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1、U4T1SA1 What can I do for you., Madam? 我能为您做什么呢,女士?这是服务性行业常用的客套用语,与 Can/May I help you?意思相同。madam意为“夫人”,是对妇女的一种尊称,男士则用sir。2 I want to buy some clothes for my daughter. 我想为我女儿买些衣服。buy sth. for sb.=buy sb. sth. 为某人买某物She wants to buy some flowers for me. = She wants to buy me some flowers.He buys me a

2、 bike. = He buys a bike for me. 他给我买了一辆自行车。3 Not at all. = Youre welcome. = Thats all right. = Thats OK. 常用来回答别人的感谢,意为“不客气”。4. Can I try it on? 我可以试穿一下吗? try on 试穿 (如宾语是代词,放中间)如:The shoes are nice. Please try them on.e.g. try on the shirt = try the shirt on试穿衬衫当其加代词作宾语时,宾语只能置于try与on之间。(名词在两边,代词在中间)e

3、.g. try it/them on试穿它/它们5 It looks very nice on you. 它穿在你身上真好看。6. How much is it? 多少钱? how much is/are ? 多少钱? 如:How much are the shoes? Theyre 165 yuan.7 Well take it. 我们将买下它。take v. 意为“买”,相当于buy。通常指“当场买下”U4T1SB1 What do you think of ? =How do you like ? 你认为怎么样?How do you like the book? = What do yo

4、u think of the book? 你觉得这本书怎么样?2. I like it/them very much. 3. I dont like it/them at all. 4. Are you kidding? 你在开玩笑吧?5. Thank you all the same. =Thanks all the same.仍然感谢你。别人不能为自己提供帮助或不能满足自己的要求时所说的话。all the same意为“虽然这样,尽管如此”,还可说成Thanks anyway.e.g.Sorry, I dont know. 对不起,我不知道。Thank you anyway. 无论如何还是

5、谢谢你。6 Why not try that pair? 为什么不试穿一下那一条呢?that pair指“那条裤子”。pair意为“一对,一双”, a pair of一对,一双。e.g. a pair of shoes一双鞋,two pairs of pants两条裤子7 think abou t意为“想”,尤指考虑计划、意见、行动等是否可行。e.g. think about a plan考虑一项计划think about having a meeting考虑开个会U4T1SC1 Big sale! 大甩卖! 大放血! 跳楼价!2 What do we need? 我们需要什么呢?1need在

6、此是实义动词,意为“需要”,后面直接加名词或代词。e.g. She needs a pen. 她需要一支钢笔。3 rice为不可数名词,如果要表示数量可在前加表示量的名词修饰,e.g. a bag of rice 一袋大米salt为不可数名词,如果要表示数量可在前加表示量的名词修饰,e.g. a bag of salt 一袋盐4 how much+不可数名词+一般疑问句?How many+可数名词复数+一般疑问句?How much rice do you need? 你需要多少大米?How many toys do you have? 你有多少玩具?how much还可以对价钱进行提问,意为“

7、多少钱”,其结构为:How much+is/are.?e.g. How much is your shirt? 你的衬衫多少钱?4 How heavy is it? 它多重?how heavy 多重,对重量提问。类似的还有how long how tall多长,对长度提问;多高,对身高提问。how+形容词/副词多。e.g. How heavy is the box?这个箱子多重? How long is the bed?这张床有多长? How tall is Yao Ming?姚明长多高?5 too heavy太重了。too+形容词/副词表示“太”e.g. The box is too big

8、.这个箱子太大了。U4T1SD 1巧记 100 以内的基数词 基数词,不难记,十二以内词各异; 13数到19去,后加 -teen,莫忘记; 20、30至90,整十之后有 -ty /ti /; 要说基数“几十几”,连字符号“-”别丢弃;a hundred 是“一百”,请你记住别大意。2 three bottles of milk 三瓶牛奶。U4T2SA1 This is Kangkang. 我是康康。This is +某人(+ speaking )。(打电话用语)我是.Is that/it+某人(+ speaking )?“你是吗?”Who is this( speaking)? “你是谁?”这

9、些句子中的speaking往往可以省略。2 Are you free this Sunday? 这周末有空吗?this Sunday,这个周日 this与时间连用时指离现在的时间最靠近的那个时间。e.g. this morning今天早晨,this year 今年3 Whats up? 这是口语中用来询问对方“怎么了”的常用语。4 for a picnic 野餐。for 是介词,表示目的。e.g. Would you like to go out for dinner? 你想出去吃饭吗?5 tell sb. about sth. 告诉某人某事e.g. Please tell him about

10、 the story. 请把这个故事告诉他。6 go shopping 去购物。go加动词的ing形式表示去做某事。e.g. go fishing去钓鱼U4T2SB电话用语:1 May I speak to Maria? 我可以和玛利亚通话吗?2 She isnt in now. 她现在不在。副词。在家,相当于at home。3 Whos this? 你是谁?4 Could you ask her to call me back this evening? 你能叫她今天晚上给我回电话吗?a. ask sb. to do sth. 请/要某人做某事,ask sb. not to do sth.请

11、/要某人别做某事。e.g. Ask him to come here. 叫他到这儿来。Ask him not to come here.叫他别到这儿来。b. call sb. back 给某人回电话call sb.= give sb. a call 给某人打电话1a1 have to(客观原因引起的)“不得不,必须”,后跟动词原形,其第三人称单数形式为has to, 否定形式为dont / doesnt have to。e.g. They have to cook by themselves. Their parents arent in. 父母不在家,他们不得不自己做饭。2 no = not

12、 any/a e.g. He has no book = He doesnt have a book. 他没有书。He has no books. = He doesnt have any books.U4T2SC1 go shopping=do some shopping 购物2 do ones homework 做某人的作业3 I want to take some bread. 我想带一些面包。 take和bring都可表示“带,拿”的意思。它们后面都可接名词、代词作宾语,也可接双宾语。其区别在于:bring指从别处把某人或某物带来、拿来。take则指从这里把某人或某物带走、拿走。e.g

13、. Please bring me some apples. 请给我拿些苹果。Why not take some apples there? 为什么不带些苹果去那呢?U4T2SD1 go out for a picnic 出外野餐。2 take sth with sb。 随身携带某物。I take a pen with me. 我随身携带一支笔。3 fly a kite= fly kites 放风筝U4T3SA常用的时间表达法:A 时间表达法:1 整点的话,直接读出小时即可: 10:00 ten (oclock)2 第一种:直接法(直接把小时和分钟当成两个数字念出来)8:10 eight te

14、n. 10:20 ten twenty 12:50 twelve fifty第二种:间接法:A: 分钟在(1分-30分之内的),用 past(超过), 顺序为:分钟+past+小时(几分钟过几点)10:05 five past ten, 5:20 twenty past five, 5:15 a quarter past five(注意,15分的,要用a quarter,意为:四分之一) 12:30 half past twelve (半个小时,要用 half )B: 分钟在31分-59分之内的,用 to(到达),顺序为:分钟+to+小时(还有几分钟到几点)10:35 twenty-five to eleven(还有25分到11点),9:55读成: 5 to 10 (还有5分到10点)8:45: a quarter to 9(还有四分之一小时到9点),B 问时间:Whats the time?/ What time is it? 几点啦?1 Do you have time tomorrow? = Are you free tomorrow? 明天有空吗?此处have time 相当于be free, 意为“有时间,有空”。2 L


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