五年级英语上册教室-Unit 3 My favorite food is hamburgers 4课时教案 陕旅版

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《五年级英语上册教室-Unit 3 My favorite food is hamburgers 4课时教案 陕旅版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《五年级英语上册教室-Unit 3 My favorite food is hamburgers 4课时教案 陕旅版(9页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、课堂教学设计单元总目标本单元讨论和学习的话题是饮食,在以前所学的相关食物话题的基础上引入对西餐的介绍,以及对饮食喜好的讨论。本单元出现的主要的四会词汇有China, the USA, fruit, drink, food, chocolate, hamburger, coffee 和 delicious; 本单元的功能结构是就他人的喜好进行问答以及表述:Whats your favorite food? My favorite food is / I like best. Mom is drinking coffee. Thats her favorite drink. 等。第3单元的教学可分

2、为4个课时。具体课时分配情况见下表:Unit 3课时分配课时数所包含的内容第一课时Part AWarming-up: Think and matchLets learn第二课时PartAWarming-up:Look and tickLets talkPart BDo a survey and report第三课时Part BPartBLets learn moreLets sing第四课时Part BRead and discussPart CListen and tick or crossThink, match and sayLook, think and write单元具体目标在第3单

3、元的教学中,教师可以结合教学卡片、实物、多媒体等引导学生对比,了解西方的餐饮、学习掌握所教授的内容,激发学生浓厚的学习兴趣,并且能表达以下知识目标和情感目标:知识目标一、能听、说、读、写有关一日三餐的词汇: China, the USA, fruit, drink, food, chocolate, hamburger, coffee 和 delicious;二、能听懂、会说、会读、会用下列句型:1. Whats your favorite food?2. My favorite food is / I like best. 3. Mom is drinking coffee. Thats h

4、er favorite drink.情感目标一、培养学生用英语交流自己喜欢的食物、饮品的意愿。二、鼓励学生和他人进行小组合作,培养学生的合作能力。 第1课时 Unit 3 My favorite food is hamburgers 主备人一审二审教学内容Lets learn执教人 年 月 日教学目标能听、说、读、写有关一日三餐的词汇:China, the USA, fruit, drink, food, chocolate, hamburger, coffee 和 delicious;教学重点能听、说、读、写单词 China,the USA, fruit, drink, food, choc

5、olate, hamburger, coffee 和 delicious;教学难点能根据教师指令灵活运用上述单词教学准备教师准备(l) Lets learn 部分的教学卡片。(2) Lets learn 部分的录音磁带、录音机。(3) 一些常见水果、饮料、食物的卡片和教学实物。学生准备教学环节修备栏教学过程一、课程导入(Leading In)1.新课导入(1)教师可自行安排时间,引导学生一起完成Warming-up 的第一部分 Think and match. (2)接下来介绍Li Shan 和Kitty所在国家的国旗,让学生想一想猜一猜这两个中西方的孩子各自会喜欢什么食物。二、课程展示活动和

6、过程 1.通过展示PPT、单词卡片或者课本第18页的图片进行新单词的教授。(1)向学生介绍各个国家的名称,重点强调China 和the USA. (2)教授单词fruit,一边向学生展示水果,复习这些水果的英文名称,引出新单词fruit。(3)介绍单词food 和drink。通过以旧引新的方法,引出单词food和drink。(4)教授单词chocolate 和hamburger.这两个单词是多音节词,让学生尝试着按音节来拼读拼写单词。2.巩固活动和应用利用单词卡片,小组内巩固所学单词。三、操练活动的设计与实施建议(Practice Activities)1.字母重新排列组合单词。2.同桌为一组

7、,进行以上游戏。3.听声音找卡片随堂练习布置作业教学反思第2课时 Unit 3 My favorite food is hamburgers 主备人一审二审教学内容Part A Lets talk执教人 年 月 日教学目标学习掌握以下句型:1. Whats your favorite food?2. My favorite food is / I like best. 3. Mom is drinking coffee. Thats her favorite drink.教学重点能在日常生活的交流中正确运用上述功能句型教学难点通过实际练习,提高学生的综合语言运用能力。教学准备教师准备(1)食物

8、单词图片。(2) Lets talk部分对话中的人物头饰。学生准备学生准备各自喜欢的食物卡片。教学环节修备栏教学过程一、课程导入(Leading In)1.课前问答教师将上节课所学的词汇融入到课前的回答中,如: T:Good morning, boys and girls. Now, look at these pictures, Whats this in English? S: 2.新课导入教师引导学生一起完成Warming-up 的第二部分,look and tick,学习功能句:Whats your favorite food?My favorite food is / I like

9、best. 二、课程展示活动和过程的设计建议(Presentation)1.新课展示:(1)创设情境,学习新知T: Hello, everyone! My name is Colin. Im from the USA. Where are you from? Ss: Im from China.T: I like green. So green is my favorite color. Whats you favorite color? S5: My favorite color is red.T: How about you? Whats you favorite color? S6: (

10、2)Lets talk 部分的呈现 边看课本,边听对话,提出问题:Question 1: Who are talking? Question 2: What are they talking about?Question 3: Whats Colins favorite food? Question 4: Whats Liu Zhaoyangs favorite food? Question 5: What do people in the USA often eat? 2.听录音,学习Lets talk部分。(1)教师讲解课本当中的重点句型 Whats your favorite food?

11、My favorite food is / I like best. (2)两人一组进行对话练习(3)教师板书重点句型:3. Whats your favorite food?My favorite food is / I like best. (4)将全班学生分为两组,男女生歌一组来练习对话,完成后教师可让学生两人一组练习对话。三、操练活动的设计与实施1.巩固活动(1)教师带领学生分角色表演会话内容,引导学生根据内容来表达语气、动作等。(2)教师给学生几分钟的准备时间,让学生两人一组提前进行练习。(3)教师请几位同学到讲台前表演对话,并借助所准备的头饰增加表演的趣味性。(4)“击鼓传花”:游

12、戏2.Part B : Do a survey and report四、当堂达标随堂练习布置作业教学反思 第3课时 Unit 3 My favorite food is hamburgers 主备人一审二审教学内容Lets learn more执教人 年 月 日教学目标1.能听懂、会说下列句型:Mom is drinking coffee. Thats her favorite drink.2.能听懂会唱Lets sing部分的歌谣。3.完成Ask and answer部分的问答。教学重点能在实际生活中灵活自如地运用所学句型教学难点Mom is drinking coffee. Thats h

13、er favorite drink.教学准备教师准备周一至周日的单词卡片学生准备教学环节修备栏教学过程一、课程导入(Leading In)日常口语练习,以下内容供参考: Good morning, boys and girls! Whats for breakfast? / What do you have for breakfast? Do you like bread for breakfast? What do you like for breakfast? Whats your favorite food?二、课程展示活动和过程1.教师创设情景,学习新单词。(1)Lets learn

14、more 部分的呈现。(2)学生带着问题听短文了解课文大意Question 1: What day is it today? Question 2: Whats the time now?Question 3: What are Kevins family doing? Question 4: Whats his mothers favorite drink? Question 5: Whats his fathers favorite thing?Question 6: What about his grandpa and his brother? Question 7: Whats Kevins favorite thing?(3)小组内对所提的问题进行讨论。(4)教师引领学生阅读短文,核对所提问题的答案。2.Lets learn more (1)时间表达和星期的复习。(2)文中涉及的语法:现在进行时和一般现在时。三、操练活动的设计与实施建议(Practice Activities)1.Part B Lets sing(1


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