英语人教三年级下册where is my car?a let‘s talk

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英语人教三年级下册where is my car?a let‘s talk_第1页
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1、Unit4 Where is my car? A lets talk,DuJiao,Where is my ball?,Where is my ball?,in,Its in the box.,Where is my ball?,on,Its on the box.,Where is my ball?,Its under the box.,under,Where is my.?,Ask & Answer,Its.the.,Lets go to school!,Ok!,静夜思 床前明月光, 疑是地上霜。 举头望明月, 低头思故乡。,语文,Look at my _. Its _.,book,on

2、the desk,静夜思 床前明月光, 疑是地上霜。 举头望明月, 低头思故乡。,语文,Look at my _. Its _.,crayon,under the chair,静夜思 床前明月光, 疑是地上霜。 举头望明月, 低头思故乡。,语文,Look at my _. Its _.,pencil,in the pencil box,Where is my _? Its _.,in on under,英语,Pair work,Lets go home !,Listen and answer,1、Where is Zhang pengs pencil-box ? Its( ) his desk

3、. 2、Where is Zhang pengs pencil ? Its ( )his book.,Listen and answer,1、Where is Zhang pengs pencil-box ? Its( ) his desk. 2、Where is Zhang pengs pencil ? Its ( )his book.,in,under,Where is my,: And your pencil ! Its under your book.,: Silly me! Thanks!,John又发现了什么?,A pencil.,Where is Zhang Pengs penc

4、il?,Its under the book.,John: Lets go home . Zhang: Ok! Zhang: Uh-oh! Where is my _? John: Look! Its _. Zhang: Oh, yes ! John: And your _.Its _. Zhang: Silly me ! Thanks !,Lets act,1. 看书能表演出来。Good! 2. 不看书,声音响亮、发音正确。Great! 3. 加上适当的动作表情和道具, 然地表演出来。Wonderful!,Hurry up! Time to get up,Tutu.,Its.,Dad,where is my.?,Its.,Mum,where is my.?,Silly me,thanks!,OK.,Remember to put your things away! (记得要收好你的东西哦!),Dont leave your things like that after class! (不要像那样课后落下你的东西),Homework:,Act out Lets talk with your partner . Help your parents do housework.,


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