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1、重庆大学本科学生毕业设计(论文)含铁焦炭的气化反应动力学及性能研究学 生:学 号:指导教师:专 业:冶金工程重庆大学材料科学与工程学院二O一四年六月Graduation Design(thesis) of Chongqing UniversityExperimental Investigation of the Kinetics of the Gasification Reaction and the Properties of Iron CokeUndergraduate: Supervisor: Assoc. Major: Metallurgy EngineeringCollege of

2、Materials Science and EngineeringChongqing UniversityJune 2014重庆大学本科学生毕业设计(论文) 中文摘要摘 要焦炭是一种表面呈银灰色、多孔,并有纵横交叉的粗细裂纹且质地坚硬的碳质固体材料1。焦炭作为还原剂、能量剂、支撑骨架和供碳剂,主要用于高炉冶炼,其量约占焦炭总产量的90%。我国的焦炭储量丰富,但炼焦煤尤其是优质炼焦煤资源短缺。使用高反应性焦炭,在反应后强度满足的前提下,适当降低强度以换取焦炭反应性的提高。此次研究对象是铁焦,铁焦是高反应性焦炭里的一种。论文的目的是通过研究不同配比的含铁催化剂对焦炭气化反应前后强度、气化反应性的影


4、强度性能;(3)配入的含铁试剂大部分被还原为金属铁,生成的单质铁作为催化剂促进了碳素溶损反应的进行;(4)作为粘结剂的沥青能大大提高焦炭的冷热态强度。关键字:铁焦,反应性,强度I重庆大学本科学生毕业设计(论文) 英文摘要ABSTRACTCoke is a kind of solid carbonaceous materials whose surface is silver gray , porous , and the thickness of the crossbar and crack the hard texture 1 . Coke as a type of agent of red

5、ucing, energy , supporting for the carbon and skeleton wich is mainly used for blast furnace , which accounts for about 90% of the total production of coke . Coke is abundant in our country , but there are short of high-quality coking coal , especially coking coal resources . In order to improve the

6、 reactivity of coke by bowering the strength of coke which is under a satisfied precondition when we use the high reactivity coke. The object is iron coke that is a sort of highly reactive coke . The purpose of paper is researching the strength of coke before and after the coke gasification reaction

7、 under different iron catalysts, and analyzing the factor of properties changes of coke ,and exploreing the mechanism of elemental iron and iron compounds which are from coke .First, getting the coke with a coke oven that was containing iron elemental or different kinds of iron compounds and weak ca

8、king coal. Scondly analyzeing and measureing the cold strength of coke by drop test and drum test .finally, using the coke reactivity test systems to test and analyze the reactivity and strength of coke after reaction . The results showed that: (1) With the increasing of added amount of various agen

9、ts of iron catalysts (the mass of Fe2O3 increases the amount), coke increased reactivity, the cold stength decreased slightly while the hot strength decreased significantly. But the iron coke with 3% of iron ore whose cold and hot strength was similar to coke. it shows that the appropriate amount of

10、 iron coke can keep good strength while maintaining high reactivity; (2) The introduction of iron catalysts effected on the cementing action and expansive action in coking process, and accordingly the strength properties of coke; (3)Blended with the iron catalysts , the majority of them are reduced

11、to the metallic iron, the generation of elemental iron promotes the loss reaction of carbon as the catalyst; (4) as the binder, asphalt can greatly increase the cold and hot strength of coke .Keywords : iron coke ,coke reactivity, strengthII重庆大学本科学生毕业设计(论文) 目录目 录摘 要IABSTRACTII1 绪 论11.1 焦炭11.1.1 焦炭的概

12、念和作用11.1.2 煤的成焦过程11.1.3 国内外炼焦工业的发展现状21.1.4添加剂对焦炭性能的影响31.1.5焦炭质量对高炉生产的影响31.2 高反应性焦炭41.2.1 高炉炼铁过程中焦炭高强度与高反应性的取舍41.2.2 高反应性焦炭的优化机理51.2.3 配煤结构51.2.4 捣固炼焦61.3课题的目的及意义61.3.1 课题的研究背景及意义61.3.2 研究对象61.3.3 课题研究任务71.3.4 课题研究内容72 实验设备及分析方法92.1 炼焦设备及参数92.1.1 设备92.1.2 炼焦装煤堆积密度的确定102.2 焦炭的基础性质102.2.1 冷态强度的测定102.2.

13、2 热态性质102.2.3 焦炭反应性测定装置112.3分析方法113 实验过程133.1 含铁焦炭的制备实验133.1.1实验目的133.1.2炼焦原料和条件133.1.3铁焦制备过程143.1.4 实验需要注意的问题153.1.5 实验过程及记录153.1.6分析及小结163.1.7小结163.2铁焦冷态强度测定173.2.1实验目的173.2.2实验原料和条件173.2.3 实验步骤173.2.4 实验需要注意的问题183.3铁焦气化反应性测定183.3.1 实验目的183.3.2实验原料和条件183.3.3实验步骤183.3.4 需要注意的问题193.4 铁焦反应后强度测定193.4.

14、1 实验目的193.4.2 实验原料和条件193.4.3 实验步骤203.4.4 需要注意的问题204 结果与讨论214.1不同配比的Fe2O3对焦炭性质的影响214.1.1焦炭的强度和反应性变化规律214.1.2煤碳化前后矿物质转变及微晶结构变化规律224.2不同沥青添加量对焦炭强度和反应性的影响244.3 不同种类的含铁催化剂对焦炭性质的影响254.3.1 焦炭的强度和反应性变化规律254.3.2煤碳化前后焦炭矿物质转变及微晶结构变化规律275 结论及展望295.1 结论295.2 展望29致 谢30参考文献317重庆大学本科学生毕业设计(论文) 绪论1 绪 论1.1 焦炭1.1.1 焦炭的概念和作用焦炭是一种多孔、表面呈银灰色、并有横纵交叉的粗细裂纹且质地坚硬的碳质固体,气孔率为35-55%,其真密度约为1.801.95 g/cm3,散密度为520 kg/m3,比表面积为0.6-0.8 m2/g,由C、H、O、N、S、P等元素组成,是高炉炼铁的重要原料,它有还原、渗碳、发热和料柱骨架四大功能,在高炉冶炼中起到至关重要的作用1。冶金焦可划分



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