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1、 Name_ Score_ 听力部分(40%)一 听音,选出发音不同的单词。(10%)( ) 1. A. but B. listen C. that( ) 2. A. thing B. thanks C. their( ) 3. A. had B. handsome C. red( ) 4. A. look B. schoolbag C. good( ) 5. A. garden B. burglar C. orange二 听音,选出你所听到的内容。(10%)( ) 1. A. tree B. see C. three( ) 2. A. give B. green C. grey( ) 3.

2、A. here B. there C. near( ) 4. A. on the shelf B. under the table C. in the bag( ) 5. A. The long silver one. B. The short red one. C. The big blue one.三 听音,选出符合的图片。(10%)四 根据听到的内容选择正确的答案。(10%)( ) 1. Whose is the thick book? A. Its Georges. B. Its Mikes. C. Its Jacks.( ) 2. Where is Carols schoolbag?

3、 A. Its on the shelf. B. Its under the bed. C. Its on the desk.( ) 3. Where is Mark? A. At the desk. B. In the kitchen. C. Near the river.( ) 4.What is Johns favourite thing? A BC.( ) 5. Whats in the basket?A. B. C.笔试部分(60%)一 写出下列数字或英文。(10%)1. 53_ 2. 60_ 3. 57_4. fifty-nine_ 5. fifty-five_二 选择填空。(20

4、%) ( )1.- _ is the new plate? _ Its in the cupboard. A. Where B. What C. Whose( )2._ the pen in the pencil-case, please. A. Give B. See C.Put( )3.- Listen! Someone is in the kitchen. - Is _ our son? A. he B. she C. it( )4. There is a tall tree _ the garden. A. at B. in C.on( )5.- Is there a ball in

5、the box? - No, _. A. there isnt. B. it isnt. C. there is.( )6.-_ the matter? -Listen! There is a noise in the living- room. A. Hows B. Whats C. Wheres( )7. There _ a pen and two books in the schoolbag. A. is B. are C. be( )8.- Give me my pen, please. - _. A. Its my favourite thing. B. Here you are.

6、C. No harm done.( )9.- _ book is on the shelf-the new one or the old one? - The new one. A. Which B. What C. Whose( )10.- _ is this eraser? - Its Lilys. A. Whose B. Who C. What 三 按要求完成下列练习。(5%)1.The new pen is on the desk.(对划线部分提问)_2.There is a beautiful girl near the house.(变为一般疑问句并分别作肯定回答和否定回答。)_3

7、.This is my camera.(变为否定句)_四 连词成句。(5%)1. under my is the ball bed old_2. wide-awake we all are now_3. house our we in are_4. an my schoolbag is one expensive favourite_5. is there not a the garden in tree_五 请将Lucy所在位置的文字描述和图片连接起来。(10%)in the living-room in the kitchen in the bedroom in the gardenund

8、er the tree near the river at the door at the desk六 补充对话。(10%)A. Here it is.B. Who is there?C. Whats the matter?D. Its E. There isA: Alen! Wake up!B: Mm._A: Listen! _ a noise downstairs.B: A noise? Yes, you are right! Jenny, give me that torch, please.A: _ Oh, Alan! Please be careful!B:Shh! There is someone in the kitchen._C:_ me, Dad! I am very hungry.


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