英语人教版九年级全册unit 5 section b(1a-1e)

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1、Unit 5,Section B Period 1 (1a1e),1. I wash dishes every day. (改为被动语态)。 _ _ _ by me every day. 2. Most of the farm work is done by machine in the USA. ( 改为一般疑问句) 3. French and English are spoken in Canada. (对划线部分提问)。 _ _ _ _ in Canada?,Dishes,句式转换。,are,washed,Is most of the farm work done by machine

2、in the USA?,What,language,is,spoken,Review,1. Usually computers _ (use) to get information on the Internet. 2. I _ (ask) to clean my bedroom every day by my mother. 3. Trees _ (plant) in spring. 4. The brown desk _ (make) of wood.,are used,am asked,are planted,用所给动词的正确形式填空。,is made,Kite flying is a

3、traditional sports game widely popular among the Chinese people. Do you know how many kinds of kites are divided into in China?,hard-winged kites (硬翅风筝),centipede kites (蜈蚣形风筝),soft-winged kites (软翅风筝),flat kites (拍子风筝),Chinese kites may be divided into four main kinds: Kites can be made of differen

4、t types of material and some special paper. It depends on what kind of kite you want and how high you want it to fly. Do you know what kites are made of?,paper,What are kites made of?,silk,nylon,wood,bamboo,1a What are kites made of? Write down some materials used in making kites.,They are made of _

5、.,paper, silk, nylon, wood and bamboo,Have you ever heard of Weifang, Shangdong province? What is it known as?,Free Talk,Weifang, “the Worlds Capital of Kites”,1b Listen and circle the correct answers.,Laura is trying to find out more about _. A: what Zheng Yun did on his vacation B: what Zheng Yun

6、thinks about Weifang 2. Zheng Yun tells Laura about _. A: a kite festival B: how to make a kite,A,A,1c Listen and write L for Laura or Z for Zheng Yun.,_ went on a vacation to Weifang _ wants to know more about the kite festival _ saw many different kinds of kites at the festival _ didnt know that k

7、ite flying could be so exciting _ wants to learn to fly a kite,Z,L,Z,L,L,1d Listen again. Fill in your blanks with what you hear.,Weifang is a city in Shandong. It is famous for _. The international kite festival is held in _ every year. The competitors at the festival are from _.,4. There are _ for

8、 the best kites. 5. Some of the kites Zheng Yun saw were made of _. Some were painted with colorful _.,kites,April,all over the world,competitions,silk or paper,drawings,Pair Work,Role-play a conversation between Laura and Zheng Yun.,A: Where did you go on vacation? B: I went to A: That sounds inter

9、esting. What did you see there? B: ,Pair Work,A: Where did you go on vacation? B: I went to A: That sounds interesting. What did you see / do there? B: ,Inner Mongolia,Pair Work,A: Where did you go on vacation? B: I went to A: That sounds interesting. What did you see / do there? B: ,desert ride a camel,


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