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1、Unit 2 Travelling around the world一、重要单词名词1、 France 法国 French (法语) speak in French 2、 flag 旗帜3、 Europe 欧洲 European adj欧洲的 4、wine 葡萄酒 5、store (大型百货商店) 6、south 南部;南方7、coast 海岸;海滨 a place the land meets the sea 8、tower 塔9、lift 电梯;升降机 10、step 台阶11、stairs 楼梯 12、receiver 接受者 receive13、date 日期 14、greeting

2、问候 (名词复数greetings) v. greet15、address 地址形容词16、 French 法国的 17、possible 可能的 possibly17、 excellent 优秀的 very good 19、perfect 完美的动词20、 tick 标记号;打上勾 21、lie (过去式lay)位于;坐落在 lie-lay-lies(躺,坐落),lie-lied-lies(说谎), lay-laid-lays (下单)22、prefer 更喜欢 littlebetter 23、ski 滑雪 go skiing 24、finish 完成 end2、 重要短语1. (be)fa

3、mous for 以而著名2. department store 百货商店3. prefer to do更喜欢做某事4. go on holiday 去度假5. go sightseeing 去观光6. western Europe 西欧7. the capital of 的省城 8. place of interest 名胜古迹 (复数)9. such as 比如10. be famous for 因为而著名 well-known11. in the center of 在中心 12. on the coast 在海岸线上,在海岸 13. department store 百货商场 14.

4、prefer to do 更喜欢做某事 15. try doing 尝试做某事 (try to do)16. be close to 接近于17. be different from 不同于 18. be far away from 远离 19. make grape vine酿造葡萄酒三、课文语言点(Keys: Difficult points:)1、 Travelling around the world 重点(1)around prep:“围绕;在周围”Eg:The earth goes around the sun 地球围绕太阳转adv :“大约,到处”Eg:The bag is ar

5、ound three kilos 这个包大约有三公斤2、 The French flag 法国国旗 (1) French adj:法国的,法国人的,法语的Eg:Do you like French dishes?你喜欢法国菜吗?n:法语/法国人Eg:The villagers spoke French 村民们讲法语 On my way home,I met a Frenchman 在回家的路上,我遇到了一个法国人3、 Don be silly 别说傻话(1) sillyadj:糊涂的,没头脑的Eg:Oh,how silly you all are! 哦,你们都那么傻silly 常用句式:be

6、silly to do sth = its silly of sb to do sth 做某事是愚蠢的 Eg:You are silly to spend so much money on clothes= Its silly of you to spend so much money on clothes 你花那么多钱买衣服,真是愚蠢4. France is in Western Europe. western adj. “西面的,西部的” west n.西方 Western “欧美的,西方的” eg. the Western countries 西方国家Western culture 西方

7、文化eg. My house is in the western part of the town.拓展 词根-ern表示方位。eg.eastern 东方的,东部的 southern 南方的,南部的 northern 北方的,北部的 southeastern 东南的,东南部的 southwestern 西南的,西南部的 northwestern 西北的,西北部的 northeastern 东北的,东北部的5. Here you will find many famous places of interest such as the Eiffel Tower. a. Here 指代“In Par

8、is ” b. Places of interest 名胜古迹 interest Un. 兴趣,趣味 There are many places of interest in Beijing. His interest is reading. c. such as 例如 用来补充说明前面的事物 eg. They planted flowers such as roses in the garden.区分:such as & for example such as 用来列举整体之中的部分同类事物,插在被列举事物与前面的名词之间。其后面不可有逗号,后接n&n词组,还可以与and so on 连用e

9、g. I visited some cities such as Beijing, Shanghai and Dalian.for example 可缩写成e.g. 用来列举说明。在句中多作插入语,可置于句首,句中,句末。其后需有逗号。eg. Id like to keep a pet, for example,a dog.6. France is very famous for its wine. be famous for 因而闻名eg. China is famous for the Great Wall. be famous as 以(身份)而出名eg. MoYan was famou

10、s as a writer.区分:be famous for & be famous asa. 当主语时表示人的名词时,be famous for 表示“因作品或特征而出名”,be famous as则表示“作为某种身份而出名”eg. He is famous for his great inventions. He is famous as a great inventor.b. 当主语时表示地点的名词时,be famous for表示因某种特点(产品。建筑。名胜)而出名 be famous as 表示“以什么产地/地方而出名”eg. France is famous for its fin

11、e food and wine. The town is famous as a wine-producing place.7 .and farmers grow grapes to make excellent French wine.a. excellent adj.= very good/wonderful 优秀的,极好的。excellent 口语表示赞同。好极了。 Be excellent at/in sth 在某方面优秀 eg. She is excellent at sports.b. make wine 酿造葡萄酒These wines are all made from gra

12、pes.拓展make 制作 构成以下句式 A. be made by sb 由某人制成 eg. This coat was made by my mother. B. be made of sth 由 制成(制成品能看出原材料) eg. Our desks are made of wood.C. be made from 由 制成(制成品看不出原材料)eg. This kind of paper is made from grass.Dbe made into 被制成 eg. Wood can be made into many kinds of furniture.Ebe made in在

13、地方制作或生产 Eg. This kind of car is made in Beijing.8. The south of France lies on the coast, and it is famous for its wonderful beaches.On the coast 在海岸线上,在海岸Eg. We live on the coast.9. A French town by the sea is the perfect place for a summer holiday 法国的海滨小镇是夏季完美的度假地(1)by the sea 在海边;by the river 在河边

14、 备注:by the sea和by sea 的区别Eg:We stayed in the hotel _sea. He went by sea, and sent his heavy boxes _sea.10. if you prefer to visit France in winter,you can try skiing on the mountains in the French Apls. prefer to do sth=like to do sth better 更喜欢做某事 eg. He prefers to walk in the rain. I prefer to spend the weekend at home.


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