英语人教版九年级全册unit 6

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1、Unit 6 When was it invented?,SectionA(3a-3c) An Accidental Invention,A Riddle,It is the most popular drink in the world. It has a long history as 5000years. It was first drunk by a Chinese ruler. What is it ?,An Accidental Invention-tea,Shen Nong,An Accidental Invention-tea,Shen Nong The first perso

2、n who drank and invented tea 5000years ago.,An Accidental Invention-tea,One day Shen Nong was boiling drinking water. Some leaves from a tea plant fell into the water,and it produced a nice smell. ShenNong tasted it ,It was delicious, So tea was invented.,A little story,An Accidental Invention-tea,陆

3、羽(733年804年),字鸿渐,汉族,复州竟陵(今湖北省天门市)人,唐代著名的茶学专家,被誉为“茶仙、茶圣” 陆羽一生嗜茶,精于茶道,以著世界第一部茶叶专著茶经而闻名于世,The saint of tea,An Accidental Invention-tea,茶经是中国乃至世界现存最早、最完整、最全面介绍茶的第一部专著,被誉为茶叶百科全书,唐代陆羽所著。此书是关于茶叶生产的历史、源流、现状、生产技术以及饮茶技艺、茶道原理的综合性论著,是划时代的茶学专著,An Accidental Invention-tea,Cha Jing- It describes how tea plants were grown and used to make tea. It also discuss where the finest tea leaves were produced and what kind of water were used.,



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