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1、Review,Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,复习所学过的单元音:,长元音:i: : a: : u: 短元音:i u e ,u:,发音方式:双唇成圆形,牙床近于半合,舌尖不触下齿,自然而不用力,发“屋”之长音。 字母组合: oo food moon fool room shoot o do two u true blue,u,双唇成圆形,牙床接近半合,舌尖不触下齿,自然而不用力,发短促之“屋”音。 字母组合: oo look good book foot u put push ou should could,Lesson 7 Are you a teacher?,New

2、Words,I ai pron.我 am m v.be动词 are : v.be动词 name neim n.名字 what wt a.& pron.什么 nationality nnliti n.国籍 job db n.工作 keyboard ki:b:d n.电脑键盘 operator preit n.操作人员 engineer endini n.工程师,I,you,he,she,it,me,you,him,her,it,my,your,his,her,its,Questions What is Roberts job? What is Sophies job?,name national

3、ity job keyboard operator engineer,n.名字 n.国籍 n.工作 n.电脑键盘 n.操作人员 n.工程师,words,I am a new student.,Nice to meet you.,My names Robert.,My names Sophie.,Language points,1. My names Robert. 我的名字叫罗伯特。 My names =My name is 我的名字叫 Whats your name?你叫什么名字? My names +名字 =My name is +名字 I am +名字 =Im +名字 名字,Yes,I

4、am.,Are you French?,2.一般疑问句 Are you French?你是法国人吗? Are you +国籍?你是国人吗? Are you a teacher?你是教师吗? 回答:Yes, I am. No, I am not. 用来询问某人是干什么的。 Be+人称代词+职业,Are you French,too?,No,I am not.,What nationality are you?,Im Italian.,3.What nationality are you ?你是哪国人? 回答:Im +国籍. E.g.:Im Chinese. Where do you come f

5、rom? I come from +国家. E.g.: I come from China. Where are you from? Im from+国家. Eg:Im from China.,What nationality are you? =Whats your nationality? I _ _ . =Where are you from? I _ _ _.,No,Im not.,Are you a teacher?,Im a keyboard operator.,Whats your job?,4.Whats your job? 你是做什么工作的? 常用的问对方工作的句子还有: W

6、hat do you do? What are you?,Im an engineer.,Whats your job?,5.不定冠词a/an 可数名词单数前面 a 用在辅音音素开头的n.前 an用于元音音素开头的n.前 e.g. an ox an UFO,语言点,1. Nice to meet you. 与人第一次见面时的问候语,Whats his/her job?,2. What nationality are you? 问国籍,3. Whats your job? 问工作,Whats your nationality?,Where are you from?,1.Whats your n

7、ame?,初次见面谈论姓名、国籍、工作等。,重 点 句 型,2.What nationality are you?,3. Whats your job?,My name is Tom.,Im Italian.,Im a teacher.,语法点,特殊疑问句: 对句中某一特殊部分提出疑问,通常以what where who when等特殊疑问词开始的疑问句都可以称为特殊疑问句,也可以称为“wh-问句” 构成: 特殊疑问词+一般疑问句 (不可以用yes/no来回答) 在本课中出现的由what引导的特殊疑问句 Whats your job ? I am a teacher. What nationa

8、lity are you ? I am Chinese.,Lesson 8 Whats your job?,policeman pli:smn n. 警察 policewoman pli:s,wumn n. 女警察 taxi driver tksi-draiv 出租车司机 air hostess e-hustis 空中小姐 postman pustmn 邮递员,Whats your job? Whats his/her job? He/She is a/an.,Whats her job? She is a keyboard operator. Is she a keyboard operat

9、or? Yes, she is. No, she isnt.,一般疑问句,policeman,Whats your job?,Im a policeman.,policewoman,Whats your job?,Im a policewoman.,taxi driver,Whats your job?,Im a taxi driver.,air hostess,Whats your job?,Im an air hostess.,postman,Whats his job?,Hes a postman.,nurse,Whats her job?,Shes a nurse.,mechanic,Whats his job?,Hes a mechanic.,hairdresser,Whats his job?,Hes a hairdresser.,housewife,Whats her job?,Shes a housewife.,milkman,Whats his job?,Hes a milkman.,Do you remember?,如何询问对方姓名、国籍、工作 以及如何回答对方的问题,Homework,1. L7-8重点单词、句子,抄三默一,2. 背诵L7 课文,3. L7- L8练习册,Thank you!,


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