(精品教育)unit 1 winter vacation part b 同步练习1 (3)

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(精品教育)unit 1 winter vacation part b 同步练习1 (3)_第1页
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1、Unit 1 Winter Vacation Part B 同步练习 一、 将左边的图片和右边的单词匹配起来。 1. A. Sun Moon Lake 2. B. parents 3. C. lake 4. D. tour 5. E. chess 二、 英汉互译。 1. hometown _ 2. lake _ 3. 旅行 _ 4. 下棋 _ 5. Sun Moon Lake_ 三、 根据情景选择正确的一项。 1.你想告诉小伙伴你寒假和父母一起去了台湾,你可以说: A. I go to Taiwan with my parents. B. I went to Taiwan with my pa

2、rents. 2.你想知道台湾是不是朋友的故乡,你可以说: A. Is it your hometown? B. Was it your hometown? 3.你想告诉妈妈你进行了小船之旅,你可以说: A. I take a boat tour. B. I took a boat tour. 4.你告诉小伙伴你寒假和爸爸下棋了: A. I play chess with my father. B. I played chess with my father. 5.你想问小伙伴谁是赢家,你可以说: A. Who was the winner? B. Who were the winner? 四

3、、 填空题。 1. I went to Shanghai _ my parents. (介词) 2. _ it your hometown? (is/ are) 3. I took a boat tour _ Sun Moon Lake. (介词) 4. Who _ the winner? (was/ were) 5. I played chess _ my father. (介词) 五、 默写句子。(以过去式) 1.你好,男孩女孩们!你们的寒假过得怎么样? 2.我和我的父母去了澳洲。 3.我拉了小提琴。 4.台湾是王涛的故乡。 5.小湖之旅棒极了。 参考答案: 一、1-5 EABCD 二、1.故乡 2.湖 3.tour 4.chess 5.日月潭 三、1-5 BABBA 四、1.with 2.Is 3.of 4.was 5.日月潭 五、1. Hi, boys and girls! How was your winter vacation? 2. I went to Australia with my parents. 3. I played violin. 4. Taiwan is Wang Taos hometown. 5. The tour of the lake was wonderful.



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