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1、essay写作网()-专业留学生作业辅导中心英国essay写作-英国的研究性教学Since the 1990s, research teaching has become the pursuit of many universities in the world and has been implemented. For example, American research-based teaching emphasizes problem - and project-based teaching, while students learn based on problems and proj

2、ects. In France, research teaching and learning have been carried out in junior high schools, pre-university classes and senior high schools. Japan also carries out research teaching and learning in the form of integrated activity curriculum. Subject teaching and learning have also been carried out

3、in Germany. Many scholars in China have studied the problems related to research-based teaching, and some schools have started the practice and reform of research-based teaching. However, the domestic research-based teaching either stays in the stage of Shouting slogans or just operates in a scatter

4、ed way, and has not formed the scale of point with surface, and the overall effect has not been highlighted.20世纪90年代以来,研究性教学成为世界上许多大学的追求,并得到了实施。例如,美国的研究型教学强调问题型和项目型教学,而学生是根据问题和项目来学习的。在法国,研究性教学已在初中、大学预科班和高中展开。日本还以综合活动课程的形式开展研究性教学。在德国也开展了学科教学。我国许多学者对研究性教学的相关问题进行了研究,一些学校也开始了研究性教学的实践与改革。然而,国内研究型教学要么停留在喊

5、口号的阶段,要么只是零散运作,没有形成“点”与“面”的尺度,整体效果没有得到突出。In 2013, the author, as a visiting scholar, went to the university of northampton in the UK for further study, and participated in the classroom teaching activities of northampton university in person. He had some practical experience and understanding of the

6、 research teaching of northampton university. The following is the result of this practice survey.2013年,笔者作为访问学者赴英国北安普顿大学深造,并亲自参加了北安普顿大学的课堂教学活动。他对北安普顿大学研究性教学有一定的实践经验和认识。以下是这次实践调查的结果。Existing research shows that the research-oriented teaching as a teacher has to be creating a similar situation and wa

7、y of scientific research, to guide students in the process of active exploration and active practice of research to absorb knowledge, analyze and solve the problem of teaching mode, teachers need to undertake to the student individual instruction and guidance, in the number of students significantly

8、 relative to teachers too many cases, a course entirely borne by a teacher to carry out the research-oriented teaching is not reality. At the same time, research-based teaching pays more attention to the cultivation of the spirit of exploration and the ability to create while paying attention to the

9、 transmission of knowledge. The cultivation of innovative ability needs an open environment and the collision of ideas of people from different backgrounds and levels. Therefore, it is necessary to set up a complementary teaching team with multiple teachers for the same course, so as to achieve the

10、value-added effect of 1+12. Based on the above considerations, northampton university adopts the teaching team model to carry out teaching activities in the course teaching. Usually, each class has a module leader, there are three members, team leader is the head of the course, the speaker and evalu

11、ators, teaching is generally done by the team leader, discussion on the number of host is according to the field of seminar, by the team leader and team members separately, sometimes together, two or three teachers at the same time to participate in the same discussion, complement each other, to gui

12、de students to explore the cause of the problem and the answer. In the cooperation of teaching teams, team members are usually just auxiliary roles. As the weekly learning of each course in northampton university is strictly divided into lecture part and discussion part, other team teachers as auxil

13、iary roles generally only participate in the teaching activities of the discussion part, and the topic of each discussion is determined by the leader of the teaching team, while other teachers are mainly responsible for the organization and guidance. In this way, it can not only ensure the systemati

14、cness of teaching, but also ensure the openness and effectiveness of teaching, so as to achieve the purpose of not only enabling students to learn knowledge, but also cultivating students spirit of innovation and exploration.现有研究表明,研究型教学作为教师必须创建一个类似的情况和科学研究的方式,引导学生主动探索和积极实践的过程中研究的吸收知识,分析和解决问题的教学模式中,


16、相同的讨论,相互补充,指导学生探索问题和答案的原因。在教学团队的合作中,团队成员通常只是辅助角色。在北安普顿大学的每周学习每门课程严格分为讲座部分和讨论部分,其他团队教师作为辅助角色通常只参与讨论的教学活动的一部分,和每一个讨论的话题是由教学团队的领导人,而其他老师主要负责组织和指导。这样既能保证教学的系统性,又能保证教学的开放性和有效性,从而达到既能使学生学习知识,又能培养学生创新探索精神的目的。Since the essence of research-based teaching is to apply the thoughts and ideas of scientific research into teaching, emphasizing the ability to raise questions, analyze questions, put forward hypotheses, verify and finally draw conclusions, it is very



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