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1、LOVE,Here is the LOVE!,关于友谊与爱情的英文名人名言,Love is the only sane and satisfactory answer to the problem of human existence. 爱是对人类之存在这一题目唯一明智而又令人满足的答案。Erich Fromm,Real love stories never have endings. 真正的爱情故事从来不会结束。 Richard Bach,The best proof of love is trust. 爱的最好证实就是信任。 Joyce Brothers,Good company on t

2、he road is the shortest cut. 有了好的旅伴,路途就变得无比短暂。 Oliver Goldsmith,Listening,浪漫情人节,What do you do in Valentines Day?,What do you do in Valentines Day?,去旅游观光 Go sightseeing,散步 Go for a walk,弹吉他和唱歌 Play the guitar and sing a song,玩游戏 Play the game,Love or Friendship?-爱情还是友谊?,In college, it is common to s

3、ee friendship between boys and girls. What is difficult is how to deal with personal contacts between different sexes. The key is to differentiate between love and friendship. Friendship is the basic need of human feelings. Friendship may give rise to love. But love does not certainly come from frie

4、ndship. Friendship is the foundation of love.No love is true without friendship. Love is selfish and exclusive, while friendship is selfless and extensive. Love is not necessarily to be returned. But friendship needs a contract and something in exchange.,Love or Friendship?,在大学里,男女之间的友谊是常见的,难的是如何处理不

5、同性别之间的个人接触。其关键是区别爱情与友谊。 友谊是人类感情的基本需要,友谊可能产生爱情,但是爱情不一定都来自友谊。友谊是爱情的基础,真正的爱不能没有友谊。 爱是自私和排他的,而友谊是无私和广泛的。爱不一定要求回报,但友谊需要有契约和交换。,TRANSLATION,BORING?,Game Time,Your Opinion On Campus Love,A story,Lets see,最浪漫的爱情故事:送的不是报纸,是爱情 A 12 year-old Australian boy called Clarke. He started having a job as a postman at

6、 that moment. He got to know a little girl named Joan during delivery this period of delivery Newspapers. They fall in love with each other then got married after they grew up.一个名叫Clarke十二岁的澳洲男孩做过邮差,负责在社区投递报纸。他邂逅了一个名叫Joan的小女孩,他们陷入爱河并最终喜结连理。,They lead a happy life for 62 years. Now, Clarke is already

7、 a 74 years old man, whilst his wife is suffering from older amnesia. She even cannot recognize her lover, Clark anymore. But, she still remembers all the happiness moments with her husband during the young period. As a consequence, 74 year-old Clark still rides a bicycle everyday and become a newsm

8、an again to recreate their own younger similar memory in order to make his wife happy and let her live in that sweet dream at all timesgirls generation.他们幸福的生活了62年。clarke现年已经74岁高龄了,他的爱人身患老年痴呆症。她渐渐地连她的爱人都认不出来了。但是他们卖报时的幸福回忆她却始终未忘。为此,clarke决定重操旧业,再次开始卖报纸,为的仅仅是给他的妻子带来欢乐,让她重温当年的少女回忆。,Time,Music,The,End,THANK YOU,


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