英语人教版九年级全册review of unit 3.ppt

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1、年 级:九年级 版 本:人教2011课标版 学 科:英语 课题名称:Revision of unit 3 教师姓名:王 慧 职 称:一级教师 单 位:新郑市苑陵中学,1.通过速读单词表,能够正确拼读出第3单元出现的高频单词并正确的完成练习; 2.通过小组合作翻译重点短语并强化记忆; 3.巩固对宾语从句用法的掌握; 4.通过对知识的回顾能够熟练地进行会话练习。,学习目标,词汇攻关,挑战第关!,Better to do well than to say well!,1.迷人的;极有吸引力 2.不昂贵的 3.不拥挤的 4.便利的;方便的 5.正确的;恰当的 6.有礼貌的;客气的 7.不礼貌的 8.地

2、下的 9.直接的;直率的,10.中心的;中央的 11.附近的;邻近的 12.东方的;东部的 13.通常的 14.有趣的 15.漂亮的;美丽的 16.安全的 17.干净的 18.拥挤的,Adj.,1.洗手间;公共厕所 2.邮票;印章 3.书店 4.明信片 5.洗手间;浴室 6.管理人员;职工 7.葡萄 8.邮件;信件,9.商场;购物中心 10.职员 11.拐角;角落 12.要求,请求 13.方向 14.发言者 15.地址 16.课程;学科,N.,1.原谅 2.仓促;急促 3.建议;提议 4.邮寄;发电子邮件 5.要求;请求,v.,1. suggest (v.) _(n.)建议 2. choose

3、 (v.) _ (过去式) _(过去分词)选择 _(n.) 选择;抉择 3. help (v. ) (adj. )有益的;有帮助的 4. convenient (adj. )_(n. )方便;便利 _ (反义词)不便利的;不方便的 5.general(adj.) _(adv.) 普遍地;广泛地 _(同义词)广泛地 6. speak (v.) _(过去式) _(过去分词)说,讲 _(n.)说话者,演说家 _(n.)演讲,演说,Have a try!,suggestion,chose,chosen,choice,helpful,convenience,inconvenient,generally,

4、widely,spoke,spoken,speaker,speech,7.direct(adj.)_(adv.)径直地;直接 _(n.)方向;方位 8.center(n.) _(adj.)中心的;中央的 9.east(adj.& adv.) _(adj.)东方的;东部的;朝东的 west _(adj.)西方的;西部的;朝西的 south _(adj.)南方的;南部的;朝南的 north _(adj.)北方的;北部的;朝北的,directly,direction,central,eastern,western,southern,northern,短语梳理,小组合作完成,挑战第关!,Two hea

5、ds are better than one!,1.路过;经过 2.请再说一遍 3.得到一些关于的信息 4.给我买一张报纸 5.给我一些建议 6.沿着新华路一直走 7.在银行旁边 8.引入一个请求 9.去三楼 10.以一个小故事开始 11.承诺好好学习,Phrases,pass by,pardon me,get some information about,buy me a newspaper,give me some advice/suggestions,go along Xinhua Street,beside the bank,lead in to a request,go to the

6、 third floor,start with a small story,promise to study hard,12.建议去购物 13.去图书馆的路上 14.早一点来占座 15.一个吃饭的好地方 16.礼貌的寻求帮助 17.他们使用的表达方式 18.对老师说谢谢 19.花费时间引出一个请求 20.在寻求帮助之前 21.更好的和其他人交流 22.期待你的答复,suggest going shopping,on the way to the library,come a little earlier to get a seat,a good place to eat,ask for hel

7、p politely,the expressions they use,say thanks to teachers,spend time leading in to a request,before asking for help,communicate better with others,look forward to your reply,语法回顾,挑战第关!,Practice makes perfect!,宾语从句三要素:,连 接 词,语 序,时 态,Discuss:,If you want to buy some stamps, but you dont know where to

8、 buy. What will you do?,You can ask some people for help.,Where can I buy stamps ?,Impolite way:,Polite way:,Excuse me, could you please tell me where I can buy stamps?,save money,Could you please tell me _?,where I can save money,Where can I save money?,buy some stamps,Could you please tell me _,wh

9、ere I can buy some stamps?,Where can I buy some stamps?,get a dictionary,Could you please tell me _?,where I can get a dictionary,Where can I get a dictionary?,Could you please tell me _?,buy some writing paper,where I can buy some writing paper,Where can I buy some writing paper?,合并句子,I dont know W

10、here is the post office?,I dont know where the post office is.,2. Can you tell me Why was the train late yesterday?,Can you tell me why the train was late yesterday?,3. I want to know where can I find Mary ?,I want to know where I can find Mary.,4. Could you tell me When did he start playing soccer?

11、,Could you tell me when he started playing soccer?,挑战第关!,Practice makes perfect!,真题演练,1.(2014河南35题) Excuse me, can you tell me _? Sorry, I dont know. You can go to the information desk. A. that there is a train B. when the train leaves C. which train can I take D. where does the train go 2. (2013河南3

12、5题)Miss Lee, I didnt catch what you said. Could you tell me _ again? OK. A. what should we take B. where shall we meet C. when we would start D. how we will get there 3. (2012河南35题) My pen pal from America is coming to visit me. Im thinking about _. A.what present did give her B. how I will give her

13、 a surprise C. Where will we have a big meal D. Whether I planned a trip for her,4.(2011河南35题)I didnt see Laura at the party last night. Do you know_? A. why didnt she come B. what happened C. When would she arrives D. where she has been 5.(2010河南35题)Some of my friends are interested in science, but

14、 none of them can tell_. A. when UFOs will appear next time B. why do horses know the way C. where was this kind of plant found D. how do elephants communicate,挑战第关!,即兴会话,Try your best and believe in yourself.,Home work:,Read the dialogue on the textbook; Review the words of unit 4; Do the exercises on the papers.,Thank you!,



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