英语人教版九年级全册unit 8 section b(2a--2e)

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1、Unit 8 It must belong to Carla.,Section B 2a-2e,T: What is the alien doing while the man is running? S: Its running after the man. T: Are they running at the same time? S: Yes, the alien is running while the man is running. T: You mean not only the alien is running but also the man is running? Is th

2、e man running after the alien or is the alien running after the man? S: The alien is running after the man. T: Do both of them feel scared? S: The man feels scared but the alien doesnt. T: Why does the man feel scared? S: The man feels scared because the alien is running after him. T: Oh, the alien

3、is running after the man, so he feels really scared.,Free talk,Match each linking word or phrases with its purpose.,2a,连词是一种连接词与词、短语与短语以及句与句的虚词, 它不能独立担任句子成分而只起连接作用。 表示前因后果的连词有:so(所以)等; 表示原因的连词有:because, since, as等; 表示意义转折的连词有:but, however, though; not only but also表示递进意义,“不仅而且”; 表示选择关系的连词有:or (或者;还是

4、); 表示两个动作同时进行的连词有:when, while等。,Summary,Stonehenge,Stonehenge - Can Anyone Explain Why It Is There?,英国的巨石阵有着非常久远的历史,多少年来,历代科学家都想弄清楚巨石阵的秘密,但是时至今日没有一人能够如愿,巨石阵成为古人留给今人的一个难解之谜。 巨石阵也叫圆形石林,位于距离伦敦大约公里的一个叫苏尔兹博里的地方,那里的几十块巨石形成一个大圆圈,其中一些石块有六米之高。据估计,这个巨石阵已经在这个一马平川的荒原上矗立几千年了,可是却没有人确切知道当初建造它的目的到底是什么。一些科学家认为,巨石阵是早

5、期英国部落或宗教组织举行仪式的中心。还有一些专家认为,那里是观察天文的地方,很可能在季节变化之际在那里举行各种各样的活动。巨石阵是人类早期留下来的神秘遗迹之一,科学家经过多次详细的考察之后,已经大概估计出它建造的年代和建造过程:巨石阵可能最早在四五千年以前开始动工,整个工程前后进行了数百年,才成为现今的格局。,悬在空中的石头:英国巨石阵,Task 1,Read each paragraph and finish the tasks.,设问导读,Read Para. 1 and answer the questions.,1. What is Stonehenge? 2. What do peo

6、ple think of it? 3. How many visitors does Stone receive every year? 4. Why do people go to Stonehenge in June?,Read Para. 2 and finish the form.,a temple,this cant be true,Stonehenge was built so many centuries ago. The leaders arrived in England much later.,communicate with the gods.,Stonehenge mi

7、ght be _. Other people believe the stones have _. The position of the stones must be for _. Some think it might be _ or a place to _. Others think it was built to _,a kind of calendar.,a medical purpose,a special purpose,a burial place,honor ancestors,celebrate a victory over an enemy,Read Para. 3 a

8、nd finish the sentences.,Read Para. 4 and answer the questions.,1. How old is Stonehenge? 2. What is one of the greatest mysteries of Stonehenge? Why? 3. Who built Stonehenge?,2c,and complete the chart.,Who built it? What was it used for?/ Why was it built? How was it built?,as a temple where ancien

9、t leaders tried to communicate with the gods a kind of calendar have a medical purpose might be a burial place or a place to honor ancestors celebrate a victory over an enemy,Task 2,Task 3,Choose the best answer according to the article.,自我检测,Complete the sentences using the words from the chart in

10、2a on page 62.,2d,Task 4,Choose the best answer.,1. Not only the students but also Miss Wang _to the Great Wall. A. has been B. are going C. have been D. have gone,2. The movie is _interesting _educational. I dont want to watch it. A. neither; nor B. both; and C. not only; but also D. either; or,巩固训

11、练,3. Mr. Wang _ the danger of doing so. A. came out B. pointed out C. worked out D. gave out,4. With the help of his friends, he changed a lot. Maybe thats the _ of friendship. A. station B. energy C. decision D. invention,5. My parents always _ me (from) talking with my friends online. If we do lik

12、e that, we will be punished. A. want B. prevent C. ask D. allow,6. She is looking forward to _ a special gift from her parents on Childrens Day. A. receiving B. receive C. accept D. accepting,7. He gave me some flowers, but I didnt _ them. A. accept B. receive C. accepted,Read the sentences below, t

13、hen fill in the blanks with the linking words.,It was snowing, _ I could not go out. I study hard _ I want to learn well. The watch was cheap, _ it goes quite well. We all tried our best. _, we lost the game.,so,because,but,However,5. _ the task was difficult, they managed to finish it on time. 6. W

14、e must _ finish our task _ do it well. 7. You can go by air _ by train. 8. I was reading a magazine _ he came in. 9. _ Mary was writing a letter, the children were playing outside.,Though,not only,but also,or,when,While,拓展探究,Can you think of any other mysteries, either in China or another part of the world? Please find some information on the Internet. Then write it down: What do you know about these mysteries? What is mysterious about them?,Thank you!,


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