英语六年级下册let’s try&let’s talk

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《英语六年级下册let’s try&let’s talk》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《英语六年级下册let’s try&let’s talk(17页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit4,Then and now,Part A: Lets try&Lets talk,薛家峁镇中心小学 王婧 2017年3月,lets spell,is - are - go - can - see - watch - read - look -,was,were,went,could,saw,watched,read,looked,gym,last year,time,years ago,last month,火眼金睛:Read quickly(快速、正确地读出单词),months ago,grass,internet,dining hall,Review,学习目标,Words: st

2、ar Internet Phrases: one day lookup on/in the in my time,Sentences: There was/ were (no),Today, there is a guest visiting the school. Listen and tick or cross.,Lets try:,Unit4 PartA lets try.swf,1.观看视频,整体上把握对话内容。,Lets talk:,Unit4 PartA lets talk.swf,2.自读对话,画出自己不懂得字句。,你们还记得 There be 句型吗?,和have的区别:,意思

3、:,有,There be 表“存在”,have表“拥有”,stars,I can see stars at night.,I can look it up on the Internet.,look up 查阅,Internet 互联网,look it up on the Internet,look it up in the dictionary,look it up in the book,One day Im going to visit the moon.,moon,有一天(未来),Americans,Who have been to the moon in 1969?,19,69,ni

4、neteen sixty-nine,The Americans took about five days to get there in 1969.,took:花费时间,A:There was no library in my old school.,B:There was a big TV in my old classroom.,C:There were no computers or Internet in my old school.,Which one is false?,自读课文,并回答下列问题:,What was grandpas school like? Was there a

5、 library in grandpas old school? When did the Americans go to the moon?,Practice,分角色朗读对话,注意语音语调。,What did we learn today?,Words: star Internet Phrases: one day lookup on/in the in my time,Sentences: 1.There was/ were (no) 2.How do you know about that?,1.Read P34 three times.,Homework,2.Copy the words and sentences on the copybook.,


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