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1、Lesson 1 World news,Do you care about whats going on in the world?,What areas of the world are often in the news at the moment ?why?,Syria And Europe Why?,On sept. 3rd, on the coast of Turkey, two refugee(难民) children were found dead and floating on the beach by the police.,Two Syrian(叙利亚) brothers

2、aged 3 and 5 both drowned when they fled abroad.,What caused the tragedy?,.,It was due to wars and riots that Syrian people lived in misery(苦难), which caused thousands of refugees who sought for ways to flee to Europe. During the process, many of them died.,Watch the video,1. 2. So the wars must be

3、ended, and the world needs peace.,Do you know what happened on July 5,2005?,Canada,Russia,France,Italy,Britain,Japan,Germany,the United States,Have you heard of G8?,Background information about G8.,The full name of G8: _ Formation: _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ How often is the meeting held? _ Discussion a

4、bout: major problems that _,Back-ground,the Group of Eight,France,the US,Britain,Germany,Japan,Italy,Canada,Russia,Every summer,concern the whole world,Read for main idea of each paragraph using the reading skill of skimming.,A.The present situation of Africa B.Basic information of G8 C.Argument abo

5、ut the problems in Africa D.The way to solve the problems,3,1,2,Read for details by scanning 1. Why is this years meeting unusual? 2. What are some of the major problems in Africa? 3. How can the G8 nations help Africas poorest countries?,1. Why is this years meeting unusual?,Because the topic of Af

6、rica will be discussed in detail this year.,2. What are some of the major problems in Africa?,Many people cannot get the water, clothing, housing, electricity or education they need. Another problem is AIDS.,No water! No crops! No food!,Against Aids,3. How can the G8 nations help Africas poorest cou

7、ntries? They can cancel the debt of the poorest countries.,Listen and consolidate,What event else happened in 2005?,London Wins,London was announced to be the city to host the 2012 Olympic Games.,Paragraph1:,Read for main idea ofeachparagraph using the reading skill of skimming.,London was announced

8、 to be the city to host the 2012 Olympic Games.,Paragraph2:,Background of the news,Paragraph3:,the reaction of the common people and Prince William,Listening,Listen to the tape to get information in the second news as much as possible.,DesignAskAnswer activity,Ss are required to design ,ask and answ

9、er true- or -false questions in pairs. (One student designs a true-or-false question for his /her partner to answer, and then exchange their roles.),Example True or false Prince William in New Zealand asks the British to celebrate activities for the news. .,F,Read the text again for the passive,Ss r

10、ead the two news reports freely and loudly and find out all the sentences in the passive voice.,Complete the sentences in the table with these words.,have been, was, is, will be, was being, can be, is being, had been, is going to be,The Group of Eight, or G8, (2) _ formed by eight of the worlds weal

11、thiest nations in 1998.,Past Simple,was,Grammar,The news (3) _ celebrated by crowds in the streets. At 12: 45 UK time today, the name of the host city for (4) _ announced by IOC in Singapore. Reforms (5) _ demanded by people from all over the world.,is being,Present continuous,Past continuous,was be

12、ing,Present perfect,have been,Londons name (6) _ announced twice before. , as the topic of Africa (7) _ discussed in detail. They want the leaders to so that the problems there (8) _ prevented from getting any worse. It (9) _ remembered as a historical meeting this year,Past perfect,had been,will be

13、,can be,is going to be,主动语态变被动语态9种时态变脸,2. 被动语态的时态 时态回顾:(时态主要以谓语动词的不同 形式体现出来。),一般现在时,am / is / are done,一般过去时,一般将来时,过去将来时,will/shall be done,be going to be done,would/should be done,现在进行时,is/am/are being done,was/werebeing done,过去进行时,现在完成时,has/have been done,过去完成时,had been done,将来完成时,Will have been d

14、one,何时使用被动语态,1. 不知道谁是_或 没有必要 如: Paper is made from wood. The house is quite old. It was built in 1950. He was wounded in the fight.,动作的执行者,二、何时使用被动语态,3. 为了使_,避免提及自己 或对方而使用被动语态,或由于修饰的需要, 使用被动语态,使句子得以更好的安排。如: The construction of the new lab must be completed by the end of next month. Electricity is us

15、ed to run machines.,语气婉转,何时使用被动语态,Rewrite the newspaper report using the passive where possible.ex6,Who is responsible for the incident has not been discovered ,but evidence is already been collected by the police.It is hoped by the police that an explanation for the attacks can be found. (Compare the active and passive voice in news reports).,Group work :translate using the passive,1.在天津爆炸事件中,最后一名失联消防战士被找到。 2.据说日本渔民不敢再到钓鱼岛捕鱼,害怕见到中国船。 3.五名中国中学老师被邀请到英国一所顶级中学,对该校的学生 进行一个月的“中国式教学“。 4.叙利亚3岁幼童遇难,浮尸海滩的消息震动世界。 5.据报道德国2015年要收容80万难民。 6.一群俄罗斯科


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