三年级英语下册where is my car

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《三年级英语下册where is my car》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《三年级英语下册where is my car(18页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 4 Where is my car?,我的小汽车在哪里?,教学目标: 1.知识与技能 New words:in,on,under,desk,chair. 2.过程与方法 在语境中初步感知,尝试运用Where is? Its in/on/under 询问和回答物品所在位置。 能够用正确的语音语调朗读对话,通过老师说口令,正确的做出选择。 3.情感态度和价值观 培养学生学会整理自己的物品,养成收集文具的好习惯。,Where is the ball?,Its _ the box.,in,Whats this?,Its a ball.,in 在里面,Where is the ball?,It

2、s _ the box.,on,on 在上面,Where is the ball?,Its _ the box.,under,under 在下面,Lets play a game.,Guessing game: Where is the ball ? Its _ the box. 每组选一位同学猜猜球在哪儿?,on,under,in,chair,desk,课桌,椅子,Where is the ruler?,Its the desk.,on,on 在上面,Where is the ball?,Its in the desk.,in 在里面,重点句子; Where is ? 在哪里? Its on

3、/ in/under. 它在上/里/下,Where is the _?,Its _ the _ .,ruler,bag,in,head,on,ball,foot,under,Lets make a dialogue!,Summing up .Main words: On in under desk chair .Main sentence; -Where is. -Its on/in/under.,Homework:,1.用所学过的文具pencil, pen, Eraser, bag完成下面的儿歌改编 Where is the_?Where is the_? I cant see. I cant see.,Its _ the_. Its _ the_. I can see. I can see. 2.课后可以和你的同桌共同讨论自己 新编的英文短句。,Bye Bye!,王家窑小学三年级教师: 冯雪平,


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