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1、/-English Corner功夫外贸广交会英语情景对话集锦(上)窗体底端功夫外贸广交会英语情景对话集锦(上) 秋季广交会马上又要到了,应关注功夫外贸公众号的粉丝要求,猫熊哥这里根据自己多年来参加广交会的经验,和在广交会期间经常用到的广交会英语。 经过整理编辑,推出功夫外贸广交会外贸业务员参展实用英语情景对话集锦,希望对那些即将参加广交会的朋友一定的帮助: 1. 当有客商在展位前经过或驻足向摊位里瞭望时,你应该微笑着跟他们打招呼, hello,good morning; 嗨,早上好! Good afternoon. 下午好! How do you do? 你好! How are you? 你

2、好! 2.当客户走进我们摊位时,我们应该迎过去微笑着说: welcome you visit our booth. 欢迎光临我们展位。 Nice to meet you here in our booth. 很高兴在我们展位见到你。 Its a great honor to meet you at our booth. 非常荣幸在我们展位见到你。 3.很多广交会客户会不看你的展品,不进入你的摊位,更不和你谈产品,而是直接和你索要你们公司的样本,或者产品目录的CD或者U盘。 客户会这么和你说: Can I have your catalogue? 我可以要你们的样本吗? May I have a

3、 look at your catalogue? 我可以看看你们的样本吗? do you have your company brief CD? 你们有你们公司简介的CD吗? do you have CD catalogues? 你们有CD样本吗? can you give me your company catalogue? 你能给我你们公司的样本吗? 4.你应该提前多准备些样本,并把你的名片订在样本的封面上。你把样本递给客户说: This is our companys products catalog(CD catalogue) and this is my name card. It

4、will give you a general idea of the products we handle. 这是我们公司产品的样本(CD样本),这是我的名片,从样本中你会了解到我们所经营的产品概况。 当客户拿到你的样本要走时,你可以这样提醒客户: Wont you have a look at our catalogue and see what interest you? 你可以看看我们的样本,看看你对什么感兴趣。 这样有可能把客户留下,并进入你的摊位。 然后你要马上和客户索要名片,否则他就走了: could you give me your name card? 您可以给我您的名片吗?

5、 当客户看完你的样本后,如果有他非常感兴趣的产品是,他会这么问: We really need more specific information about this products in your catalogue. 我需要样本里这款产品的详细信息。 这就需要你对你的产品非常熟悉,才能马上做出非常专业的解答,否则,你就会在客人面前显得不专业,客户就会离你而去。 所以,猫熊哥还是那句话,熟悉产品,熟悉产品还是熟悉产品的英文资料。 5.你或者直接双手递给客户你的名片,并说: Here is my business card. 这是我的名片。 here is my name card. 这是

6、我的名片。 6.你给客户名片后,一般客户会主动拿出他的名片作为交换,但是也要客户不愿意主动给出他的名片的,这时你要主动地跟他要名片说: May I have your business card? 我可以要你的名片吗? Could you give me your business card? 你能给我你的名片吗? can I have your name card? 你能给我你的名片吗? 7.当客户给你名片时,要双手接过来,并认真看一下名片上客户的名字,公司名称,城市名称,国家名称,以便下面交流时用。 如果读不出客户的名字,你可以问客户: can you tell me How to pro

7、nounce your name? 能告诉我如何读你的名字吗? sorry, can you tell me how to speak your name? 对不起,能告诉我如何读你的名字? how can I read your name? 你的名字怎么读? 8.当客户直接奔向你们某款展品走去时,你要陪着客户过去并主动介绍产品,说: our this products have been exported to many countries for more than XXX year.from our exhibiting samples you can see that we are s

8、pecialized in manufacturing and exporting this line products. and our products have a very good reputation among our improters. 我们这个产品已经 XXX多年一直出口到很多国家,从展出的样品你可以看到我们是专业生产出口这类产品的,我们在我们进口商中有非常好的口碑。 I think it will also find a good market in your market. 我认为它会在你们的市场上畅销。 9.如果客户还没有表现出对某款具体产品感兴趣时,你可以这么说:

9、would you like me to show you our exhibiting samples first, and then we can site down and talking about the specific items which you interested. 我先带你参观一下我们的展出样品,然后我们坐下来再谈某些你具体感兴趣的产品如何? 或者说: What about having a look at our sample first? 先看一看我们的产品吧? 如果你有在广交会上最好卖的产品,你也可以直接推荐给客户: This is our hot sale it

10、em. It had a great success at this canton fair. 这是我们热卖商品,这款产品在这次广交会上收到非常成功效果。 10.当客户看完你的展品后,你可以先让客人在谈判桌前坐下,并给客户一些饮料,这么说: Would you like a glass of water? 来一杯水如何? can I get you a cup of tea? 来一杯茶如何? How about a Coke? 来一杯咖啡? 客户可能回答说: A cup of water would be great. Thanks. 谢谢,一杯水吧。 11.接着进入正题,你会问客户: How

11、 do you feel like the quality of our products? 你觉得我们产品的质量怎么样? 当客户会表示展品质量还不错,或者未加评价时,你可以这么和客户说: The quality of ours is as good as that of many other suppliers here in canton fair, while our prices are not high as theirs. By the way, which items are you interested in? 我们的产品质量与其他参加广交会的供应商一样的好,而我们的价格却不象

12、他们的那样高。你对哪个产品感兴趣? 或者你也可以这么和客户说: our products quality is our best selling point. 我们产品的质量就是我们最好的卖点。 Our product is the best seller. 我们的产品就是最好的推销员。 We have a very strict quality controlling system which promises that goods we produced are always of the best quality. and You can see. It is good not only

13、 in material, fashionable in design, but also super in workmanship, if you buy our product, You will got the best quality there as well as the fashional style. 我们有非常严格的质量控制体系,以确保我们的产品生产始终是最好的质量。 你可以看到,不仅材料好,款式新,而且工艺高超。 如果你买我们的产品,你将不仅得到最好的质量而且是最新的款式。 或者说: The high quality of the products will secure

14、their leading status in the market place. You must be aware that our quality is far superior to others who exhibit in canton fair. Heavy enquiries witness the quality of our products. 产品的高品质将确保在市场上的领先地位。你一定知道,我们的质量远远优于其他在广交会展出商的产品的。大量的询价就已经证明我们的产品质量了。 This product is now in great demand and we have

15、on hand many enquiries from customers here in canton fair. 这种产品现在需求量很大,我们手头上有很多来参加展会的客户的询盘。 12. 当客户就某个具体产品询问价格时,他会这么说: Will you please let us have an idea of your price? 你能给我们报你的价格吗? How about the price 价格是多少? How much is this? 这个多少钱? What about the price? 这个价格是多少? 13.这时你可以这么回答客户说: To a certain extent,our price depends on how large your order is. but In general, our prices are given on a FOB basis. 在某种程度上,我们的价格得看你们的定单有多大。但是通常我们的报价都是FOB价。 14.然后你可以把提前准备好的FO


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