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1、八年级英语(上) Unit 1一单词151 term n 学期 2. publish v出版,发行 3. editor n 编辑 4. suggest (suggestion) v(n)建议,提议 5. secretary n秘书 6. free adj 免费的 7. pay (paid) v付费 8. consider v考虑 9. activity n活动 10. nervous adj紧张的11. confidence n 自信心 12. return v归还,返回 13. lonely n 孤单的 14. polite adj有礼貌的 15march n 齐步走16circle n 圈

2、,圆形17include v. 包括18speech n 演说,发言19editor n 编辑20fan n 迷,狂热爱好者;风扇21band n 乐队22. library n 图书馆23. member n 成员24. pleased adj. 高兴的25. design n设计26. break n 课间休息,暂停27. department n 部门28. ever adv. 从来29. list n 清单,目录30. air n 天空,空中二短语1 take charge of 主管,掌管 2. vote for 投票赞成 3. take notes 记录 4. be respons

3、ible for 负责 5. talk over 详谈 6. make a list of 把.列成清单 7. be free for 对.免费 8. for free 免费 9. make a decision about 对.作出决定10. in one weeks time 一周后 11. a copy of 一份 12. believe in oneself 相信自己 13. keep fit 保持健康14. have the habit of 有.的习惯15. try ones best 尽力16. get on well 相处得好 17. for this reason 因为这样三

4、重点句型1. It is important to know your readers opinion. 句型: It is + adj +(for sb) to do sth 做某事对某人来说2. sb. pay (money) for sth. 某人付钱买3. I started taking notes. 我开始做记录。 take notes 意思是“记录;做笔记”。 例句: He took notes of every word the teachers said in class. 他把课堂上老师说的每句都记录下来。4Should it be free for readers, or

5、 should they pay for it? 读者是免费阅读报纸呢,还是应该付费。  be free for sb 对某人免费。 例句:The drink is free for all passengers. 饮料免费供给乘客。四段落/文章(A)Then Joyce took charge of the meeting. She said, “We ought to elect a secretary now.” She asked for suggestions.Jessica said, “Ben should be the secretary, because he ha

6、s experience too. He was the secretary of the Music Club last year.”Then the others voted for me. They elected me to be the secretary. I started taking notes.Joyce said, “Lucy, Tony and Jessica, you will be editors of the paper. You will be responsible for different sections of the paper.”Lucy asked

7、, “Which sections will we have?”Joyce said, “Talk it over among yourselves. We will decide at the next meeting.”(B)Ben Where do you get a copy of the newspaper?Liu Mei Well, I usually try to get one for free from outside the library, but sometimes I borrow one from a friend.Ben Is there anything tha

8、t you dont like about the newspaper?Liu Mei Well, if possible, Id like it to have one more section about school life in foreign countries.Ben Thanks for your opinions. They have helped a lot(C)After that, we took part in some activities. There were nineteen game stalls around the park. Each stall ha

9、d a different game in it. I played at one of the stalls. In the game, people tried to throw table tennis balls into big jars. It was good fun.I also had time to run around and look at the other stalls. At the end of the day, we sat in pairs and sang some songs. It was wonderful to see so many friend

10、s together. I really enjoyed that dayUnit 2一单词1murder 谋杀 v2. suspect嫌疑犯 n3. enemy 敌人 n4. jeans 牛仔裤 n5. case 调查的案件 n 6. death死亡 n7. manager 经理 n8. ticket 票 n9. centre 中心 n10. detective 警探 n11. mark迹象 n12. clerk 职员 n13 jacket 夹克衫 n14. mud 泥 n15. vase 花瓶 n16. admit 承认 v 17. enter进来 v18. refuse 拒绝 v19.

11、invite 邀请 v 20. mean 意味着 v21. spell 拼写 v22. necklace 项链 n 23. notice注意到 24. guilty有过失的 25. rather非常二短语1. at the back of 在的后部 2. at the front 在前部 3. at the time of在期间是 4. as well as除之外(还) 5. admit doing sth. 承认做某事 6. be angry with (someone) 生某人的气 7. behind bars 坐牢 8. breakdown打倒(砸破)9. break into强行闯入

12、10. by underground乘地铁11. bump into someone/something碰/撞上某人或某物 12. deny doing sth. 否认做某事13. from a distance 从远处 14. get away逃离15. go in进入 16. go to jail 进监狱17. in addition to除以外(还) 18. instead of代替19. kill oneself 自杀 20. knock at敲(门窗)21. lose money输钱/亏损 22. no longer 不再 23. not at all 一点也不 24. refuse

13、 to(do something)拒绝做谋事25. say goodnight to (someone)向某人道晚26. take away 拿走27. the sameas和同样的 28 work as 从事三重点句型1. They both denied stealing the vase, but I noticed Jill wearing a black pearl necklace. 他们俩都不承认偷了那个花瓶,但我注意到Jill戴着一条黑色珍珠项链。 deny sth/doing sth 否认,不承认(做某事) He denied stealing my money. 他不承认偷了我的钱。2. I was right -it did make her happy, 我是对的-那确实使她开心。 助动词do/does/did + V-原形 表示强调:“确实是“ I do like this hat. 我确实喜欢这顶帽子。3. I left the window in the room open because of the smoke from the fire. 我让房间的窗户开着是因为壁炉的烟。 leave s


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