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1、消费者行为学核心概念的中英文对照表1. 差别阈限 differential threshold2. 最小可觉察差别 just noticeable difference3. 韦伯定律 Webers Law4. 阈下知觉 Subliminal perception5. 知觉警惕 perceptual vigilance6. 知觉防御 perceptual defense7. 知觉地图 perceptual map8. 消费者行为学 consumer behavior9. Role theory 角色理论10. 重度使用者 (频繁使用者 ) heavy user11. 关系营销 relations

2、hip marketing12. Global consumer culture 全球营销文化13. 经典性条件反射 classical conditioning14. 非条件刺激 Unconditional stimulus15. 正强化 positive reinforcement16. 光环效应 halo effect 17. 刺激泛化 stimulus generalization 18. 操作性条件反射 instrumental conditioning19. 条件刺激 Conditional stimulus20. 负强化 Negative reinforcement21. Mas

3、ked branding 品牌伪装22. 刺激甄别 Stimulus discrimination 23. 复兴品牌 retro brand 24. 心理需要 psychogenic needs25. Utilitarian needs 功利需要26. Expectancy theory 期望理论27. Approach-approach conflict 双趋冲突28. 终极价值观 terminal values29. Consumption-specific values 消费特定价值观30. 价值观列表 list of values31. 产品介入 product involvement

4、 32. Approach-avoidance conflict 趋避冲突33. 工具性价值观 instrumental values34. Product-specific values 产品特定价值观35. 绿色消费 green consumption36. Avoidance-avoidance conflict 双避冲突37. 大规模定制 mass customization38. 崇拜式产品 cult product39. 互动式营销 interactive mobile marketing40. Cultural values 文化价值观41. Consumption microc

5、ultures 消费微文化42. Means-end chain model 手段目的链模型43. 自我概念 self-concept44. 身份营销 identity marketing45. Self-esteem 自尊46. 延伸自我 extended self47. 自我意识 self-consciousness48. 自我意象一致模型 self-image congruence models49. Gender socialization 性别社会化50. 形体意象 body image51. 品牌个性 brand personality52. 品牌资本 brand capital5

6、3. Brand equity 品牌资产54. 价值观与生活方式系统 values and lifestyle system55. 生活方式 lifestyle56. 生活方式营销观点 lifestyle marketing perspective57. 身份文化 status culture58. Symbolic community 象征性团体59. 消费者群体 consumer group60. 联合品牌策略 co-branding strategies61. 认知一致性原理 principle of cognitive consistency62. 自我知觉理论 self-percep

7、tion theory63. 社会判断理论 Social judgment theory 64. 认知失调理论 theory of dissonance65. 得寸进尺技术 foot-in-the-door technique66. 多属性态度模型 Multiattribute attitude models 67. 态度功能理论 functional theory of attitudes 68. Attitude toward to the advertisement 对广告的态度69. 态度追踪 attitude tracking70. 按次计费 pay-per-view71. Fake

8、 blogs 假博客72. Theory of trying 尝试理论73. Sleeper effect 睡眠效应74. Permission marketing 许可营销75. 信息源可信性 source credibility76. source attractiveness 信息源吸引力77. 平衡理论 balance theory78. 双因素理论 two-factor theory79. 非真人的代言人Nonhuman Endorsers80. 文化含义 cultural meaning81. Match-up hypothesis 匹配假说82. 知识偏见 knowledge b

9、ias83. Reporting bias 报告偏见84. Halo effect 晕轮效应 85. 广告疲劳 advertising wear-out86. 双因素理论 two-factor theory87. 支持性论述 supportive arguments88. Refutational arguments 反驳性论述89. 比较式广告 comparative advertising 90. 精细加工可能性模型 elaboration likelihood model91. Peripheral route 外围路线。92. Hyperchoice 过度选择93. 理性的观点(Rat

10、ional perspective)94. 购买冲力 (Purchase momentum):95. 有限型决策 limited problem solving96. Habitual decision making 习惯型决策97. 扩大型问题解决 extended problem solving98. Actual state 实际状态99. Need recognition 需要识别100. Internal search 内部搜寻101. 定向学习 directed learning 102. Ideal state 理想状态103. Opportunity recognition 机

11、会识别104. External search 外部搜寻105. Mental accounting 心理账户106. Ongoing search 购买中搜寻107. Mental accounting 心理账户108. 产品定位 product positioning 109. 定位产品 locating product110. Exemplar products 典型产品111. 产品信号 product signal112. Country-of-origin 产品原产地113. Consumer satisfaction 消费者满意114. 非计划购买 unplanned buyin

12、g115. 价值-质量关系 price-quality relationship 116. 冲动购买 impulse buying117. Consumer dissatisfaction 消费者不满意118. 购物倾向 shopping orientation119. Store image 商店形象120. 购买点刺激 POP point-of-purchase stimuli 121. Lateral cycling 横向循环122. 参考群体 reference group 123. 游击营销(Guerrilla Marketing)124. Brand community 品牌社区1

13、25. Membership reference groups(成员型参考群体)126. Avoidance groups(回避群体)127. Antibrand communities(反品牌社区128. Decision polarization(决策分化 )129. Home shopping parties (家庭购物聚会)130. Opinion Leadership 意见领袖131. 病毒营销(Viral Marketing132. 消费者部落 consumer tribe133. Aspirational reference groups(渴望型参考群体)134. Market

14、maven(行家)135. 组织决策( Organizational Decision Making)136. Straight rebuy 直接重购137. nuclear family 核心家庭138. Consensual purchase decision(意见一致型购买决策)139. 家庭生命周期:Family Life Cycle140. 家庭决策(family decision making )141. Modified rebuy 修正重购142. extended family 扩展家庭143. Accommodative purchase decision(折中型购买决策)144. 消费社会化:Consumer Socialization145. 组织购买者(Organizational buyers)146. B2B 营销者(Business-to-business (B2B) marketers)147. New task 新购148. Sandwich generation(三明治的一代)149. Boomerang kids(归巢孩子150. 非人类家庭成员:Nonhuman Family Members151. Autonomic decision(自主决策)152. Syncretic decision(融合决策)


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