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2、用法,尤其是一些句势和特殊情况。随着高考命题改革的深入,命题的角度和思路都在翻新,但不管怎样变化,还是脱离不了词的基本词义、词与词在使用上的细微差别和基本的语法框架。【三年真题呈现】 It be the vocabulary that caused you the problem in the exercise because you know a lot of words. (2012年安徽卷34题)A. may B. couldnt C. should D. neednt【答案】B【模拟演练】1. Some young people these days just _ go out of

3、their homes to contact the real world. A. mustnt B. wont C. mightnt D. shouldnt答案 B2. If you smoke, please go outside. A. can B. should C. must D. may答案 C3. Hows your new babysitter?We _ask for a better one. All our kids love her so much.A. should B. might C. mustnt D. couldnt答案 D4. Will you read me

4、 a story ,Mummy? OK. You_have one if you go to bed as soon as possible.A. might B. must C. could D. shall答案 D5. Mark have hurried. After driving at top speed, he arrived half an hour early.A. neednt B. wouldnt C. mustnt D. couldnt 答案:A 6. Some people who dont like to talk much are not necessarily sh

5、y;they just be quiet people.A. must B. may C. should D. would答案 B7. Hes strange - he _ sit for hours without saying anything.A. shall B. will C. can D. must答案B8. _it rain tomorrow, the meeting would be put off.A. Should B. Would C. Could D. Must答案A9. My sister met him at the Grand Theatre yesterday

6、afternoon, so he _ your lecture.A. couldnt have attended B. neednt have attendedC. mustnt have attended D. shouldnt have attended答案A10.Its hard to believe that Jack _ have fought with the policeman. Yes. If one _ ask for trouble, it cant be helped.A. would; will B. must; may C. should; must D. need;

7、 dare答案 C11. Has Tim started? He said he would join in the party.He . He is a man of his word.A. could have left B. must have left C. cant come D. wont be coming答案 B12. You buy a gift, but you can if you want to.A. must B. mustnt C. have to D. dont have to 答案:D13. He have come here yesterday, he?Amustnt, did Bcouldnt, hasCmust, haventDmust, didnt答案 D14. Being constantly exposed to advertisements is annoying, but it _ be pleasant sometimes.A. shall B. needC. must D. can答案 D15. I waited ages for you you have said that you werent coming!Acould Bwould Cmight Dmust答案 A



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