六年级下册英语试题--小升初模拟训练(五) 人教精通版含答案

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《六年级下册英语试题--小升初模拟训练(五) 人教精通版含答案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《六年级下册英语试题--小升初模拟训练(五) 人教精通版含答案(6页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、小升初模拟训练(五)一、选择正确的答案 1作为小学生,你shouldnt AListen carefully and talk activelyBEat in classCHand in your homework on time2_ water is there in the water?A littleAHow manyBHowCHow much3 Hello AHelloBGood morning4Do you have new socks? AYes, I doBYes, I am5I lay sorts _ my friend AwithBandCbut6Why are you we

2、aring a hat and gloves? Because its going to be _AhotBwarmCcold7Do you go to Chinatown? ANo, I doBYes, I do8This is old enveloe AaBanCsome9Mike has a big head and small mouth Aa; aBtwo; twoCa; two10What you doing, Dino? AamBisCare11Dad gives us duck suer AtoBandCfor二、读一读,匹配12将句子与图片匹配 A B C D E F (1)

3、That is my chair (2)Hay birthday! (3)Good morning! (4)This is my father Hes a doctor (5)I have six books (6)My granda is a farmer 三、选择正确的句子补全对话13选择方框中适当的句子将对话补充完整。A What will you do if you see an old lady standing on the bus?B How imolite!C I will be quietD I will give her my seatE I dont like imoli

4、te eoleJanet: Hey, Jiamin! What will you do when the teacher is talking?Jiamin: _Janet: Thats right_Jiamin: Thats easy If she does not have a seat, _ Why?Janet: Well, today on the bus I stood u to hive my seat to an old lady But before I could say anything to her, a young man quickly sat downJiamin:

5、 _ We should always give our seat to eole in need Its the olite thing to doJanet: Thats right_四、完形填空14阅读短文,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择最佳答案。 Mr White and his 1 wanted to do it by decided to aint the outside of their house To save money they 2 On Saturday morning they bought some aint and two brushes They began t

6、hat afternoon 3 the back of the house The next Saturday 4 went to a football match while his wife ainted the 5 of the house On Sunday they found they couldnt oen 6 of the front windows They got them all 7 in the end But they 8 three of the seven which were very exensive to reair Next time 9 10 try t

7、o save money, theyll certainly ay to do the work1 A wifeB sisterC daughterD mother2 A themselvesB himself C yourselvesD itself3 A andB forC ofD from4 A Mr WhiteB Mrs WhiteC a layerD a ainter5 A beforeB frontC backD to6 A any B some C everyD no7 A oen B closedC broken D shout8 A brokeB closedC oenedD

8、 shut9 A when B afterC beforeD with10 A someoneB anyoneC everyoneD none五、阅读理解15阅读对话,判断下列句子正误 Alice:Touch this, Tom How does it feel?Tom:Its soft Is it a doll?Alice:No, it isnt Its a toy bear Its brownTom:I dont like toy bears, but I like robotsAlice:Touch this, Kitty How does it feel?Kitty:Its hard

9、and thick Is it a book?Alice:Yes, it is Well done, Kitty Do you like reading books?Kitty:Yes, I do(1)The toy bear is soft (2)The toy bear is black (3)Tom doesnt like the toy bear (4)The book is hard and thin (5)Kitty likes reading books 16孩子们在巨人的花园里在玩什么?读表格,写句子 Name Game With Susan lay on the swing

10、Tony Linda catch butterflies her dog Lily lay on the slidei her friends Jack fly a kite Joe Danny lay football his friends(1)Susan is_with Tony(2)Linda is_(3)Lily_(4)_(5)_17阅读理解 On Sunday, Lucy and I go to a booksho, then we want to go to the suermarket But we dont know the way how to get to the booksho We ask the oliceman in the street for hel He tells us to walk along Renmin Road, and turn right at the second crossing Then we walk and walk but we dont see the booksho We are too tired so we take a ta “lease take us to the booksho” We tell the ta driver The



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