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1、Capitalisms unlikely heroes Why activist investors are good for the public company Greeces bond bombshell In praise of three-parent babies Nigerias blood-soaked election Will India pollute more than China? How to quit the corner officeFEBRUARY 7TH13TH 2015E iShares Funds can help you keep more of wh

2、at you earn. “ I WANT AN INVESTMENT PLAN FOCUSED ON MY NEEDS, NOT ON FEES.” BlackRock is trusted to manage more money than any other investment frm in the world.3 STRENGTHEN YOUR PORTFOLIO WITH iSHARES CORE FUNDS. Low cost. 1/10th the cost of a typical mutual fund.1 Tax effcient. 95% of iShares Fund

3、s did not pay capital gains taxes in 2014.2 Diversifed. Access a range of investments in a single fund. Visit iS and speak with your fnancial advisor. So what do I do with my money? iShares Core S the European Cen- tral Bankstopped takingGreek governmentbondsascollater- al. Marketswere volatile but

4、seemed hopeful thata deal would eventuallybe done. America and Europe prepared anewpeace initiative to pre- sentto the Russiansto end the warin eastern Ukraine, amid heavyfi ghtingand more mil- itaryand civilian deaths. Earli- er, the pro-Russian rebel leader said he would expand hisforce to 100,000

5、 men. More Russian equipmentand, accordingto NATO, troopspoured across the border. The International Courtof Justice in The Hague rejected claimsbyboth Croatia and Serbiathatthe otherwas guiltyofgenocide duringtheir warsof1991-95, when some 20,000 peoplewere killed. Italysparliamentpicked a newpresi

6、dent, Sergio Matta- rella, a formerjudge. He was the candidate ofMatteo Renzi, the prime minister. Bysecuring hischoice quickly, MrRenzi improved hischancesofpush- ingthrough hisreforms. Tightening the net Chinastepped up controls overthe internet. Itisnow requiringusersofblogsand chatroomsto regist

7、ertheir real nameswith internetproviders and theymustpromise to avoid attackingthe political system. Censorshave also been tryingto restrictaccess to “virtual private networks”, which are often used to cir- cumventthe blockingofpoliti- callysensitive websites. Myanmaraccused a senior UNoffi cial ofi

8、nterfering in its aff airsaftershe had raised concernsaboutdiscrimination againstmembersofthe Muslim Rohingya minority. The Rohingya are statelessand have been the targetofattacks bymembersofMyanmars Buddhistmajority. The coalition governmentin Australiasuff ered a resound- ingdefeatin state electio

9、ns in Queensland. The foreign minister, Julie Bishop, denied thatshe isplanningto oust the prime minister, TonyAbbott, whose popularityhas slumped, bymountinga challenge forthe leadership of the Liberal Party. Barbaric State IslamicStatemilitantsbroad- casttheirbeheadingofa Japanese journalistand mu

10、r- derofa Jordanian fi ghterpilot, whom theyburntalive in a cage. Jordanians, hitherto ambivalentaboutthe bomb- ingofSunni jihadists, turned againstthe movementstrong- ly, welcomingKingAbdullahs continued participation in the American-led coalition aswell ashisexecution oftwo jailed militantsin reve

11、nge. Egyptspresidentdeported an Australian journalistwho had reported forAl Jazeera, ending hisincarceration of400 days forbroadcasting“false” news. Meanwhile, Egyptscourts jailed 230 people foranti- governmentactivity, including aliberal activist, Ahmed Douma, who wassentenced to life in prison. Ho

12、uthi rebelswho have over- run the capital ofYemen, Sanaa, refused to release the countryspresident, Abd Rabbo MansourHadi, and his cabinetfrom house arrestuntil adeal isreached on integrating the rebelsinto the regular army. Theysaid thatwithout a deal, “a revolutionaryleader- ship” undertheircomman

13、d would take full control. Forcesfrom Chadand Camer- oonbacked byFrench planes foughttheirmostseriousbattle since enteringnorth-eastern Nigeriato suppressBoko Haram, a jihadistgroup. They claimed to have killed 250 militantsand “wiped out” theirbasesnearthe border with Cameroon. Butthe fi ght- ingsp

14、illed into Cameroon, with Boko Haram reportedly killingatleast70 people in the town ofFotokol. Petro dollars Maria dasGraasFoster, the chiefexecutive ofPetrobras, Brazilsstate-controlled oil company, resigned amid a corruption scandal centred on claimsthatPetrobrassolicited billionsofdollarsin payme

15、nts from construction companies, some ofwhich were funnelled to political parties. These include the Workers Party, which isled byDilma Rousseff , Brazilspresident. The lower house ofBrazilsCongresshas elected asitsSpeakerEduardo Cunha, who hasoften clashed with MsRousseff . In Argentinaitemerged th

16、at Alberto Nisman, a prosecutor who wasfound dead in Janu- ary, had drafted a warrantfor the arrestofthe president, Cristina Fernndezde Kirch- ner. MrNisman had accused the presidentofobstructing the investigation ofthe bomb- ingofa Jewish community centre in BuenosAiresin 1994. The arrestwarrantwasfound in a rubbish bin in hishome. Mexicospresident, Enrique Pea Nieto, ordered an in- vestigation into confl ict-of- interestallegationsagainst him, hiswife and the fi nance



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