英语人教版九年级全册unit1 section1a-2d

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1、Unit 1,Section A Period 1 (1a 2d),Lets enjoy a dubbed video(配音作品).,What do you think of this video? Do you like using this way to learn English? How do you study English?,by listening to tapes,How do you study English?,by working with friends,by asking the teacher for help,How do you study English?,

2、by making word cards,by reading story books,How do you study English?,by surfing the Internet,How do you study English?,by keeping a dairy in English,How do you study English?,by going to English Corner,How do you study English?,by taking part in English Speaking Contest,How do you study English?,I

3、study English by ,_ a. by working with friends _ b. by making word cards _ c. by reading the textbook _ d. by listening to tapes _ e. by asking the teacher for help _ _ _,1a Check () the ways you study English. Then add other ways you sometimes study.,by surfing the Internet,by going to English Corn

4、er,by keeping a dairy in English,1b Listen. How do these students study for a test? Write letters from 1a above.,_1. Meiping _2. Peter _3. Tony,d,e,b,Listen again and answer the questions below.,When will they have a test? Why does Tonys mother get mad about him when he listens to tapes?,On Tuesday.

5、,Because she thinks he is listening to music.,PAIR WORK,1c Ask your partner how he or she studies for a test.,How do you study for a test?,I study by working with a group.,listen to tapes every day speak English with your teachers and friends read English every morning read English magazines memoriz

6、e the words of pop songs watch English movies keep a diary in English every day join the English club,I study by .,How do you study for a test?,A: How do you study for a test? B: I study by ,A: How do you study for a test? B: I study by ,A: How do you study for a test? B: I study by ,Do you learn En

7、glish by watching videos? 2. Have you ever practiced English conversations with friends? 3. What about listening to English tapes? 4. What about reading aloud to practice pronunciation? 5. Have you ever studied English with a group?,Free talk,Listen and check ( ) the questions you hear.,Questions 1.

8、 Does anyone learn English by watching videos? 2. Do you have conversations with friends in English? 3. What about listening to tapes? 4. What about reading aloud to practice pronunciation? 5. Have you ever studied with a group?,2a,Listen again. Match each answer below with a question above.,2,5,1,Y

9、es, I have. Ive learned a lot that way. Oh, yes. It really improves my speaking skills. I do that sometimes. I think it helps. No. Its too hard to understand spoken English.,4,2b,Listen again and answer the question below.,What does the girl think of keeping a diary in English?,She thinks that it he

10、lps to write in English every day.,A: Do you learn English by watching movies? B: Yes, its a very interesting way. C: No, its too hard to understand spoken English.,Look and say,A: What about writing letters to a pen pal in America? B: Oh, thats great! It helps me to know a lot about America.,Look a

11、nd say,A: Do you have conversations with friends in English? B: Of course, we can talk about plenty of things like school, pets, movies and our parents.,Look and say,PAIR WORK,Make conversations using the information from 2a and 2b.,A: Have you ever studied with a group?,B: Yes, I have. Ive learned

12、a lot that way.,A: Have you ever studied by ? B: ,watch English videos,A: Have you ever studied by ? B: ,practice conversations with friends,Lets enjoy a video about how to learn English.,Read the conversation between Jack and Annie and answer the questions.,How does Jack feel? Why?,He feels nervous

13、 because he has to finish reading a book and give a report next Monday.,2d,2. What suggestions does Annie give to Jack?,Read quickly to get main ideas. Dont read word by word. Read word groups. Try to guess a words meaning by reading the sentences before and after it.,2d,Role-play the conversation.,

14、1. Do you have good ways to learn English? 2. How can you improve your speaking, listening, reading and writing in English?,Free talk,You can become a very successful learner of English if you follow some basic rules.,1. Relax and enjoy speaking. 2. Learn about how you learn. 3. Learn memory techniq

15、ues. 4. Learn vocabulary systematically. 5. Get motivated: dont put off until tomorrow what you can do today. 6. Immerse yourself. (沉浸、投入其中) 7. Get connected.,Interesting Facts about Languages,There are over 6,900 spoken languages in the world. The population of Europe is about of the whole world, b

16、ut Europeans speak only 234 languages. About 94% of all languages are regularly spoken by just 6% of the population of the world. Most languages are constantly used by less than one thousand native speakers.,KDavid Harrison, a linguist from the Swarthmore College, predicts that by 2050 about 90% of spoken languages will be dead



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