英语人教版九年级全册unit14 sectiona 2a-2c

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《英语人教版九年级全册unit14 sectiona 2a-2c》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《英语人教版九年级全册unit14 sectiona 2a-2c(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit14 2a2d教学设计一、 教材分析在这一单元里,大家一起回忆过去在三年里难忘的人和事,并且一起去畅想美好的未来,一起去回忆我们这美好的三年时光。二、三维目标(一) 知识与技能1. To learn how to describe unforgettable people and things2. To understand the passage on Page 106.3. To learn some expressions.(二) 过程和方法 4. To know how to talk about the past by practicing and role-play. 5.

2、To look back on your last three years.(三) 情感态度和价值观 6. After learning this part, every student will be have a sweet memory of his/her own past three years and will remember these unforgettable memories.三、 教学重点1. How to use the following words and expressions: work out, teaching methods ,take a break2

3、. to understand the passage on Page 106.四、教学难点1. How to use the following words and expressions:work out, teaching methods ,take a break2. to understand the passage on Page 106.3. How to talk about the past.五、教学策略根据本课教学目标和重点内容,教师可采用听,读,小组讨论,角色扮演等活动来引导学生进行学习。六、 教学准备ppt, recorder, mutiple-media七、教学环节1

4、、 课堂导入Step 1 Lead-in1) Show some pictures about your life in the past three years.Discuss whats your special memories in your junior high school.At junior high school, I remember:I once 2) Role-play a conversation in your grou pand talk about your unforgettable people or things.2、 课堂讲授Step 2. Listen

5、ing1)Find answers to 2a2) Master some new words and phrase:Be advised to do sth. /take a break / teaching method3) Listen again, and check the answers.3、 Listen to the tape, check the answers of 2bMaster the using of “medicine, hurt”Step 3 ExercisesTranslate the following words or phrases:1. 被建议做某事2

6、休息一会儿3教学方法4医药5伤害,受伤,疼 Possible answers: be advised to do sth. ,take a break, teaching methods, medicine, hurt4、 课堂活动Step 4 ActivitiesRole-play the conversation on Page 106 and read the dialogue quicklyThe teacher explain the text, some phrase should be mastered:The junior high school, /be patient wi

7、th sb./ guide sb to do sth. /a lot/ take time to do sth. /encourage sb.to do sth. / each of Step 5 ActivitiesAsk two students to act 2d5、 课堂小结Step 6. SummarizeLook back on what we have learned.1.Talk about the memories.2. Useful languages in 2d6、 作业布置Homework : make a conversation with your partner about your most special event in junior high school?八、板书设计(见幻灯片)


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