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1、新余四中2020届高考年级上学期第一次段考英语试卷考试时间:120分钟 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)1. What does the woman advise the man to do?A. Buy a new camera.B. Learn to shoot pictures.C. Keep the camera clean.2. What is the mans major?A. Engineering.B. Philosophy.C. Physics.3. Whats Marys university life like?A. Exciting.B. Terribl

2、e.C. Ordinary.4. Why is the woman angry?A. Her watch is 10 minutes fast.B. The noodles taste salty.C. Her order hasnt come yet.5. What does the woman imply?A. Theres a good reason to go on the trip.B. She totally agrees with the man.C. The rainforest cant be fun.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面一段对话,回答第

3、6和第7两个小题。6. How did the man get interested in baseball?A. From his college teachers.B. From his high school friends.C. From the grown-ups around him.7. When did the man play baseball much?A. After becoming a professional baseball player.B. During the school years.C. Since the retirement.听下面一段对话,回答第8

4、至第10三个小题。8. Where does the conversation probably take place?A. At a police station.B. At a post office.C. At a school.9. What didnt the woman take with her?A. A notice.B. Her ID card.C. Her husbands ID card.10. How much should the woman pay tomorrow?A. $2.B. $4.C. $6.听下面一段对话,回答第11至第13三个小题。11. When d

5、oes the conversation take place?A. In the morning.B. In the afternoon.C. In the evening.12. How will the speakers go to the concert?A. By bus.B. By taxi.C. By subway.13. What does the woman want to do now?A. Have some food.B. Go shopping.C. Take a rest.听下面一段对话,回答第14至第17三个小题。14. What are the speakers

6、 mainly talking about?A. Sports.B. School life.C. Hobbies.15. How many classes are there in the mans school?A. 20.B. 30.C. 40.16. When is the cooking group open to students?A. On Tuesday.B. On Wednesday.C. On Friday.17. What will the man do next?A. Play computer games.B. Get sports training.C. Atten

7、d a class.听下面一段独白,回答第18至第20三个小题。18. How long has the speaker worked here?A. More than one year.B. More than two years.C. More than four years.19. Whom is the speaker probably speaking to?A. Teachers.B. Historians.C. Students.20. When can people contact the speaker for help?A. Any time of the day.B.

8、Only during daytime.C. During fixed office hours.第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题:每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AForget Cyclists, Pedestrians are Real DangerWe are having a debate about this topic. Here are some letters from our readers. Yes, many cyclists behave dangerously

9、. Many drivers are disrespectful of cyclists. But pedestrians are probably the worse offenders. People of all ages happily walk along the pavement with eyes and hands glued to the mobile phone, quite unaware of what is going on around them. They may even do the same thing while crossing a road at a

10、pedestrian crossing or elsewhere. The rest of us have to evade (避让) them or just stand still to wait for the unavoidable collision. The real problem is that some pedestrians seem to be, at least for the moment, in worlds of their own that are, to them, much more important than the welfare of others.

11、 Michael Horan I love the letter from Bob Brooks about cyclists (Viewpoints, May 29). I am afraid they seem to think they own the roads. I was walking across Altrincham Road one morning when a cyclist went round me and on being asked what he was doing he shouted at me. The government built a cycle l

12、ane on the road but it is hardly used. The police do nothing. What a laugh they are! The cyclists should all have to be made to use the cycle lanes and wear helmets, fluorescent (发荧光的) jacket and lights at night and in the morning they should pay some sort of tax and be fined for not wearing them. C

13、arol Harvey Cyclists jump on and off pavements (which are meant for pedestrians), ride at speed along the pavements, and think they have a special right to go through traffic lights when they are on red. I was almost knocked down recently by a cyclist riding on the pavement when there was a cycle la

14、ne right next to him. Other road users, including horse riders, manage to obey the rules, so why not cyclists?Its about time they had to be registered and insured, so when they do hit a pedestrian or a vehicle, or cause an accident, at least they can be treated and there might be an opportunity to c

15、laim.JML Write to Viewpoints of the newspaper.21. What did Michael Horan want to show in his letter?A. Drivers should be polite to cyclists B. Road accidents can actually be avoidedC. Pedestrians are a threat to road safety D. Walking while using phones hurts ones eyes22. What does Carol Harvey suggest cyclists to d


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