因地制宜,作出适当调整和取舍,这是符合客观规律的。本课时的设计为Project的第二课时,主要是在前期大量课后准备的基础上,进一步明确图册设计的要求,在课堂上完成对于汉字研究图册的设计、制作和润色修饰,最后进行展示的过程。Teaching aims: 1. Get to know how to design a booklet.2. Search the Internet to find r

3、elated information.3. Cooperate with the group members and finish the design of the booklet.Teaching procedures: Step 1 InstructionStart the project by introducing the steps to follow: planning, preparing, producing and presenting.【设计说明】帮助学生复习Project的四步常规。Step 2 Explanation of the four stepsFurther

4、explanation of the four steps:Planning:Work in small groups and discuss and choose what characters the group would like to research. Discuss the layout of the booklet. Divide the work each group member will do. Collect the information needed.Preparing: Look for information as many sources as you can

5、 find. Tips (organizing information)1. Introduction 2. Method 3. Findings 4. ConclusionProducing:Everyone writes a section of the booklet. Then put what has been written together. Add photos or illustrations where necessary. Proofread the draft to correct mistakes if there are any. New ideas can be

6、added. Now the booklet is finished.Presenting:Present the booklet to the whole class by taking turns to talk about each section of their booklet. 【设计说明】根据此次的具体实践内容,进一步明确四步走的相关内涵。Step 3 Useful expressionsPick out some useful expressions in the text for students reference:over time according to differ

7、 fromin that this way turninto as a whole develop into1. Old English differs greatly from_ the modern English we use today.2. Life on the island has changed _over time_ because of the growing number of tourists who visit it every year.3. _According to_ the tickets, the train will leave at 8:30. Wed

8、better hurry to get to the station on time! 4. She said it was the teachers praise and encouragement that _turned_ her _into_ a good student.5. Install this spell check software on your computer. You will avoid making spelling mistakes _this way_.6. Considering your idea _as a whole_, I think it wil

9、l contribute significantly to the development of the company. However, it may cause some problems as well.7. I was lucky _in that_ I was able to find what I wanted.【设计说明】充分利用文本中的相关信息,在文字才组织上给予学生必要的帮助。Step 4 Group workCooperate with your group members and finish your booklet.【设计说明】以小组的组织形式完成图册的制作。Step 5 Show timeAsk each group to present their work.【设计说明】展示集体智慧的结晶,提供彼此交流学习的平台。Step 6 Home workPlease modify your booklet. Get your final draft ready in three days.【设计说明】鼓励学生相互学习,完善图册,可以在三天后进行最佳评选活动。.


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