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1、小学英语跨文化教学实例探究实验小学教育集团 王燕平【内容摘要】 文化渗透是语言教学中不可或缺的一部分。小学英语跨文化教学必须将跨文化课堂教学与课外活动有机结合,从而整体优化语言教学效果。本文主要从跨文化教学案例的设计、实施、反馈以及对跨文化课内外教学有效衔接的思考等方面阐述了小学英语跨文化教学的策略。 【关键词】 跨文化 课堂教学 课外活动 教学实例PEP 小学英语教材每册都安排了一定量的文化知识介绍与学习,但所涉及的文化知识比较零散,如果将其单独作为某一板块进行教学,其内容不够充实,在实施过程中也必然会影响教学进度。如果在平时的课堂英语常规教学以及英语课外活动中都渗透相关的跨文化知识,不仅不

2、会影响到教学进度,而且能让学生在学习英语的过程中同时欣赏、体验、理解英语国家文化知识。以下是以 PEP 人教版小学英语五年级 Unit2 My Days of the Week 为教材内容设计的小学英语跨文化教学案例。本次跨文化实践教学由课堂跨文化教学、课外活动(电影赏析、游戏)两部分内容组成。1.小学英语跨文化课堂教学设计实例Lesson planUnit 2 My days of the weekPart A Lets learnDesigner Wang YanpingSubject EnglishPeriod of time40minGrade levelGrade 5Teaching

3、 material PEP Primary English Book, Part A Lets learn of Unit 2 My days of the week from book 5Analysis of teaching material This lesson is about weeks. By learning this unit, the students know how to say 7 days of week in English accurately and fluently. What is more, the students realize some cult

4、ural knowledge behind these words.Analysis The students in grade 5 have learned English for more than 2 years, some of them of students have developed a good sense of English. Whats more, they are full of curiosity and enthusiasm. But it is still very important to inspire them to learn more. Teachin

5、g objectives(1)Aims on the knowledgeThe students can listen, speak, read and write the 7 words: “Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday” accurately and fluently.(2)Aims on the abilitiesThe students ability of searching and learning the cultural knowledge behind the English

6、 words can be developed.(3)Aims on the affectThe students can form a good habit of saving time; whats more, they can know the cultural knowledge behind these words.Key points Know how to say 7 days of a week in English accurately.Difficult points The pronunciations of “Wednesday” “Thursday” and “Sat

7、urday”. And the culture behind these words.Teaching methods TPR Situational Language Teaching Method Teaching aidsMultimedia device; BoardTeaching ProcedureActivities Designers intentionWarm-up 1. Sing a song. Ten Little Indians.2. Teacher shows different numbers of fingers and let the students coun

8、t them as quickly as they can.3. Teacher says a number, and students try to make a sentence with the number, such as I have two eyes. seven days in a week.在较短的时间内,复习以学过的内容,在轻松愉悦的氛围中将学生带到英语学习过程中,同时很自然地引入到本课的教学内容中。Presentation and Practice 4. Lead in With the help of CAI, the students read the short s

9、tory of week in different roles.Week are 7 lovely boys. They are born in 老师在进行文化讲解时,可以将多种文化活动与投影仪、电影和幻灯片相结合。设计一个简单小故事,吸引Ancient Babylon(古巴比伦). They love traveling very much. One day they went to Ancient Rome(古罗马). The 7 boys look the same, what was worse, they all called “week”. And people cannot di

10、stinguish(分辨)them one from the others. So the Romans named them differently. When the 7 boys traveled to Europe, 4 of them changed their names again. From then, these 7 boys have their own names. They feel so happy.学生注意力,同时将跨文化知识巧妙地融入教学中。使学生在角色朗读的过程中,渐渐地融入故事情节,激发学生学习的积极性和主动性。5. Present 7 daysAfter t

11、he story, teacher asks the students, Do you want to make friends with them? Wow, look. It comes _. Lets say hello to Monday. Monday” is the day for Moon god(with the help of CAI). After the presentation of Monday, the students are asked to practice the pronunciation of Monday in different ways, such

12、 as one by one, boys and girls, little train, etc. The same goes to other words.When it comes to Fridays teacher asks the students, Boys and girls. Do you love Fridays? For me, I like Fridays, too. But for westerners, especially for the Christians(基督徒) they dont like Fridays. Do you know why? After

13、different opinions of the students, teacher guides the students that, They call Fridays “Black Fridays” and for them Fridays mean disaster. So what do you want to advice your classmates? the students are asked to discuss in groups, and 2 minutes later, the students share their 在教单词的同时,引入文化背景知识,并配合动画

14、,学生更容易接受和理解。opinions with classmates. After that, teacher summaries, when you have an English or American friend, dont ask them to do anything on Fridays. For them there is no special plan for Fridays. (with the help of CAI)。6. Question timeAfter the presentation of 7days, teacher asks students, Now

15、,we have known these 7 brothers. But do you know which day is the first day of the week? . After the opinions of students, teacher says, Yeah, for Chinese, Monday maybe the first day of the week, but in fact, Sunday is the first day of the week. 西方人传统上都会在“Sunday”这天去教堂祷告祈求一星期的好运,就像我们在“元旦”和“春节”都会祝愿人们新

16、年行好运一样。“Sunday”是一星期的开始。教师在教学过程中应该认识并利用英语国家文化内涵及其英语和母语的细微差别。在中国文化和西方文化中,一个星期都有 7 天。但是,中国人的一个星期是从周一开始的,而西方人的一周是从周日开始的。老师的这一提问不仅可以调动学生积极主动的自我思考,同时也很自然的将跨文化因素融入其中。7. Time for chant. The students are leaded to stand up, and clap their hands with rhyme.The chant is as follows:Sunday, Sunday, the first day of a week;Monday, Monday, the first day for school;Tuesday, Tuesday, math on Tuesday.Wednesday, Wednesday, P.E. on Wedne


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