(教育精品)unit 3 going home 同步练习 1

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1、Unit 3Going Home 同步练习Period OneGetting Ready & Reading ()基础落实. 判断正(T)误(F)1The three boys and three girls were eager to go to Florida to spend their holidays. ()2The weather in New York was very pleasing in spring. ()3In spring it is colder in New York than in Florida. ()4The three boys and three gir

2、ls had sympathy for Vingo. ()5At last Vingos wife forgave him and accepted him. ()6Vingos wife was very angry with him because he had been in jail for four years. (). 课文缩写Three boys and three girls 1. _ the bus to go to Florida to spend their holidays. On the bus they noticed a man named Vingo who w

3、as 2. _ in a plain and illfitting suit. Vingo seemed not very happy. When the bus went outside Washington,a girl talked with Vingo,but he still seemed unhappy. The next morning,the girl talked with Vingo again. This time Vingo told the girl his story. Vingo and his wife used to live in Brunswick. Vi

4、ngo had been in 3. _ in New York for four years,and he was going home. When he was in jail,he told his wife if he had 4. _ her,she would just forget him and told her not to 5. _ him,and she didnt write him for three and a half years. Last week Vingo wrote to his wife and told her that if she would t

5、ake him 6. _,she should put a yellow 7. _ on the big oak tree. The girl told his story to others and all of them were 8. _ it. When they 9. _ Brunswick,they all became eager to see if there were handkerchiefs on the tree. When they finally got to Brunswick they found the oak tree was 10. _ with so m

6、any handkerchiefs. 能力提升阅读理解AThe search for life in the universe took a step forward last month with the opening of the Allen Telescope Array(艾伦望远镜阵列) in Hat Creek,California. The telescopes were partly made possible by a gift of twentyfive million dollars from Paul Allen. The total cost of the proje

7、ct is already fifty million dollars. At present,there are 42 radio telescopes working at Hat Creek Observatory. The signals they receive are combined to create what is equal to a single,very large telescope. The telescope will be used to observe objects like exploding stars,black holes and other obj

8、ects that are predicted but have not yet been observed. Seth Shostak of the SETI Institute says this is the first telescope whose main purpose is to search for signals from intelligent life in space. The SETI Institute is based in Mountain View,California. The organization supports the search for ot

9、her life forms in the universe. What makes the Allen Telescope Array unusual is that it can collect and study information from a wide area of the sky. In addition,the 42 telescopes can study information about several projects at the same time. That means studies of large areas of the sky can be made

10、 faster than ever before. Some officials think the Allen Telescope Array will be completed in three more years. 350 individual radio telescopes are planned. The new abilities of the Allen Telescope Array will make searching for stars similar to the sun much faster. An earlier search by SETI,Project

11、Phoenix,studied about 800 stars to a distance of 240 light years. The project ended in 2004. With the Allen Telescope Array,astronomers hope to gather thousands of times more information in the search for life beyond our planet. 1From this passage we know that _. Athe 42 radio telescopes at Hat Cree

12、k Observatory can work togetherBthe total cost of the project came from Paul AllenCHat Creek Observatory can receive signals from all parts of the worldDHat Creek Observatory is operated by an American named Paul Allen2Which of the following is TRUE according to this passage?AThe Allen Telescope Arr

13、ay takes much more room than former telescopes. BThe Allen Telescope Array is still being built at present in the United States. CAnother 42 radio telescopes will be fixed in the Allen Telescope Array. DThe SETI Institute is against the search for other life forms in the universe. 3With the help of

14、the Allen Telescope Array,_. Aastronomers can gather more information than before from other planetsBhumans will have more chances to live on other planets than beforeChumans will be able to find more natural resources on other planetsDscientists will be able to find more natural resources from othe

15、r planets4What would be the best title of the text?AThe Specialty of the Allen Telescope ArrayBNew Telescopes to Search for Life Beyond EarthCLife in the UniverseDThe Centre for the Study of Life in the UniverseBThroughout their history,Americans have been people on the move. The early immigrants had to travel to get to the new world. Once they arrived,they settled along the east coast. But they werent content to stay there. Explorers and traders journeyed to the unknown western territories. Later,settlers moved west to develop these new



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