lecture 5 translation of drama

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《lecture 5 translation of drama》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《lecture 5 translation of drama(31页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Chapter 5 Translation of Drama,2. Characteristics of Drama Translation,2. 1 For audience rather than for readers Drama comprises chiefly of dialogues between characters and its final purpose is stage presentation (with closet drama as the only exception), so, it is mostly written for audience rather

2、 than readers. .,例如李尔王最后一场戏里,老王双手托起小女儿的尸体上场,嘶喊道: Howl, howl, howl, howl O, you are men of stones. 译文1:快哀号,快哀号,快哀号啊,你们是铁石人。(孙大雨译本) 译文2:号叫吧,号叫吧,号叫啊!你们是铁石人。(卞之琳译本) 译文3:哀号吧,哀号吧,哀号吧,哀号吧!你们都是铁石做的!(杨世彭译本),Howl, howl, howl, howl O, you are men of stones. 译文1:快哀号,快哀号,快哀号啊,你们是铁石人。(孙大雨译本) 译文2:号叫吧,号叫吧,号叫啊!你们是铁石

3、人。(卞之琳译本) 译文3:哀号吧,哀号吧,哀号吧,哀号吧!你们都是铁石做的!(杨世彭译本) 实际演出时,只见老王托着小女儿尸体上场,一边哀号,一边走向舞台正中,这拖长的四声号叫自有其必要。但从舞台演出效果而言,接连四声拖长的号叫,配合着老态龙钟的步子,沉重地走向了舞台中央。比起“啊”来,开口音的“吧”声音更高昂,留下更长的余音。细细品味,发现译文1和译文2不太适合舞台演出,而译文3传达出了原作的神韵。,Linda: Theres a little attachment on the end of it. I knew right away. And sure enough, on the b

4、ottom of the water heater theres a new little nipple on the gas pipe. -Death of A Salesman 林达: 管子的一头安着个接头儿。我一看就明白了。他打算用煤气自杀。 英若城 林达: 在橡皮管的一头有个小附件。我马上就明白了。果然,在烧水的煤气灶底肚上有个新的小喷头接在煤气管上。 陈良延,英若诚“强调舞台直接效果 ”,英若诚是我国著名戏剧演员及戏剧翻译家。他认为戏剧翻译应该为舞台演出服务,翻译剧本不仅要语言自然、简洁,台词口语化,而且还要充分考虑到观众的接受心理和文化习惯,考虑到舞台演出的,而且演员也要使用剧本上

5、的文字(台词)为观众表演。,I dont know what gets into me. -Death of A Salesman 我不知道我是犯了哪股劲儿。(英若诚) Biff: What the hell do you know about it? -Death of A Salesman 你懂个屁!(英若诚),2.2 No annotations allowed The audio-visual quality of a drama determines that the audience at a performance has no access to footnotes or ex

6、planations. That is why the translated drama should also contain no annotations as it has to be understood directly and immediately.,戏剧翻译是为演出的,译者应尽量使用明白晓畅的文字来传达原文剧中人物的意趣,遇到习语典故,应尽量采用意译。 如果译文只是供人阅读的,那就可采用直译加注,如梁实秋先生译莎士比亚就是以直译为主,必要时加一些注解,“旨在引起读者对原文的兴趣“。,Willy: Thats why I thank Almighty God youre both

7、 built like Adonises. (Death of a Salesman) 所以,我感谢上帝,你们俩都长得美男子似的。(英若诚 译) Adonis:阿多尼斯,一出世就俊美动人。爱神维纳斯对其一见钟情,把他交给冥后珀耳塞福涅抚养。阿多尼斯长大后,冥后也爱上了他,舍不得让他离开。两位女神互不相让,遂请求主神宙斯裁决。后来,阿多尼斯外出狩猎时被野猪咬死。爱神闻讯痛不欲生,冥后深受感动,特许阿多尼斯的灵魂每年回阳世6个月,与爱神团聚。,中,鲍西亚让夏洛克割肉时警告他,只准割肉,不准流血,而且割下的肉不准多也不准少,要刚好一磅,她说: “Or the division of the twen

