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1、目录摘要.1Abstract.21绪论.31.1涉外秘书的含义 .41.2涉外秘书的发展与变化 61.3涉外秘书与企业秘书的区别82涉外秘书任职所具备的条件92.1 涉外秘书所应具备的基本素质和能力102.2新经济条件下涉外秘书所应具备的条件102.3新商业环境下涉外秘书所面临的挑战.113涉外秘书的职业素质培养 123.1涉外秘书在素质培养方面所存在的问题123.2涉外秘书的高素质高层次的培养134涉外秘书如何运用各种方法解决问题.144.1涉外秘书如何运用现代数学的研究方法解决实际问题154.2涉外秘书如何运用统计学的研究方法解决实际问题165结 语17参考书目18摘 要伴着全球经济发展,



4、这一行业所具备的素养得到显著的提升。那么就要根据现有的市场行情,对涉外秘书这一行业的人才培养中所出现的漏洞和问题进行研究,重点研究当代涉外秘书所要具备哪些基本素养,涉外秘书的工作性质,和从事涉外秘书这一行业具备哪些基本品质,争取能将培训内容和教学实践相互联系,使用各种方法来增强学生的整体素养。关键字:涉外秘书 素养 实践 培养AbstractWith the development of global economy, the foreign secretary of the industry is also showing a thriving scene, to the developme

5、nt of the industry of the students grow with each passing day. In order to ensure that the industry can smoothly develop smoothly, must standardize recruits basic literacy and occupation quality, and with the enterprises in expanding the scope of business, requires a lot of enterprises to get more p

6、rofits, then the new recruits to the foreign secretary, will face the updated rules and standardization. So, in such a talent in the field, in the course of the implementation principle and application in the influence character by environment to produce and develop a plan for the implementation of

7、the Secretary in the direction of the quality and accomplishment.Generally speaking, the foreign secretary of the industry are generally used in the Department of foreign affairs, foreign companies or large state-owned enterprises, the market leader in specialized assistant resources arrangement, ac

8、tivity planning and human resources to mobilize the direction of management talent, not only that, but also put forward very high requirements for foreign language skills and language application of the foreign secretary.This is an extension to the development of the global industry, requires the se

9、cretary personnel with social, agility and comprehensive characteristics. However, in the changing world economic growth in the process of change, many commercial industry chain, industry chain, the basic framework, then the secretary occupation requirements and architecture should be appropriate re

10、strictions and rectification. Requirements for foreign secretary can not only deal with the basic work, but also to have all aspects of the quality, the corresponding law of learned knowledge, financial knowledge and good using the research methods of modern mathematical statistics, to analyze and s

11、olve practical problems. The foreign secretary if does not have the occupation accomplishment and moral sentiment correspondingly, it is difficult to fit the new development of the industry. It can be said, foreign secretary of industry with real-time updates of the planning and adjustment, the need

12、 for countries to carry out efficient, so that it can keep up with the pace of economic globalization, the foreign secretary of the industry have been significantly improved the quality of.Then according to the current market situation, conducts the research to the foreign secretary of the industry

13、personnel training loopholes and problems in the research of Contemporary Foreign Secretary, what should have basic literacy, the nature of the foreign secretary and foreign secretary work, engaged in this industry have the basic quality, and strive to put the training content and the teaching pract

14、ice of mutual connection, using a variety of methods to enhance the overall quality of students.Keywords: the training of Foreign Secretary of quality practice1绪论1.1涉外秘书的含义在我国,涉外秘书是指在“三资”企业,外国驻华机构,我国涉外单位、部门供职的秘书,是改革开放以后产生的新型的外向型、复合型秘书,他们掌握一门以上外语,能操作办公自动化设备,懂经济、懂法律、掌握秘书工作理论和技能,是辅助上司实施管理的专门人才。涉外秘书的任务是不但要具备和商务秘书相似的职责,还要兼具些许其他的独特的任务。比如涉外秘书一定要具备相应的职业知识,例如与外交有关的各种国家的语言,尤其是应用最为广泛的英语。此外涉外秘书的工作性质具


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