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1、The first editionHow should graduates value work?Confronted with the ever increasing graduate population and the comparatively economic recession, a large number of graduates have been lost in job hunting. Theyre accustomed to measuring the worth of action by money, and have already totally forgotte

2、n the genuine virtue of work. Whats “work”? Its composed of willingness, organization, reception and keep-learning. Only those who grasp the connotation of work can make a big difference in such a fiercely competitive society.First and foremost, work should be initiated with willingness. It means th

3、at a learnt person should persevere in working with personal favor and hobby instead of being propelled by other factors. An individuals potential can be exploited to the best through this way. Just as Edison put it, “Genius is ninety-nine percent perspiration and one percent inspiration, while the

4、most important thing is just the one percent inspiration.” The precious inspiration comes from willingness and interest. In addition, interests are also the most effective incentive with which even a normal worker can attain enough courage and strength to overcome all the obstacles existing in his c

5、areer. On the contrast, if a graduate compromised to the job he dislikes, reluctance would hinder him from gaining great achievements in this field.(工作兴趣)Based on the willingness, the true purpose of work is just to cultivate ones ability of organization, and dilute the desire of seeking fame and fo

6、rtune. On one hand, it means that the graduates should learn to organize a good relationship with others. A good worker knows well that the accomplishment of a tough assignment is a process which involves the collaboration of(with) different people. No one lives in isolation, and single ones power i

7、s limited. On the other hand, in terms of an individual, he should learn to organize his time appropriately. Finishing tasks with high efficiency on work and making good use of spare time to relax is the best arrangement. Once such balance was broken, one would either become a workaholic or be domin

8、ated by work.(团队精神)The value of work is not related to the pure motives and splendid organization skills, but also concerned with the altitude of reception. Sometimes we cannot determine the intensity of work and the result of labor, but we can choose to receive it happily and try to find the spice

9、in it. Set me for example. Before the exam, Ill have to work hard to make full preparation, while during this energy consume(consuming) period I experience the tremendous joy of reckoning one difficult problem. As a consequence, the score seems less significant than the whole process. “Work has bitt

10、er root but sweet fruit.” To receive it with optimism or reject it with pessimism depends on the workers altitude.(快乐工作,不急功近利) Last but not the least, work means continuous study. Steve Jobs once said in Stanford,” Stay foolish, stay hungry. ” It is accumulation of knowledge that can elicit creation

11、 which push the society ahead. One would be kicked out of the position if he stopped learning in such a rapidly changing world. To work equals to keep(keeping) learning.(终生学习的重要性 )In a word, strong willingness lays a solid foundation for ones developing, optimized organization offers the best method

12、 to work, reception with pleasure without complaint allows us to discover lifes colorful aspect, and the keep-learning action can inject vigor and vitality into us. The small letters “w”, ”o”, ”r” and ”k” constitute a single word “work”, while what comes along with it is the profound value. The grad

13、uate who know it, digest it and apply it will make it.Reviewed by 余弦线Global level (50%) Sentence level (30%) Local level (10%) Readability (10%) Originality (Y/N) Total Score 50 30 10 10 Y 100Commentsand suggestions for revision简直就是课文!太棒了!文章流畅而富有内涵,遣词造句无可挑剔,是一篇绝好的文章。尤其结尾,作者巧妙的将 WORK 进行逐字剖析,令文章浑然天成,让读者赞叹连连。不给满分,天理难容!



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