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1、 第 - 1 - 页 共 5 页 Module 6 The 0lympic adventureUnit 1 Cycling is more dangerous than swimming一、学习目标: 1、掌握以下重点单词和词组adventure, more, dangerous, popular, exciting, tiring, unpopular, relax, relaxing, safe, be good at, more boring2、掌握下列重点句型1)Table tennis is popular.2) Chinese people are very good at gym

2、nastics.3) Basketball is my favourite sport.4) Cycling is more relaxing than running.5) What Olympic sport do you like?二、学习重难点:1、能形容词描述各类运动2、比较各类运动项目预习检测一、 词汇乐园1.dangerous 2、popoular 3、exciting 4、safe 5.un popoular 6.be good at 二、语法闯关。用所给的形容词的正确形式填空:1. Cycling is (danger) than swimming.2.Im very whe

3、n I hear the (excite) news.3.Its a (tire)match. I feel (tire).4.Skiing is (safe).5.Soccer is very (popular) in America.三、句型在线 1.中国人擅长体操和乒乓球。Chinese people are good table tennis.2.我认为足球比篮球更刺激。 第 - 2 - 页 共 5 页 I think football is basketball.3.骑自行车很累人,他骑了半小时后很累。Cycling is very . He is very after cyclin

4、g half an hour.4.我们来做个轻松的运动放松一下。Lets play a to .5.跑步比打篮球更无聊。Running is than basketball.四、目标导航1. Language Knowledge:Key vocabulary and phrases: Olympic, adventure, more, dangerousKey structure: be good at, more than (重点)2. Listening skill: To understand conversations about sports. (难点)3. Affection an

5、d attitudes: We should love sports.课上探究一、 听力闯关1. Guessing: What kind of sports is it?A:Its exciting. We always have the match in the gym. The match lasts for 40 minutes. There are five people in a team. B: It is popular. It is played by two or four people.We use a table to play it. Zhang Yining is v

6、ery good at it. C: It is difficult. It starts in 18th century.Chinese people are good at it. Cheng Fei is famous for it. D: It is cheap. We can do it anytime.We can do it anywhere. Justin Gatlin is good at it. E: It is tiring. It is from Europe.Huang Jinbao from Hongkong is good at it. We use bikes

7、to compete. F: It is dangerous. People in the north like it very much.They usually wear a pair of sunglasses.People move quickly over snow in Winter. 第 - 3 - 页 共 5 页 2.Listen and number the sports as you hear them.Basketball cycling gymnastics Running skiing table tennis二、教材研修(1)【读一读】大声诵读 P32Activit

8、y 2 2 分钟,把句子和图画搭配起来。(2) Give the Ss the words and let them circle the adjectives.happy swim ticket in Olympic fast sport world easy strong run and America expensive jump badminton bad basketball plan stadium(3) Match the opposites with each other: dangerous-safe, difficult-easy, exciting-boring, (un

9、) popular, relaxing-tiring.(4) Let the Ss try to find some more opposites. tall - short 三、合作交流1、疑难探究【想一想】1. Let the students listen to the tape of Activity 4 and check the sentences True or False.【议一议】2. Let the students listen again and tick for Betty and Daming.【练一练】3. Let the students read and tr

10、y to finish the conversation. Betty: Chinese people are very good at gymnastics. Do you like gymnastics, Daming? Daming: Yes, I do. But Chinese people are good at table tennis, too, and table tennis is _ _than gymnastics. Betty: I love gymnastics. I think its _ _ than table tennis. What Olympic spor

11、ts do you like? Daming: Basketball is my favourite sport, but I also like running. Betty: Oh no, running is _ boring _basketball. I also like cycling. Cycling is _ relaxing _ running. Daming: No, it isnt. I think cycling is _ tiring _ running. And do you like skiing? Betty: Yes, I do .But its _ dang

12、erous _ running and cycling.2、 语法在线【议一议】多音节词形容词比较级的变化规律 第 - 4 - 页 共 5 页 【讲一讲】多音节词形容词比较级前面more【练一练】beautiful useful interesting delicious important careful 四、活学即用天地(一) 写出下列单词及它们的反义词。 (必做)1危险的 安全的 2.困难的 简单的 3.激动人心的 令人厌烦 4. 昂贵的 便宜的 5. 流行的 不流行的 6. 放松的 累人的 (二) 根据中文意思补全句子.(选做)1. 中国人非常擅长体操。_.2. 乒乓球比体操更流行。_ _ is _ _ than _.3. 篮球是我最喜欢的运动,但是我也喜欢跑步。_ is my_ _,but I _ like _.4. 跑步比篮球更无趣。_ is _ _ than _.5. 骑自行车比跑步更轻松。_ is _ _ than _.6. 它比跑步和骑自行车更危险。Its _ _ than _ and _.课后延伸一、巩固性作业(约 10 分钟)1. Table tennis is _ _( popula



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