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1、Unit2 Healthy eating,高一英语基础写作之 提纲式作文,作者: 兰艳萍,单位:广西来宾市第一中学 高一英语备课组,高中英语必修3,Listen to the dialogue and answer the three questions.,1, what is wrong with Dana? _ 2,Why she is getting fat? _ _ 3,What does Melissa suggest about the problem? _,She is getting fat.,She usually gets take-out or fast food if

2、she doesnt have enough time to cook.,Dan should start eating vegetables , bread and do more exercise.,Dana,Melissa,随着生活水平的提高,越来越多的中学生属于胖子行列,从健康和美学的角度讲,他们都希望减肥。 原因:不吃早餐,或吃太多高脂肪食品,缺乏锻炼。 措施:应多吃蔬菜和水果,饮食规律,多 锻炼。 个人看法:饮食要均衡,合理。,Writing Text,谋篇布局,( - - ),提纲式作文,一般现在时,第三人称为主,主题,要点,总结,既有主题又提供了要点,对作文的立意、范围和体裁有

3、较明确的提示。,Analyze the writing text and learn to judge the outline writing.,随着生活水平的提高,越来越多的中学生属于胖子行列,从健康和美学的角度讲,他们都希望减肥。 原因:不吃早餐,或吃太多高脂肪食品,缺乏锻炼。 措施:多吃蔬菜和水果,饮食规律,多锻炼。 个人看法:饮食要均衡,合理。,主题,要点,总结,提纲式作文,Read the text and select the information that you will write.,首段: 当今,有越来越多的学生变得越来越胖。,Nowadays, there are mo

4、re and more students getting fat.,中英句子思维转换:,因此,他们都希望减肥。,So they all hope to lose weight.,总结:作为学生,我们应该形成一个良好的饮食习惯来保持健康。,As students, we should develop a good eating habit to keep healthy.,只有通过这种方式我们才能保持健康和有足够的力量去学习。,Only in this way can we keep fit and have enough energy to devote ourselves to study,

5、Only + 状语 + 句子部分倒装,Nowadays, there are more and more students getting fat. So they all hope to lose weight.,要点翻译: 1,如果他们想要减肥,他们应该饮食平衡。 2,对于他们来说,形成(form)健康的饮食 习惯很重要。 3,他们其中一些人上学不吃早餐。 4,一些人喜欢吃高脂肪的食物而不是( rather than)有营养的(nutritious)食物。 5,所有这些生活方式(lifestyle)对我们的健康有害。 6,他们最好饮食规律并且多锻炼。( regularly )。,As st

6、udents, we should develop a good eating habit to keep healthy. Only in this way can we keep fit and have enough energy to devote ourselves to study.,要点翻译: 1,如果他们想要减肥,他们应该饮食平衡。 2,对于他们来说,形成(form)健康的饮食习惯很重要。 3,他们其中一些人上学不吃早餐。 4,一些人喜欢吃高脂肪的食物而不是( rather than)有营养的(nutritious)食物。 5,所有这些生活方式(lifestyle)对我们的健康

7、有害。 6,他们最好饮食规律并且多锻炼。( regularly )。,Work in group and translate the sentences together.(8min),Come up and write down your sentences, then lets check them.(8min),They should ,1,如果他们想变瘦,他们应该饮食平衡。,If they want to be slim,they should have a balanced diet.,2, 对于他们来说,形成(form)健康的饮食习惯很重要。,Its very important

8、for them to form healthy eating habits.,Forming healthy eating habits is very important for them.,3,他们其中一些人通常上学不吃早餐。,Some of them usually go to school without breakfast.,4, 一些人喜欢吃高脂肪食物而不是( rather than)有营养的(nutritious)食物。,Some are fond of the high fat food rather than nutritious one.,Some are fond of

9、 the food, which is rich in fat rather than nutritious one.,转换为定语从句,5,所有这些生活方式对他们的健康有害。,5,All those lifestyles do great harm to their health.,6,我们最好饮食规律( regularly )并多锻炼。,Wed better have meals regularly and take more exercise.,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _,however, therefore , whats more, as we all know, as f

10、ar as Im concerned,组句成篇,并加上提供的过渡词。,Write down the whole composition with the linking words.,Nowadays, there are more and more students getting fat .So they all hope to lose weight. If they want to be slim, they should have a balanced diet._, its very important for them to form healthy eating habits.

11、 _, some of them usually go to school without breakfast; some are fond of the food which is rich in fat rather than nutritious one; All those lifestyles do great harm to their health. _ they should have a balanced diet including vegetables and fruits. _ Theyd better have meals regularly and take mor

12、e exercise. _ , we should develop a good eating habit to keep healthy. Only in this way can we keep fit and have enough energy to devote ourselves to study.,As we all know,However,Therefore,Whats more,As far as Im concerned,Summary,提纲式作文:,1,学会从原作文材料中获取信息。,Before we write the outline composition, we should keep the following tips in mind.,张楠的父亲有位美国同事,他的孩子约翰.史密斯即将来华.约翰写信向张楠询问一些有关他所在城市的问题.张楠回信, 内容如下: 得知约翰要来非常高兴.告诉他可能


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