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1、Unit 1 Access to success Listening to the world Sharing Scripts V = Val; M1 = Man 1, etc.; W1 = Woman 1, etc. Part 1 V: Hi. There are a lot of things that Id like to do but Ive never done before. Im not really a daredevil, so things like bungee jumping are not really my cup of tea, but I do know tha

2、t trying new things makes you feel good. Today, Im going to talk to people about trying new things and achievement. How do you feel about trying new things? Part 2 M1: Im up for trying new things. Depends what they are, obviously, um, some things I wouldnt try, but Id give most things a go. M2: I al

3、ways enjoy trying new things. I like to meet new people and, try new food, see new places, see different things. Its always nice to see that. W1: I love to try new things. I love to travel. W2: If you try new things, you get more out of life, I think. M3: Im always up for new things. I love travelin

4、g; I love trying exotic new foods, all that sort of stuff; seeing new cultures. Part 3 V: What stops you from trying new things? W2: Fear, probably. M2: Time and money complicates trying new things. Its hard to find time to travel and its hard to afford enough money to travel as well. M1: Er, I supp

5、ose, if it was dangerous and I could get injured. M3: Probably, at the moment, school I dont have a lot of time; Ive got a lot of work. Money, as well. W1: If its very dangerous; or if my stomach just cant handle it; or if I dont have money. Part 4 V: What have you achieved in your life that makes y

6、ou feel proud? M2: Im very proud that I was able to go to Ethiopia and build houses for people who needed it. And, being a part of that team was really special to me. M1: Ive written plays and people come to see the plays and enjoyed them. And um, Ive gone out and performed in front of, er, I suppos

7、e, thousands of people now and theyve laughed. W1: I guess um, finishing school, um, with a high level and so far not a lot but Ive learnt French better than I thought I would, so, Im proud of that, I guess. Im still learning. M3: Probably proudest achievement is getting A grades in my end-of-year e

8、xams helping me to get a place in university. W2: Well, I feel that Ive become er, quite a good person and I guess Im proud of that. Part 5 V: Who do you admire for their achievements and why? M3: Probably business leaders such as Richard Branson um, as he started off, you know as, as hardly anythin

9、g and then he built a huge business empire and hes a multimillionaire. W1: I admire my grandmother, actually. Shes not around anymore, but she was a teacher like I want to be and she taught me so much about life. M1: Nelson Mandela, I admire him a lot because er, not only because he was imprisoned,

10、which er, and he survived that for many years and wasnt bitter. When he came out of prison, I was more impressed with him becoming Prime . you know, leading South Africa and holding the country together and changing a country. Not many people er, have the ability or the skills to do that. Listening

11、Scripts T = Tim; J = John; P = Peggy T: So what about your memory, Peggy? How good is it? P: Its OK, which is lucky cause I need to remember lots of things. J: Like what? P: Well, Im a sales rep for a publishing company so Im usually out visiting schools, trying to sell books. J: So you need to reme

12、mber . what exactly? P: Oh, lots of things. The worst thing when I started was just trying to remember how to get to these schools in my car. I used to get lost all the time. Im not very good at directions. Then once youre there you have to remember the names and faces of the people youre talking to

13、. I once spent a whole hour calling this woman Sally when her name was Samantha. T: And she didnt tell you? P: For some reason she didnt tell me. And then theres all the product information. J: Product information? What, the books? P: Yes. We sell about 500 different books and I have to know the dif

14、ference between all of them. I mean, it gets easier, thank goodness, but I still make mistakes occasionally. What about you, John? Youre an actor, right? J: Yeah. The main thing I have to remember is my lines. Fortunately, Ive got a good memory for words, and I dont find it that hard to memorize the

15、m. So, I mean, yeah. And the other thing you have to remember when youre in the theater is the er, blocking. T: Whats that? J: Blocking? Its er, its where you stand or, or move to, you know? Er, like, when you say your words you might have to walk quickly across the stage or move in front of someone

16、. Its all planned and er, you have to remember it. T: Oh, I see. J: But its funny: For, for other things I have a terrible memory. Im totally useless. I always forget birthdays and dates. Im always late for things. Its just . yeah . luckily, Im OK with my lines. P: What about you, Tim? T: Im probably the same as all other students. At least all other history students. I have to memorize dates and also names. But its not that di



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