英语人教版九年级全册unit 13 section b reading

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1、Unit 13 Reading Teaching DesignTeaching contentUnit 13 Section B ( 2a - 2d )Teaching time 45 minutes Form Reading classI.Analysis of the teaching material. In this unit, students learn to debate an issue. The topic is meaningful and practical to students. Its very important and necessary for student

2、s to learn something about it. Its of great benefit to students. Its useful for students to use the topic to communicate with others in their daily life. Its also helpful for students to improve their speaking skill. After studying this unit, students should be fully aware of the importance of reduc

3、ing pollution and take action to protect the environment.In this class, students go on learning the ways of protecting the environment by saving. Thats to say , Nothing is a waste if you have a creative mind.II. Analysis of the students. 1.The students have something to say and willing to do it well

4、 about protecting the environment.2. Most students have grasped the structures to express their own opinions. For example: We should . Wed better. Its a good way .3. Students have learned some learning strategies of skimming ,scanning ,predicting and so on.III. Teaching Aims.Knowledge and Skill:1.Ma

5、ster the key words and phrases throw away, upside down , put sth. to good use, pull down, gate , bottle , president, inspiration, iron , work , metal , creativity , bring back2.Learn to talk about pollution ad environmental protection.3.Review the passive voice.Process and Method:1.Learn the new wor

6、ds and phrases through the reading material.2.Use the title and pictures to predict what the passage is about.3.Use proper reading strategies for different reading purposes.Emotion, Attitude and Value: Recycling is a useful way to save money and protect the environment. Good habits are good for peop

7、le.IV. Teaching Key Points. 1.Master thee new words and target language. 2. Develop the students reading skill.V. Teaching Difficult Points.1.To learn how to protect the environment. 2.To improve students reading skillVI. Teaching Process. Teaching stepsTeachers activitiesStudents activitiesTeaching

8、 purposeWarm-up播放5张美丽的自然风景的图片,让学生欣赏享受美丽的自然风光,接着转变成播放关于环境污染的图片,前后对比,激起他们保护环境的欲望和意识学生畅游在美丽的湖光山色中,陡然将他们带到各种污染的环境中,他们自然拥有保护环境的强烈欲望利用网络搜集一些图片并进行编辑成ppt,利用ppt播放图片,引出主题,激发学生的学习欲望Lead-in接着教师询问How can we protect our environment? 引发学生深层次的思考,引出今天的课思考并回答how to protect the environment利用ppt展示出一些保护环境的措施,并鼓励学生从小事做起,

9、爱护好我们的生活环境Pre-reading要求学生Look at the title and the pictures . Can you guess what the passage is about?学生按要求阅读题目和观察三幅图片,并猜测文章的主题使用ppt直接呈现题目和图片,使其更加直观While-reading1.Skimming (1).According to the topic of the text, skim the text and find out the structure of it . (2).Skim the passage and then find out

10、the main idea of each Para.(3).学习策略:可以阅读每一段的首尾句子,以及结合相应图片2. Scanning.(1).带领学生一起阅读para.1,总领文章信息(2). Ask students to scan Para. 2 and fill in the chart.解释Amy built the house out of rubbish. 并引导学生理解 be built out of = be made of(3). Ask a student to read Para. 3 in front of the class and then ask some s

11、tudents to answer the questions according to the content.(4).Have all the students read para.4 together and then fill in the blanks with the important phrases. Skimming1学生按要求进行阅读文章,并结合图片在圆圈中填出.Para. 1 , Para. 2, Para. 3, Para.4的位置2.根据提供的学习策略,再次速读文章,找出每段大意Scanning 理解运用短语be built out of ,pull down.请一个

12、学生阅读Para.3,并根据提示完成任务学生按要求完成相应的任务用ppt 展示图片中每一个段落的位置,文章结构直观明了根据学生的回答,拖出每一段的主要思想利用ppt 中逐条显示的功能,增强学生的注意力Post-reading1.Draw a mind map.2. Make a summary.3.Play a game .Who has better ideas of recycling things?1.根据学习,完成本节课的思维导图2.有能力的学生可根据思维导图来复述文章,同时把它作为下节课的复习内容让学生积极思考和探索废物再利用的新点子,懂得Nothing is a waste if

13、you have a creative mind.利用画图工具制作思维导图,利用思维导图简洁明了文章结构和内容搜集一些废物再利用的图片用ppt向学生展示,激发他们的兴趣Homework1.Read the passage carefully and grasp the new words and phrase.2.上交一份旧物利用的作品,并用英语做简单介绍给学生一周的时间准备,then find out which is the best.VII. Blackboard DesignUnit 13 Were trying to save the earth!Section B Rethink, Reuse, Recyclethrow away, put sth. to good use, pull down, upside down, gate, bottle, president, inspiration, iron, work , metal , creativity, ,bring backVIII. Teaching Reflection.


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