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1、HotEssay论文网()-专业paper写作,report写作辅导中心建筑学paper写作-埃及的古建筑保护Egypt as one of the four ancient civilizations, monuments dotted, many of them included in the World Heritage List, so that the world charmed. The restoration and protection of ancient buildings has become the most important task of successive g

2、overnments.埃及作为四大文明古国之一,古迹星罗棋布,其中不少被列入“世界遗产名录”,令世人神往。古建筑的修复和保护已成为历届政府的首要任务。Azhar Hal Mosque is one of the oldest mosques in Cairo, it has a history of more than more than 1000 years, the temple covers an area of 12,000 square meters, 380 marble columns, three huge dome and five towering minarets, co

3、nstituting a magnificent grand mosque, reflecting the Islamic architecture style and the unique charm of art. It is also a gathering of Islamic scholars, in the international authoritative comprehensive Islamic University, to such a historic building repair and protection work, the Ministry of Const

4、ruction is responsible for, the government each year to invest a large number of human, material and financial resources, after the vicissitudes of the thousand years, still preserved quite intact.爱资哈尔清真寺是在开罗最古老的清真寺之一,它有超过1000多年的历史,寺占地面积12000平方米,380年的大理石柱,三个巨大的穹顶和五个高耸的尖塔,组成一个华丽的大清真寺,反映出伊斯兰建筑风格和艺术的独特

5、魅力。也是伊斯兰学者的收集,在国际权威的全面的伊斯兰大学,这样一个历史建筑的修复和保护工作,建设部负责,政府每年投入大量的人力、物力和财力,经过几千年的沧桑,仍然保存相当完好无损。The restoration of the citys walls in Cairo has also been a great success in recent years, around the city walls were Cairos famous dead cities, a spectacle of Cairo, living in the dead city of more than 500,00

6、0 inhabitants, all of whom were the lowest strata of the population, who, in the climax of the Egyptian urbanization, went into the gold rush, and they could not afford the rent, Had to take the cemetery as a home, with the bones of the company, is a special stratum of Egyptian society. The resident

7、s of the cemetery are very complicated, living and security conditions are very poor, lack of basic living facilities, dusty, rubbish piled up, the government has repeatedly cleaned up, but the results are very little. It has long been a heart of government, and it has been a relatively successful p

8、ractice to transform the old city walls to guide and subsidize the relocation of the residents.恢复城市的墙在开罗也在近年来取得了巨大的成功,在城墙被开罗著名的死亡城市,开罗的景象,生活在死亡的城市超过500000居民,所有人都最低阶层的人口,谁,在埃及城市化的高潮,进了淘金热,他们付不起房租,不得不采取墓地回家,骨头的公司,是埃及社会的一个特殊的阶层。墓地的居民非常复杂,生活和安全条件很差,缺乏基本的生活设施,尘土飞扬,垃圾成堆,政府已经多次清理,但收效甚微。长久以来,它一直是政府的中心,改造旧城墙

9、来引导和资助居民搬迁是一个相对成功的做法。Egypts main experience in the restoration and protection of ancient buildings, first, to strengthen the legislation, in the vicinity of ancient buildings, the prohibition of private building, according to legislation, the Egyptian authorities take decisive action, with bulldozer

10、s, including the late President Sadat Villa in the vicinity of the building, nightclubs and other entertainment all demolished, into a green belt. Second, through various ways, to enhance the national protection of ancient building consciousness. Third, rely on the team of experts, the ancient build

11、ing repair work, to the experts to do, do not engage in officers, repair program to be repeated by experts to modify, or even in the world to solicit opinions, the scheme is immature, rather than repair. Four is to take a variety of ways to increase investment. In addition to the Governments budget,

12、 the main recovery funds from the worlds relevant organizations, government assistance and the worlds civil donations, in all parts of the world, have a group of enthusiastic volunteers for the Egyptian Ancient building repair works sponsored by the Egyptian Government and related departments, to th

13、e project as the object, Through a wide range of propaganda to introduce the historical value of ancient Egyptian buildings and restoration plans, the world to protect the common heritage of mankind to grant funding for the restoration of ancient buildings in Egypt to secure a large amount of money, almost all the major renovation projects in ancient buildings, behind a large number of foreign funding.HotEssay论文网()为留学生提供优质的paper写作,report写作服务



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