英语人教版九年级全册unit 2 section a 3a-3c

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1、赫章县妈姑镇初级中学,朱 敏,Unit 2,Section A Period 3 (3a 3c),I think that mooncakes are delicious?,Look at the pictures and say what festivals they are.,Chinese Spring Festival 春节,The Lantern Festival 元宵节,Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋节,The Dragon Boat Festival 端午节,The Water Festival 泼水节,Christmas Day 圣诞节,April Fools D

2、ay 愚人节,What is your favourite festival? Why do you like it most?,Free Talk,What are they? When do we usually eat them?,mooncakes,Mid-Autumn Festival,How do you celebrate this festival?,Mid-Autumn Festival,moon,Change,a rabbit,admire the moon,eat mooncakes,hang out with lanterns,talk about the festiv

3、al.,a kind of dessert /diz:t/ 甜食,mooncakes with meat / nuts 肉馅/果仁/蛋黄月饼 ham mooncake 火腿月饼 ice cream mooncakes 冰淇淋月饼 fruit and vegetable mooncakes 果蔬月饼,Have you ever tried these mooncakes?,People usually have a family dinner, and then they eat moon cakes and enjoy the round moon.,When is the Mid-Autum

4、n Festival?,It falls on the 15th day of the 8th Lunar lu:n(r)(阴历的) month, usually in September. This day is also considered as a harvest(收获) festival .,How do Chinese people celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival?,Do you know any traditional folk stories about Mid-Autumn Festival? Tell the class.,Free Ta

5、lk,Change Flies to the Moon,Hou Yi Shoots the suns,Full Moon, Full Feelings,folk goddess whoever steal lay lay out dessert garden tradition admire,adj. 民间的;民俗的 n. 女神 pron. 无论谁;不管什么人 v. 偷;偷窃 v. 放置;安放;产卵; 摆开;放置 n. (饭后)甜点;甜食 n. 花园;园子 n. 传统 v. 欣赏;仰慕,Words and Expressions,3a. Read the passage about Mid-A

6、utumn Festival and answer the questions.,1. How do people celebrate Mid-Autumn Festival? 2. What story is the reading about?,By admiring the moon and sharing mooncakes with their families.,1st readingA3a.mp3,A traditional folk story of Change.,folk story 民间故事 /fuk/,_ Pang Meng tried to steal the med

7、icine. _ A goddess thanked Hou Yi by giving him magic medicine. _ Change refused to give Pang meng the medicine and drank it all. _ Hou Yi shot down the nine suns and saved the people on the earth. _ Hou Yi was very sad and watched the moon at night, and wished his wife could come back. _ As a resul

8、t, Change became light and flew up to the sky. _ Hou Yi planned to drink the medicine with his wife.,2nd reading,Read the passage again. Put the events in the correct order.,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,goddess 女神 /gdes/,steal v. 偷 /sti:l/,1. People like to a_ the full moon on Mid-Autumn night.,2. The story of Cha

9、nge is one of many t_ folk stories.,3. Hou Yi got m_ medicine for shooting down the nine suns.,4. Feng Heng wanted to s_ the medicine.,5. Hou Yi l_ out fruits and desserts in the garden.,Read the passage and fill in the blanks,dmire,raditional,agic,teal,aid,3c,After-reading: Retell the story,wife,sh

10、ot down, saved,goddess, thanked, magic medicine,planned to could live forever,Pang Meng tried to steal,refused, drank light, flew up,sad, watched, wished,Telent show,Ask students to perform the story of Change.,Discussion,What is the main idea of “Full Moon,Full Feelings”?,1. Read the passage “Full Moon, Full Feelings ” again, and write down your ”full feelings” about Mid-autumn Day.(About 100 words) 2. Preview the new words we will use in the next lesson.,Homework,


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