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1、第十五讲 其他介词和连词一其他介词常见搭配搭配介词 123456inin Englishin+颜色forlook forfor+三餐Thanks forwait forbe late for.Its time forwithplay withcut with.see withtalk with/to+人.Whats wrong witha house with a gardenhelp withafterlook afterafter schoolafter classfrombe fromcome fromfrom.to.far away from.aboutWhat aboutHow ab

2、outtalk about+事tell sb about sthworry aboutatlook atbe good atat schoolat homebyby busby the wayonput onon the farmturn onlikebe likelook likeWhats the weather like?例题:1.Thanks_the photos_your family. A.for;of B.of;in C.of;for D.for;in2Here are some flowers_our best wishes. A.to B.with C.for3.How ma

3、ny people are there_your family? A.in B.on C.with4. His name is Mike.He_a farm.A.works at B.works on C.work in D.work on5.Where_your father from?A.are B.is C.am D.be6.Whats this _English? A.in B.at C.on D.by7. I_late for school in the afternoon. A.am often B.often come C.often am D.come often8.The p

4、retty boy_a blue shirt is our new classmate. A.has B.wears C.puts on D.in9.What does Tom like_breakfast? A.for B.to C.of10.Its time_lunch. A.for B.to C.for have11.We have English _Mondays. A.at B.in C.on D./12.-What do you have _ lunch _Mondays?-We have tomatoes. Tofu and fish. Here is our school me

5、nu.A. at, in B. of , with C. for, on 13.The woman_is a nurse. A.in white B.in the white C.in a white D.in an white14.We usually stay_home_Saturday afternoon.A.at;in B.at;on C.in;at D.on;on15.Whos the lady_blue? A.in B.on C.at D.with16.(根据汉语填所缺单词) 放学后她帮妈妈。_school,she often helps her mother. 17.根据汉语完成

6、句子,每空一词 放学后我们踢两个小时的足球。 We play soccer for two hours_school.18.英汉互译:in English_二连词分类:表并列_ 表转折_ 表选择_ 表因果_/_Jimmy is very tall,_his father is very short. A.but B.and C.or D.soMy grandpa is old,_he looks young. A.and B.but C.ofI like orange juice,_now Id like some apple juice. A.and B.but C.because D.so

7、I like apples very much,_they are sweet. A.but B.and C.because-Why do you like koalas? -_they are smart. A.Because B.So C.But D.And_are you late for class this morning? -Because my clock doesnt work. A.When B.Why C.Which D.HowHe has 3 soccer balls_he doesnt do sports. A.and B.but C.only D.or-How doe

8、s Lin Ling go to school? -She goes to school on foot,_her home is near. A.but B.usually C.because D.so经典习题一单项选择1.We finish our lessons_11:30 am then have a rest_noon. A.in;in B.at;at C.in;at D.at;in2.We will have a party_the morning of July 9. A.at B.in C.on D./3.We are going to fly a kite_this week

9、end. A.at B.in C.on D./4.-Who is the lady_blue? -She is my mother. A.in B.with C.of D.on5.Its hot _summer in Xian. A.on B.at C.in D.with6.The house _ a nice garden is Sallys.A.and B.in C.with D.on7.-Where do you come_? -Canada. A.across B.in C.down D.from8.I go to school_Monday_Friday.A.for,at B.fro

10、m,to C.from,at D.for,in9.The children are waiting_their friends. A.of B.for C.with D.about10.Tom was born_April 1 st,and I was born_April,too. A.in,in B.in,on C.on,in D.on,on11.Dont worry_me. A.at B.for C.about D.like12.Listen_the music of the film. A.of B.for C.with D.to13.Mum,give the bag_me.Its time_school. A.for,to B.to,to C.for,for


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