8、tieth part Of one poor scruple.” (Scruple是古罗马一个非常小的重量单位,相当于1.296克。 ) 方译为“二十分之一丝” 朱译为“一丝一毫”,2.3 Common/colloquial language Usually language in dramas is derived from daily life, so it is very common. In the process of drama translation, translators should make the lines easier for the actors to perfo

9、rm on the stage, also, they should stand in the position of audience and make the language easier to understand.,戏剧语言,尤其是演出剧本的语言,必须通俗易懂,这是“由舞台性决定的,剧作家在创作时人物语言是适合舞台的,在翻译时,译者一方面要使译文的对白便于演员在台上说出;另一方面,要为观众着想,用于聆听的语言必须比供阅读的语言通俗易懂,更口语化”。,Incomplete and simple sentences help to establish the playwrights co

10、lloquial style. If the translator wants to keep this style, he must make the characters speak simple language in his translation. incomplete sentences Example: 吴祥子: 逃兵,是吧?有些现大洋,想在北京藏起来,是吧?有钱就藏 起来,没钱就当土匪,是吧? 老舍茶馆,吴祥子: 逃兵,是吧?有些现大洋,想在北京藏起来,是吧?有钱就藏 起来,没钱就当土匪,是吧? Wu Xiangzi: Deserters, right? Trying to h

11、ide in Beijing, with a few silver dollars in your pocket, right? When the money runs out, become bandits, right? 英若城 Wu Xiangziz: Youre deserters. Right? Youve scrapped a few silver dollars, and you want to hole up in Beijing. Right? If youve got money, you hole up; if you havent, you turn to bandit

12、ry. Right? -Howard-Gibbon, Simple sentence structure Example: 常四爷:是呀,您的眼力不错!戊戌年我就在这说了句“大清国要完”,叫您二位给抓了走,坐了一年多的牢! 宋恩子:您的记性可也不错!混得还好吧? 老舍茶馆,Chang: Yes, you have a good memory. In 1898 I made the remark here, “the Great Qing Empire is about done for!” For that I was arrested by you two, and imprisoned f

13、or more than a year! Song Enzi: Your memorys not bad either. Doing all right these days? 英若城 Fourth Elder Chang:It is. Your eyesights fine. I was arrested by you gentlemen here in 1898, and spent more than a year for saying that “the Great Qing Empire is about done for”. Song Enzi: You have a remark

14、able memory. Life treating you well these days? -Howard-Gibbon,2.4. Poetic Language 19世纪末之前的西方戏剧大都是以诗歌写成的。剧作家十分讲究语言文字的精练优美,注重语言的韵律和节奏。例如莎士比亚的剧作奥赛罗中的一段: O balmy breath, that dost almost persuade Justice to break her sword! One more, one more! Be thus when thou art dead, and I will kill thee, And love

15、 thee after. One more, and thats the last! So sweet was neer so fatal. I must weep, But they are cruel tears. This sorrows heavenly; It strikes where it doth love. 啊,甘美的氣息!你幾乎誘動公道的心,使她折斷她的利劍了!再一個吻,再一個吻。願你到死都是這樣;我要殺死你,然後再愛你。再一個吻,這是最後的一吻了;這樣銷魂,卻又是這樣無比的慘痛!我必須哭泣,然而這些是無情的眼淚。這一陣陣悲傷是神聖的,因為它要懲罰的正是它最疼愛的。,这一段

16、台词是用无韵体诗写成的,短短的几行文字便细腻生动地刻画出奥赛罗在杀妻前爱恨交织的复杂情感,叩人心扉,感人至深。,2.5. Rhetoric Devices 艺术的创作既来源于生活,又高于生活,戏剧创作也不例外。戏剧语言是日常语言的提纯和精练。剧作者常常交织使用多种修辞手段来加强语言的艺术韵味。例如莎士比亚名剧哈姆雷特中的一段:,King : But now, my cousin Hamlet, my son. Hamlet: (Aside) A little more than kin, and less than kind! King: How is it that the clouds still hang on you? Hamlet: Not so, my lord.



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