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1、第一篇 语言提高篇本篇目的和使用建议:目的:如前面“雅思写作考试评分标准”所述,语言能力是雅思写作考试的主要考察目标,本章将从同义词转换、句型多样化、连词的准确使用三个方面帮助考生全面提高语言技巧。建议:考生以每天定量分期同步学习这三方面的语言技能,不必过分追求速度,务求扎实稳健。如:可定量每天学习 5 至 6 组同义词+3 个句型+一组连词第一章 万用同义词同义词在雅思写作中的意义已经在“雅思写作考试评分标准”中有比较详尽的说明。本章的同义词在各类话题的雅思写作中都具备高频需求的特点。局限于某类话题的同义词将在后面各话题词汇拓展中提供。表示“提高,改善,进步,发展”的动词同义词动词 名词 注

2、释 例句advance advance advancement进步或使进步1.Science has advanced significantly in the past century. 2.The Internet has advanced the way people communicate with each otherimprove improvement 改善,提高 Our lives have been improved a lot.progress Progress 进步,提高 Traffic conditions have hardly progressed, althoug

3、h the government has adopted some measurements.develop development 开发,发展 1.Energy crisis can be released if alternative energies can be developed.2.Global economy will better develop if there is more cultural exchange among nations.upgrade upgrade 升级 1.The tele-communication system has been upgraded

4、 by digital technologies. 2.Nuclear weapons will upgrade social violence all over the world.promote promotion 推动,促进 Modern science has promoted our social productivity.accelerate acceleration 加速 Overpopulation has accelerated the consumption of natural resources.表示“获得,取得,实现”的动词同义词动词 注释 例句achieve 获得,

5、获取 Success can not be achieved without effort.obtain 获得acquire 获得gain 得到Knowledge can be obtained in many ways.(obtain, acquire, gain 用法基本相同 )fulfill 实现,完成accomplish 达到,实现Teamwork is required to fulfill the task.(fulfill 和 accomplish 用法基本相同)realize 实现 One of the purposes of taxing is to realize a mo

6、re balanced wealth allocation.表示“造成,带来,导致”的动词同义词动词 注释 例句bring about 带来 The globalization has brought about extensive cultural exchange.produce 造成,制造 Advertisements produce more profit for businesses.create 制造 We should create value for society, not problems.lead to 导致 Stress leads to health problems

7、.cause 导致 Drink and drive caused the accident.result in 导致 Air transport also result in pollution.give rise to 造成,使。 。 。更加严重The increasing number and use of automobiles gives rise to traffic problems.generate 产生 New ideas need to be generated.deliver 带来 The media deliver massive information to us.by

8、-produce 附带制造 While modern technologies have enabled humans to have stronger productivity, they have also by-produced some negative effects.表示“影响,起作用”的动词同义词动词 名词 注释 例句impact on/upon impact(s) 影响 The rapid changes impact on everybody.affect effect 影响 Peoples mood is likely to be affected by the weath

9、er.influence influence 影响 Teachers influence students.impress on impression 影响 What is reported by the media often impresses on the public.infect infection 感染 We are supposed to infect other social members to be aware of environmental problems with our enthusiasm. impress on 尤指对人的思想的影响infect 通常用于传染疾

10、病,但也表示用情感或气氛感染他人influence 的形容词 influential 非常常用,表示“有影响力的”表示“改变,重新塑造”的动词同义词动词 名词 注释 例句change change 改变 Peoples opinions and lifestyles have changed a lot.alter alternation 改变 Scientists have altered the world.transform transformation 彻底改变 The country has transformed since it was opened to the world.u

11、pdate update 更新 Knowledge is now updated on a daily basis.innovate innovation 创新 To innovate is to progress.另有 remodel, redesign, reengineer,reform 和 restructure 等词表示“重塑,改革重新改造”之意的及物动词,多为褒义,表示积极改造了什么。Some people say Bill Gates has remodeled the US economy.The road systems in most mega cities require

12、 to be restructured to cope with modern transport.表示“对。 。 。有利,对。 。 。有好处”的动词同义词动词 注释 例句benefit 对有好处 The new policies will benefit rural development.benefit from 从中受益 It is wise to learn to benefit from previous experience.be beneficial to 对有好处 A variety of food is beneficial to health.favour 对有利 The

13、contract seems to favour us.be favourable to/for 对有利 The past focus of the government was favourable for urban growth.profit 对有益处 Superb language abilities firstly profit the survival of new migrants and international student.profit from 从中获益 Most societies profit from the cultural globalization.be

14、preferential for 对.有优惠 Taxation should always be preferential for low-income people.do good to 对有好处 The computer and the Internet does good to information delivery.表示“对。 。 。不利,对。 。 。有坏处,破坏”的动词同义词动词 注释 例句harm/ do harm to 伤害,破坏 Smoking does harm to health.Hurt/ damage 伤害,损坏 Tourism might damage the ec

15、ology.destruct /undermine 破坏 The environment has been undermined by industries.jeopardize 危害 The scandal jeopardizes the presidents reputation.ruin/destroy 毁坏,毁灭 Drug abuse will ruin a persons life.demolish/smash 拆除,粉碎 Shanties have been demolished to make place for new residential buildings.spoil 搞

16、糟,溺爱 Bad behaviour spoils a persons image.Children nowadays are spoiled.endanger/threat 威胁,危及 Industrial pollution endangers wild lives.hazard/risk 使。 。 。糟危险Smokers also risk the health of non-smokers.put something in danger 使。 。 。糟危险High tech communication is putting our sociability in danger.expose something to risk 使。 。 。糟危险To allow unhealthy information to appear in the media is to expose the young to the risk of misbehaving.表示“加强, 加重”的动词同义词动词 注释 例句enhance 加强, 提高 The



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