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1、一常见按摩项目(common massage items)1按摩 massage 7足浴 foot massage 2保健按摩 healthcare massage/ 8美容 facial care Keep-fit massage 9减肥 weight reduction 3医疗按摩therapeutic massage 10药浴 medicated bath therapy4推拿 tuina 11推油 oil pushing 5针灸 acupuncture 12踩背 back trampling6康复 healing /rehabilitation 13指压acupressure14双足同

2、步按摩 simultaneous massage for both feet 15桑拿药足浴sauna & foot-bathing16港台式足浴 feet massage in the Hongkong & taiwan style17古典式足浴 feet massage in the classical style18中式经络按摩Chinese meridian and collateral massage19药熨按摩 massage with medicated bag20防衰按摩 age-resistance massage21日式油压 Japanese acupressure wit

3、h oil 27小儿推拿 children tuina22椅式按摩 chair massage 28多功能牵引multi-function traction23中式按摩 traditional Chinese massage 29盲人按摩 massage by the bind24泰式按摩 massage in the Thailand style 30日式指压 shiatsu25韩式松骨按摩 massage in South Korean style 31港式踩背 26印度草药按摩 ayurvedic massage back trampling in Hongkong style32淋巴排

4、毒保健按摩 lymph drainage massage 37药酒 medicated wine 33热石疗法 hot stone therapy 38修脚 pedicure34整脊疗法 chiropractic massage 39修手 manicure35反射疗法 reflexology 40采耳 ear clearing36香薰耳烛 aroma ear candles therapy 41火罐 cupping /jar therapy42刮痧 scraping /guasha treatment43全身保健按摩 whole-body healthcare massage44足底保健按摩

5、thenar healthcare massage45色彩疗法 colortherapy46音乐疗法 musictherapy47触觉疗法 tactiletherapy/touch therapy48芳香疗法 aromatherapy 二常用按摩手法(common techniques of massage)1摩擦类(rubbing category) 推法 pushing 搓法 palm twisting/ 抹法 slipping/wipping rubbing with two palms 摩法 circular kneading 擦法 rubbing/linear-rubbing2挤压类

6、(squeezing-pressing category) 3摆动类 (swaying category) 按 pressing 揉法 kneading 点 finger pressing 滚法 rolling 拨 plucking/pulling 一指禅推法 拿 grasping thumb waving pressing/ 捻 finger twisting/holding twisting Dhyana-thumb-pushing4震动(vibrating category) 抖法 shaking 拍法 patting 振法 vibrating 叩法tapping 叩击法 tapping

7、 knocking category 击法 beating/knocking 三常见腧穴(frepuently used points) 百会 内关 商阳 足三里 涌泉 中府 手三里 神门 风池 尺泽 曲池 京门 印堂 列缺 天枢 委中四常见按摩介质器具(common ,media and appliance) 1滑石粉 talcum powder 7按摩棒 massage sticks 2红花油 Chinese medicated oil for bone injury 8按摩锤 massage knockers 3清凉油 Chinese refreshing ointment 9按摩枕 m

8、assage pillows 4精油 essential oil 10按摩靠垫 massage cushions 5按摩膏 massage cream 11按摩椅 massage chairs 6按摩油 massage oil 12按摩床 massage tables五经络(channels and collaterals)1手太阴肺经 the lung channel of hand-taiyin2手阳明大肠经 the large intestine channel of hand-yangming3足阳明大肠经 the stomach channel of foot-yangming4足太

9、阴脾经 the spleen channel of foot-taiyin5手少阴心经 the heart channel of hand-shaoyin6手太阳小肠经 the small intestine channel of taiyang7足太阳膀胱经 the urinary bladder channel of taiyang8足少阴肾经 the kidney channel of shaoyin9手厥阴心包经 the pericardium channel of hand-jueyin10手少阳三焦经 the sanjiao channel of hand-shaoyang11足少

10、阳胆经 the gall bladder channel of foot-shaoyang12足厥阴肝经 the liver channel of foot-jueyin六常见症状(common symptoms)1头痛 headache 9半身不遂 hemiparalysis /hemiplegia2眩晕 blackout/vertigo 10冻疮chibain3鼻塞 the snuffle 11牙痛 toothache4目胀 distension in eye 12腹泻diarrhea /diarrhoea5胸闷 chest stuff 13便秘 constipation6食欲不振 ina

11、ppetence 14神经衰弱nerve-tire /neurasthenic7精神疲劳 mental fatigue 15中暑 heat stroke8失眠 insomnia 16耳鸣 17晕车(船)car-sickness /sea-sickness 20颈椎病 cervical spondylopathy18营养不良 malnutrition 21肩周炎scapulohumeral periarthritis19落枕 torticollis /stiff neck 22网球肘 tennis elbow lateral humeral epicondylitis23腕关节扭伤 sprain

12、 of the wrist joint24胸椎小关节错缝 subluxation of the small joints of the thoracic vertebra25背部肌筋膜炎facilities of back muscles26急性腰扭伤 acute strain of lumbar muscles27慢性腰肌劳损 chronic strain of lumbar muscles28腰椎间盘突出症 lumbar intervertebral disc protrusion29骨骼关节扭伤 sprain of the sacro-iliac articulation30梨状肌综合症 piriformis syndrome31髌骨软化症 chondrified knee cap syndrome32膝关节骨性关节炎 osteoarthritis of knee cap syndrome33髌下脂肪垫劳损stra


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